Vivs3rdSock 3 points ago +3 / -0

After the two people attacked said knife wielder in the first place, going by other comments on the site.

Vivs3rdSock 11 points ago +12 / -1

Yeah, no.

Young boys are routinely, and often culturally raped by many man like that.

Young girls are routinely, and frequently culturally married then raped by many men like that.

Vivs3rdSock 15 points ago +15 / -0


Look up pics of him from the last few years, doesn't look anything like you would expect which isn't surprising given the advanced age but still quite a shocking change.

Vivs3rdSock 14 points ago +15 / -1

One thing I've never really understood about reddit is how users and moderators get so incredibly offended by posts or comments that don't reflect their own opinion or worldview, as if they've been personally insulted.

Because it's literally all they have so it is personal.

Vivs3rdSock 45 points ago +46 / -1

I tried to hard to stay unbiased

[x] Doubt

I have been in contact with many mods


you are the MINORITY

Again Trump won the popular vote, so this continues to be a flat out lie.

You don't get American rights.

Not your decision to make, but always nice to see how much someone is full of themself.

You don't support the constitution, so in following with your beliefs, you won't be given any liberties by me.


You do not get the right to spread misinformation.

Literally already happened earlier in the rant with the minority thing.

You do not get the right to harm people by inciting violence against groups.

Which this rant likely does.

You do not get the right to promote lies.

Again, this rant already does that.

lol, lmao this mod is unsurprisingly retarded.

Vivs3rdSock 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have no idea what nurses do outside my personal interaction with them.

Covid showed us they dance on Tiktok.

Vivs3rdSock 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hopefully (a fools hope, unfortunately) they will realize that the gamers don't want what they're peddling and they start making changes.

For a moment let's say that actually happens, here's the $CurrentProblem that still exists: These games are taking the better part of a decade to produce so any brand new, fresh creation started this year won't be seen until 2030.

Now maybe these length development times are part of the shitshow, but even if they are not it's still taking forever for many games to come out and so they end up eons behind the cultural curve which is why so many releases now and still DEI infested plagueships finally coming into harbour and with some literally being sunk before they reach ground.

Vivs3rdSock 6 points ago +6 / -0

A 33 year old German public official and member of the far left open borders Greens had a sexual affair with a 17yo migrant (Muslim/Turkish based on the name).

Fuck around.

The migrant then blackmailed her with video recordings. A second perp held her captive and raped her while the original perp went to the bank to get money from her account.

Find out.

Vivs3rdSock 11 points ago +11 / -0

Rainbows have 7 colours, that flag only has 6. Literally a no true rainbow.

Vivs3rdSock 7 points ago +7 / -0

Happened long before that, Nazi uniform was a fairly frequent costume party piece, including by British royalty.

Vivs3rdSock 7 points ago +7 / -0

censored free speech, disarmed the populace, euthanized disabled people, imprisoned political dissidents, and started a two-front war that left the entire country in ruins.

Ironically a lot of those things either trace back to the USA, like the euthanasia point, or predict it, like various (D)ifferent attempts to censor speech, disarm people, imprison J6ers, and start multiple wars while often bankrolling all the sides at the same time!

Vivs3rdSock 54 points ago +54 / -0

We the people

Voted by majority for Trump, you retard. Welcome to democracy.

Vivs3rdSock 19 points ago +19 / -0

imagine being so bad at running you have to cheat and compete against women

imagine almost losing to a 12 year old girl

imagine all the other women in the higher age brackets also losing to the 12 year old girl!

lol, lmao

Vivs3rdSock 11 points ago +11 / -0

Who knew all it would take for a return to actual small government [Republicans] was a complete shitshow of a uniparty and then a former Democrat running as a Republican thrice.

Vivs3rdSock 11 points ago +11 / -0

Fun fact, even if you blind squirrels from birth they will still hibernate at the appropriate time of the year.

If you are wondering, yes the experiment to confirm this did indeed require blinding newborn baby squirrels and then observing them throughout their life.

Vivs3rdSock 7 points ago +7 / -0

kangaroo titties

Wut? Kangaroos don't have tits, they're marsupials.

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