Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

You posted this 2 weeks ago.

Devidose 13 points ago +13 / -0

Cloaked? 🤔

Devidose 45 points ago +45 / -0

The perpetrators turned out to be incompatible with the narrative. 👊🏿

Devidose 12 points ago +12 / -0

Community death is what happened to WoW with the introduction of LFG at the end of Wrath of the Lich King. Cataclysm adding LFR just cemented the issue.

Before either you were only ever going to interact with those on your server, so anyone who fucked around would soon find out a reputation of their actions would follow them about.

Be a twat in dungeons, you'd start getting blacklisted by various guilds.

Spam chat channels and harass others, you'd end up on a lot of ignore lists.

LFG however meant you could join 4 randoms you might never, ever see again no matter how long you all played so why bother being polite when the prisoner's dilemma was presented? While many issues have been addressed over the years there are still many present as there is only so much the devs can do to avoid the implemented fixes from then also being abused

The less said about Looking For Retards the better because even for something that is meant to be the ultimate easy mode in WoW there are still far too many that can and will fuck it up.

Devidose 8 points ago +8 / -0

That issue has now passed, as has he for the first time ever.

Devidose 26 points ago +26 / -0

Reminds me of a Blackadder quote from the second series,

Crone: Two things, my lord, must thee know of the Wisewoman. First, she is ... a woman! ...and second, she is ...

Edmund: Wise?

Crone: You do know her then?

Edmund: No, just a wild stab in the dark which is incidentally what you'll be getting if you don't start being a bit more helpful.

Devidose 6 points ago +6 / -0

One time during the Olympics half the GB team turned out to be Scottish. Which isn't that surprising when there's fuck all to do up here so in addition to people taking up a hobby that might lead to professional competitions, many also simply leave for better opportunities elsewhere, even when that might simply be the Central Belt or some of the larger cities in England.

Devidose 15 points ago +15 / -0

The USA was engaging in eugenics programs like that around the turn of the 20th century, actively sterilising individuals who were considered ill suited to reproduce, and actually acted as an inspiration for what later happened in Germany 4 decades later. Such characteristics included those who were mentally retarded, physically disabled, and generally provided no benefit to society.

Nowadays those serve as recruitment policies 🙄

Devidose 11 points ago +11 / -0

Witcher 3 and The Last of Us both fall under that category.

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

She's lucky in that case, many who OD on pills but get caught quickly enough still end up with a ruined liver, drastically shorter lifespan, and crippling pain if the kidneys also go. And someone who ODs doesn't get put on transplant lists.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

She also has poor awareness and/or balance as there are bts clips of her falling off that stage in Scott Pilgrim when she's up with her band. Brandon Routh can even be seen trying to make a quick dash to catch her but she's too far from anyone for it to count.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Or better yet, stop using Galactus and his heralds, there are a lot of other options a FF story could go with but the studios are hellbent on using either Galactus/Silver Surfer or Doom.

Devidose 6 points ago +6 / -0

Doom was overused in the second and Galactus was handled even worse, but they were still good, cheesy films.

And I don't care what others think, practical effects for The Thing made for a better result than yet more bad cgi and actors looking at nothing or a floating tennis ball on a stick.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Part of the problem with doing a Fantastic Four movie is the general audience knows fuck all about the series other than Doom and Galactus. In the four most recent movies of this family there will now be two+ that were about Doom and two that were about Galactus because nobody gives a shit about Mole Man, Puppet Master, Annihilus the Negative Zone and the Annihilation Wave, or any other FF villain.

The best thing a reboot should do is start small with a street level villain like Puppet Master because that not only let's the story introduce Alicia, but also permits mind control for the family to fight each other as the big draw of hero stories is always when they fight each other, not whatever villain is showing up this issue/week/event. That's why the first Avengers movie was as successful as it was, the team fight each other more than the villains, and mind control only happens for a few of those fights.

End the first film teasing the next while also escalating the threat, but for the sake of Stan Lee's mustache stop doing origin movies that also immediately jump to literal cosmic level threats. It just means everything that comes after is lackluster and the MCU shows this with everything that happens after Endgame and Thanos.

Devidose 13 points ago +13 / -0

I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I've always found this sort of thing fascinating. Insects in general but also the specifics of behavior altering stimuli such as cordyceps fungi. The fact some cicada can lose their entire abdomen to fungal infection and get turned into flying spore dispersal canisters is an incredible mechanical and evolutionary feat.

Devidose 11 points ago +11 / -0

Oh, are the 13 year and 17 year cycles overlapping for once? Only happens once every 221 years and given individually the resulting swarms literally blanket forest floors I'm genuinely interested in seeing this and wish I could see it in person.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

Does her liver still work?

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