This seems like very standard and expected Oglaf material. Though I haven't kept up in the last many years. I think it seems based because webcomics have become personal diatribes of extremely shitty politics and attempts to win the twitter arguments they lost yesterday in comic form. Like watching any movie before 2018 now, it's all so shockingly alien in its normalcy.
CAD ended with Ethan being taken to the future by his future self to warn that the second robot he built as a companion to Zeke would return and cause a robot uprising and apocalypse.
However it all turns to shit because the surviving humans know it's all Ethan's fault so when they see the past version they capture him not realising it's the wrong one. Future Ethan can't really free his past self so attempts to go back though the time portal he originally created to fix things but gets shot in the head and killed just before he manages to enter the portal. Portal then goes batshit crazy, possibly because nobody is regulating it anymore, and past Ethan, who is now free, attempts to stop it exploding.
Ethan is never seen again.
His best friend eventually has a kid who he names after Ethan, and Lilah, Ethan's gf and the girl in the Loss comic :.|:;, has to move on with her life as a pro gamer girl since Ethan managed one final fuck up and removed himself from his own timeline.
It's not the same kind of stupidity as Loss but it was certainly a dumpsterfire of its own.
This seems like very standard and expected Oglaf material. Though I haven't kept up in the last many years. I think it seems based because webcomics have become personal diatribes of extremely shitty politics and attempts to win the twitter arguments they lost yesterday in comic form. Like watching any movie before 2018 now, it's all so shockingly alien in its normalcy.
Whatever happened to the one where the loss meme came from? I remember reading that until that point and just dropping it.
CAD ended with Ethan being taken to the future by his future self to warn that the second robot he built as a companion to Zeke would return and cause a robot uprising and apocalypse.
However it all turns to shit because the surviving humans know it's all Ethan's fault so when they see the past version they capture him not realising it's the wrong one. Future Ethan can't really free his past self so attempts to go back though the time portal he originally created to fix things but gets shot in the head and killed just before he manages to enter the portal. Portal then goes batshit crazy, possibly because nobody is regulating it anymore, and past Ethan, who is now free, attempts to stop it exploding.
Ethan is never seen again.
His best friend eventually has a kid who he names after Ethan, and Lilah, Ethan's gf and the girl in the Loss comic
:.|:;, has to move on with her life as a pro gamer girl since Ethan managed one final fuck up and removed himself from his own timeline.It's not the same kind of stupidity as Loss but it was certainly a dumpsterfire of its own.