Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

So basically people been speculating that Kang is going to be the big baddie for everyone, but he was killed and defeated, instead of introducing us the main Kang the conqueror, they introduced some pussy variant and disposed of him in same movie.

Which means there will be more variants of Kangs, and its going to be the same actor that has to act a little bit differently, which sounds like CW level of quality.


Devidose 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why are there so many ellipses in that title? >.<

Devidose 3 points ago +3 / -0

in 'Jacinda Ardern Moment'

That is not the endorsement they think it is.

Devidose 24 points ago +24 / -0

Because normies don't know about that.

Devidose 3 points ago +3 / -0

that came out in 1983.

I remember that, with the weird chick Golgo bangs then she tries to run him down on a horse on the beach or the business man who was the main antagonist after Golgo killed his son. IIRC there's a phone call the business man takes where the other end of the line flat out states they were the ones who killed JFK because of what the business man told them to do. Had a good twist about the son, though.

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sums of the recent Eternals run. Art was dog shit with horrific expressions and faces in general which included a spectacular version of Carol Danvers who looked like an 80 year old dude.

Devidose 6 points ago +6 / -0

Before TiA was nuked my flair for that sub was:

Trainkin, my pronouns are "choo/choo/motherfucker"

Good times, but as always those subs never last these days.

Devidose 3 points ago +3 / -0

Only for a few "super diverse" cities in England like London, Birmingham, probably Manchester, and then places like Bradford, Rochester, Milton Keynes, and some other places in the Midlands.

Ireland is more likely to blow you up, Wales won't even realise you are there and you'll probably get lost and ~~ burned~~ never be seen again anyway if you wander outside of the main actual cities, which Scotland will possnly stab you of you visit Glasgow, glass you anywhere else, but mostly for football related reasons and/or drinking reasons.

Remember, if you are ever in Glasgow and someone asks what football team you support you reply with "Partick Thistle" because the worst thing anyone will do is mock you. Answer either Celtic or Rangers and you might get jumped and actually stabbed.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Genuinely feels like they're just quoting the first Raimi Spider-Man film as that line is more or less said during the bridge battle between Spider-Man and Green Goblin because of how close to 9/11 the release was. Originally promo material included Spider-Man webbing a helicopter between the twin towers but that was scrubbed almost everywhere after the obvious.

The only reference to the towers that was left after were limited promo shots where the towers could be seen in the reflections of the mask eye lenses.

by folx
Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

That "laugh at them/kill them" thing has been in a lot of TV shows recently to the point it feels very manufactured.

Legion series 3 had Sydney tell it to David/Legion in the first episode for some random reason, although considering the various characters in that show Syd was possibly the most pants on head retarded.

For example at one point Syd is talking to her younger self and the topic of the time young Syd sexualy assaulted her mother's date/boyfriend comes up. Background info is Syd had the power to become someone for a while and so "swaps bodies" with her mother, climbs into the shower with the date, and has sex with him. During this the date turns her around so she is facing away from him and the younger Syd asks why he did this.

Ignoring the whole point about how she deceives the date about who she really is, which then gets turned around on him after somehow, when you are both standing up, in a shower or otherwise, the anatomical and mechanical requirements for sex mean that a position where the woman is facing away from the man are needed. Because otherwise penetration isn't very likely to happen. Instead this gets explained away as men treating women in certain ways, rather tha than the truth of Syd being a complete moron, which is a running theme in the show.

Another example deals with how the show ends. Pretty much everything bad that happened to David/Legion is due to a very shitty childhood where his father, Charles Xavier, wasn't around. So to fix things time travel happens and this gets changed. While this does at least change David's life, for better or worse we never find out, it does absolutely nothing for Syd who only met David when he was 30 or something after he entered a mental hospital.

Syd still grows up to be a moron. She still fucks her mother's date. She probably still ends up in the mental hospital except this time David won't be there to help her get out!

But as I said, Syd being a moron is a running theme in the show so having her spout that laugh/kill line is perfectly in character because it's pants on head retarded.

Devidose 3 points ago +5 / -2

NFL goes full feminism, but I doubt anyone cares about it anymore.

posted 6 hours ago

You sure didn't until someone specifically told you about it. Almost feels like manufactured rage this time.


Mpetey123 [S] 7 hours ago

Imp did you see the women's commercial during halftime

TheImpossible1 7 hours ago

No, I don't watch handegg

Devidose 3 points ago +3 / -0

Armed with what? Cricket bats? That's about the best you can manage for a widespread option in most of the UK these days and it means sweet fuck all vs the government armed forces, be that the actual Armed Forces or just specialist divisions of the police.

The plebs already have dwindling options to protest and while numbers can help during riots there are as always going to be opportunitists who simply take advantage of things so they can loot. Be that actual looters during the riots or companies that swoop in and buy up places that no longer have the ability to cover the increases in insurance or have been burned to the ground and are now spots of land to develop into more ugly flats which will charge extortionate rates in rent.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

The EU essentially had subsidised farmers heavily, with Brexit happening that ends in the UK. Not just that but the EU farmers still have the subsidiary so they can lower the cost of their produce like pigs and undercut UK farmers in price.

I think this is why lamb from Australia of all places ends up being cheaper to buy than that grown in the actual UK, despite being on the literal other side of the planet.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Jfc the copium you're huffing ITT is beyond anything I've ever seen in your 2/3 years sperging on this site.

Really feels like a mask off moment given how badly you're reacting to this game in terms of the sheer volume of posts you're making trying to explain things away when all you're doing is further demonstrating how unhinged you are.

Devidose 3 points ago +4 / -1

So that's Liverpool excluded for better or worse.

Devidose 8 points ago +8 / -0

God dammit, this does not bring joy for my current Stellaris games where I'm playing Necroid empires because it's absurdly OP and deals with several of my pet peeves about the AI being pants on head retarded.

For those wondering Necroids are things like vampires that "consume" other sentiments in order to reproduce, converting a population from one species to another. This makes it a great way to remove shit species from the game while also increasing your own populations.

Endless Space 2 has a version of this with the Vodyani empire.

Devidose 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh boy do I have a creepypasta for you regarding all the skin cells from other people on your food from cooking and handling! 🍳

Disclaimer: I don't actually have a creepypasta about this but it is both a thing and so likely had a creepypasta about it already anyway.

Devidose 8 points ago +8 / -0

crylac nails

Ugh, I don't even like natural nails that are slightly long, the fuck would I want artificial ones for instead? 🤢

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