Anyone notice any websites not working at all today for any lengths of time? Several of the larger and most active have had some issues working today either fully or even just partially.

Twitter appears to have gone down given a #Twitterdown hashtag that is trending.

4chan was frozen for over 6 hours with no ability to receive new posts from anyone. While some boards and threads can last days the litmus test for whether 4chan is active is the cesspit known as /b/, the random board. /b/ is that nonstop you will never see the most recent active thread with a last post more than a minute old. So for it to hit 1 hour means something ia quite wrong. For it to hit 6 hours means something is very wrong .

Anyone notice any others failing to perform ?


Has the site layout changed in the last 12 hours or so?

Used to see my own username and vote counts when browsing which would also serve as a link to my own profile, however that's been removed/replaced and now needs the left swipe sidebar navigation for that purpose - which doesn't always work, meaning it's not only a far less visible option but also far less effective.

There's nothing in the last 2 weeks on the changelog win [unless I've misunderstood what that is meant to be], and given this wasn't an issue the last time I checked here on mobile [under 14 hours as I remember checking a thread that is now that old] something seems to have changed with no notification.