Decrixxx 5 points ago +5 / -0

I will make a guide in a few days

Decrixxx 15 points ago +15 / -0

Can't have all white dudes in FBI when you have to wage war onto white dudes.

The fewer white dudes in FBI you have, the more your chances of victory nosedive

you seem to be in a bind wefcels

Decrixxx 11 points ago +11 / -0

for websites that host art this is very easy to handle, make a section for AI only, and voilà.

the guys that are selling those packs claim it is a reference pack and they manually edited the drawings, which could actually be true considering when I generate these, the hands always come out wrong and I have to fix them manually as well.

there is clearly an attempt to workaround against the no AI rules, and considering artstation takes a cut on these sales I think they will close an eye

Decrixxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

-but m'lady I was simping so much!

-shutup soycuck

-yas queen!

Decrixxx 4 points ago +4 / -0

and now the important part.

google can no longer censor the booba games out of their store, right?

Decrixxx 13 points ago +13 / -0

tranny wokecels ESG slurper slam genocidal antiwhite propaganda inside your games, you point it out, NPC strawmanning harassing black people because is hard to defend people with abominable worldviews.

very slimy.

Decrixxx 5 points ago +5 / -0

lotta of munbo jumbo, no, kids aren't sexual toys, you are not allowed to touch them.

Decrixxx 4 points ago +4 / -0

is called trad-thots and they enjoy a different flavor of simpery.

a trad wife uses the internet to learn how to bake the best cookies period. not to discuss politics on a webcam.

Decrixxx 7 points ago +7 / -0

kommisar: oh, so you noticed that the reason I'm oppressing you is actually a lie?

kommisar: (getting closer) (whispering in the ear) eheh, my PP just got even harder

Decrixxx 3 points ago +3 / -0

muh principled exceptions.

Decrixxx 3 points ago +3 / -0

if they say a pterodactyl isn't a woman they would get cancelled.

Decrixxx 5 points ago +5 / -0

lel, sue every bridge crossing of the country,

Decrixxx 11 points ago +11 / -0

people stating that the same set pattern of facts "is great that is happening!" or "a dumb conspiration theory" depending on which group states them :)

this tactic is called celebration parallax

Decrixxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

lul, Elagabalus was a shitty teen with something like 5 wives and 3 husbands, he has checked every box of the "how to make your subjects loathe you" including being a total vainglorious incompetent, being as cruel as Caracalla but with no combat skills, and trying to impose top-down a new religion upon Romans, in short, an antediluvian wokie.

he was installed into power by a conjures of women of the Severan dynasty. as at that point too many men of the dynasty died due to civil conflicts, assassination, and war. this is the period of history when the old saying "Rome governs the empire and the women govern Rome" came from.

after it was assassinated, again the same women made another conjures and installed into power Alexander Severan, another teen puppet.

which history note describes as the polar opposite of Elagabalus, a well-versed and fair emperor, this emperor wanted to resolve the problem against the barbarians by paying them tributes, aka paying the barbarians with stuff so they would refrain from invading the empire. and subsequently cut the pay of the army which was indeed excessive.

when the legionnaires got to know his plan they assassinated him and elected by acclamation Maximinus the Thrax, or in Italian Massimimino il trace, literally: little max the thrax.

little max was a 2.48m (8.13ft) tall chud that was so chud he did not even go to Rome for the coronation ceremony, he was too busy mowing barbarians.

he was the first of many "barrack emperors" of the period known as military anarchy, which lasted 100 years and ensured the fall of the empire afterward.

so let's resume: the trannies choose as their mascotte emperor a wokie, a degenerate, placed into power as a puppet by the establishment, full of women, during the waning phase of a great empire, these choices were instrumental to enact the unstoppable fall, and the guys who were actually fighting to protect the empire got so disgusted by this state of affair it literally ended up giving power to the chuds.

mmm...what extraordinary fucking coincidincie.

223 a.c.- ridicvlvs mvndii -§- 2023 a.c. - clown world.

2000 years of circus

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