Vivs3rdSock 7 points ago +7 / -0

the worst experiences a person can (realistically) suffer

Being Anthony Burch.

Vivs3rdSock 10 points ago +10 / -0

"Well if my grandma said such-and-such then it's true. Period."

Funny, could have sworn they were against racist grandparents just a few years ago 🙄

Vivs3rdSock 4 points ago +5 / -1

Guy needs to pick a lane.

Maybe, sometimes a cold bucket of water is needed to rouse those becoming too negligent about themselves and ending up full horseshoe.

Vivs3rdSock 8 points ago +8 / -0

Does it matter? Best game Rare did was the original Perfect Dark in 2000 and only because it was more or less a complete step up from the vastly popular Goldeneye from 1997, but with added bots so you could do more. All of which happened before Microsoft bought them in 2002. The sequel in 2005, Perfect Dark Zero, was shit.

Vivs3rdSock 5 points ago +5 / -0

"The natural deicision!"

Vivs3rdSock 11 points ago +11 / -0

the chef's kiss article a claim from some chic on tiktok claiming he fucked a male cheerleader in college.

So the woke response is either slander/defamation or shaming gay men? Oh boy, I hope that one gets picked up by all the dumbest people rallying behind this story because the backlash by their pets would be glorious.

Vivs3rdSock 27 points ago +27 / -0

They are dumb enough to try and claim that unironically without then realising how easy the followup response is.

98% of gamers are bipoc transwymxn of colur

"So all the sexism, threats, and racism is coming from them, right?" 🤡

Vivs3rdSock 14 points ago +14 / -0

This is the message of the comic


We both know that it is true.


Remember how you often deal with rule 12 reports?

This is an opinion.

That's what you're doing here.

Vivs3rdSock 10 points ago +10 / -0

I am an incredibly strong person

[x] Doubt


There it is.

Vivs3rdSock 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh, is the writer back? Because that's the same writer who got that twitter account to self delete after the backlash last week.

blames white men for drop in views

drop in views is a good thing

unintentionally praising white men

kek, brainlets.

Also, yet again the Woke Left erase women's agency by solely placing this event at the feet of white men. No no women at all are [allowed] to disagree with this because everyone knows women are such a single minded entity they never disagree with each other 🙄

I mean, the whole hivemind is sort of true, but the passive-aggressive backstabbing still goes on in private as any moves made against another can't be done publicly otherwise there might be, shock and horror, consequences!

Vivs3rdSock 9 points ago +9 / -0

These accounts aren't new though, he's just been sitting on them until now. This one is 310 days old! The actual insanity it takes to set up that many sleeper accounts just so you can sperg for 3 days while the only mod is out for smokes is unreal.

Vivs3rdSock 6 points ago +6 / -0

Considering that's Tom Holland this might just need the Bone Saw meme treatment from the first Toby Maguire movie. Except instead of Randy Savage as the opponent it's Savage Randy there.

Vivs3rdSock 7 points ago +7 / -0

Tom Holland in yet another IR casting he's probably contractually obliged with.

Vivs3rdSock 16 points ago +16 / -0

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

Asking questions is verboten.

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