seven settlements and everything outside of them is a wasteland
Lol, do they not realise how much worse this continues to make Korra?
This new girl is assumedly the next part of the Avatar cycle, since Earth follows Water and is then followed by Fire, so she is born into the world Korra leaves. Why are there only seven settlements now? Why is everything else a wasteland? What did Korra do, or not do, that led to this situation?
Korra was born into a world of unprecedented peace because Aang ended the Hundred Year War by defeating Firelord Oozai and brought everyone together forming Union City, which Korra later helped destroy of course.
Aang was born into a world on the brink of war because Roku, the previous Fire Avatar, failed to stop Sozin who knew the Avatar was the only person who could be a threat to him so preemptively struck first at the Air Nomads to remove that threat first.
They really can't help themselves making things even worse when trying to create a hook for an audience 🤣
How hard are they going to try and play the nostalgia card this time because unlike the last time there isn't going to be any chance of recurring characters unless suddenly everyone special ends up being the grandchild of characters from the Korra series, which still doesn't mean that much other than excluding any possibility of there being blood descendents of Korra after she was retconned to be bi. Or will they retcon that again and write off Asami so there are in fact descendents? 🤔
Also that prosthetic leg means a significantly diminished ability to feel vibrations through the ground as per Toph, Aang, Korra, and multiple other characters who learned that way from the Badger Moles, so yet again already setting up problems just for the sake of DEIversity... 🙄
And it's not just the peace and prosperity Korra squandered, but the technological advancement. TLA was feudal era with strategic use of steam engines and dirigibles spearheaded by the Fire Nation. Korra took place in a fully industrialized society with radios and silent film, automobiles and airplanes. I'm just going to ignore the 200 foot walking robot that fired a doom laser, that didn't happen.
Lol, do they not realise how much worse this continues to make Korra?
This new girl is assumedly the next part of the Avatar cycle, since Earth follows Water and is then followed by Fire, so she is born into the world Korra leaves. Why are there only seven settlements now? Why is everything else a wasteland? What did Korra do, or not do, that led to this situation?
Korra was born into a world of unprecedented peace because Aang ended the Hundred Year War by defeating Firelord Oozai and brought everyone together forming Union City, which Korra later helped destroy of course.
Aang was born into a world on the brink of war because Roku, the previous Fire Avatar, failed to stop Sozin who knew the Avatar was the only person who could be a threat to him so preemptively struck first at the Air Nomads to remove that threat first.
They really can't help themselves making things even worse when trying to create a hook for an audience 🤣
How hard are they going to try and play the nostalgia card this time because unlike the last time there isn't going to be any chance of recurring characters unless suddenly everyone special ends up being the grandchild of characters from the Korra series, which still doesn't mean that much other than excluding any possibility of there being blood descendents of Korra after she was retconned to be bi. Or will they retcon that again and write off Asami so there are in fact descendents? 🤔
Also that prosthetic leg means a significantly diminished ability to feel vibrations through the ground as per Toph, Aang, Korra, and multiple other characters who learned that way from the Badger Moles, so yet again already setting up problems just for the sake of DEIversity... 🙄
And it's not just the peace and prosperity Korra squandered, but the technological advancement. TLA was feudal era with strategic use of steam engines and dirigibles spearheaded by the Fire Nation. Korra took place in a fully industrialized society with radios and silent film, automobiles and airplanes. I'm just going to ignore the 200 foot walking robot that fired a doom laser, that didn't happen.
It made a lovely sound, though.
Actually the leg is so shoddy you can feel vibrations from the other side of the world. True story.
Literally shaking!