Daucus9 13 points ago +13 / -0

The 10th movie should just take place like 1000 years in the future so they can leave this cancer behind.

You can't call it "a new beginning" if you're still sticking with the old characters.

Daucus9 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Looney Tunes game - looks like a cheap cash grab - which is not surprising when you remember how fucked WB is.

Mio: Memories in Orbit - looks like a cool Hollow Knight game for people who need something to play while waiting for Silksong. I like the art style, looks like a coloured pencil drawing.

Farmagia - looks like too many things at once: farming + monster raising + Pikmin and the art looks meh.

Dragon Quest 3 remake - looks interesting, I never played the super old games.

Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom - doesn't seem bad but I'm not that interested. Looks much more like a puzzle game and reminds me of Scribblenauts or something

Horizon Zero Dawn LEGO - weird to me because the selling point of the Horizon games are its beautiful environments. A LEGO version takes that away. Sony must still be under the impression that Aloy is this great iconic protagonist but she's rather boring. The best thing about the game's story is actually its backstory, while the story is average.

Ace Attorney Investigations collection - This is cool because it includes the game that never got released outside of Japan

The Hundred Line: Last Defense Academy - Dangan Rompa spinoff that could be fun

Metroid Prime 4 - I was surprised they showed it. How long has the game been in development? And a few years ago production stopped entirely and was scrapped and they restarted because Nintendo was not satisfied with what they had so far. So I'm hoping they are holding themselves to high standards.

Daucus9 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cancer is more than just cells growing fast. For a cell to be cancerous it needs to have other specific characteristics.

For example, cancer cells lose what is known as "contact inhibition". Cells can sense each other and if they sense overcrowding they'll stop their cell cycle. But cancer cells will grow regardless of cell population density.

That's not saying lab meat would be automatically safe, just that it wouldn't be cancer cells.

Daucus9 1 point ago +1 / -0

The military is a setting where you can control several variables that would be far more difficult in other experiments. Say you want to test a food product on 1000 people. You need to factor in things like age, a person's diet, sex, pregnancy, previous health, physical activity, sleep, location, etc. when formulating such a study.

However, the military provides people of similar age, fitness, daily activity, etc. and it's easier to keep track of their diet and other factors that may be relevant to the results of such a study.

It's really difficult to conduct studies involving food, especially long-term, just because a person's life involves so many things it's hard to tell if there is an significant change (significant = relevant) good or bad.

Daucus9 5 points ago +5 / -0

iirc the founders got kicked out soon after Disco Elysium came out and the ones that took over immediately tried to expand and have been taking Ls ever since

Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

The letter looks fake as fuck. Gamer Supps probably got a bad batch so to offload it they're pretending to be targeted so more gamers will buy their product in support.

Daucus9 1 point ago +2 / -1

It ended with waif girl boss overpowering an Arnold Schwarzenegger-type meathead on steroids.

Wasn't she only able to do that because she had the magic gloves?

Daucus9 15 points ago +15 / -0

Yeah this is 7 years old already. Seems like he got arrested a few times as a juvie.

Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

iirc it's not just public figures you can't use any living person's likeness for advertising/branding without their permission like that either, and even if they're dead they might still having living relatives and/or an estate to put you in legal trouble

Daucus9 1 point ago +1 / -0

That law is working pretty much exactly as it should in terms of them claiming it. The injustice is how he was railroaded hard without much ability to defend himself really (if he could present any evidence at all, no matter how dumb, to show why he thought that they should have no real case)

Didn't his dipshit attorney accidentally send the defense attorney the ENTIRE contents of Jones' phone text records? Sounds like Jones had the opportunity to defend himself, but not the ability to do so in a way that would make him less fucked.

and then a massively oversized payment at the end just to punish him for existing.

Probably to prevent him from just using his business to continue to defame them.

Daucus9 7 points ago +7 / -0

If you were playing a straight dude in Inquisition you had a grand total of two romance options: Cassandra (dyke looking face and haircut) and Josephine (fantasy French, so of course she's dark skinned).

iirc EA tried to force Bioware into turning Dragon Age into an annual release, wanted to make it something like Assassin's Creed. The problem is that it took several years for Bioware to make DAO so its spine was broken getting DA2 out the door. Multiple veterans that helped make Bioware the company it was left during or soon after development. The effects of this were not felt for a bit, but by then Mass Effect 2 was so far in development that game did not take a huge hit.

After that, Bioware has been doing nothing but taking Ls with Mass Effect 3, Anthem, and Mass Effect Andromeda. The best thing they can say about one of their games in the past 15 years is that the Mass Effect trilogy remaster was not a disaster too.

Over the past 10 years there has been so much brain drain of veteran employee talent that it's just like the bug wearing Edgar's skin as a suit in Men in Black. These aren't the same people who made Dragon Age Origins - these aren't even the same people who made Dragon Age Inquisition.

Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's nothing wrong dating a woman a bit older than you, but feminists downplay how once a woman is in her 30's the odds of her having issues conceiving, producing, and delivering a healthy child increase at an exponential rate. It's something like once a woman is in her 40's she's got a 1 in 12 chance of the child being a downie, and that's only one illness.

Sperm quality also decreases as a man ages but doesn't kick in until he's in his 40's. And I would have to check again but I think this only pertains to the ability to conceive, but not the risk of offspring having illness. This ends up with people downplaying the problems with an elderly man getting women pregnant, but they are overlooking that this increases the risk of the man getting severely ill or dying while his child is still growing up and leaving his child to be raised without an appropriate father figure.

Daucus9 14 points ago +14 / -0

Not sure why fantasy races have to have the same diverse makeup as god damn los angeles.

The problem with turning every place into a melting pot is that it implies an ease of travel. The modern world can have the average person travel hundreds of miles per day, but people notice (as much as they want to deny) that it doesn't make sense in a medieval fantasy setting where almost everyone is still traveling on foot. Not to mention how many places would be expected to have tight restrictions on immigration.

If the Dragon Age setting was established to be a place of fast and frequent global/national scale traffic, it wouldn't be a problem. But that's not the case, where even the exalted Grey Wardens are forced to walk and camp in the woods and the closest thing to multiculturalism is the Super Commies nation run by the Qunari.

There is a thing called "verisimilitude" where something needs to appear to be real even if it's not real. You see a dragon in a movie or show and it needs to look like it's a real creature, you can't have a bunch of shitty CGI that make it move like a nonexistent hologram and say "but dragons are fictional maybe dragons just look like shitty CGI hurr". People's brains won't accept that.

Similarly, having several different irl races among several different (fantasy) races like it's a New York public school is fucking with the verisimilitude of the setting because it implies the civilizations have widespread modern ease of travel.

If the places were always like that, then there wouldn't be all these different skin tones people would be far more blended due to hundreds/thousands of years or race mixing. But the characters don't have planes, trains, or automobiles and in Dragon Age even transport magic is extremely limited or else it would have been piss easy for your characters to travel around in previous DA games.

Daucus9 4 points ago +4 / -0

So the Confederate flag is a Jewish flag?

Daucus9 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not denying that SBI serves as a decent canary in the coal mine, a red flag that there is deeper rot with the game. There hasn't been a single thing associated with changes they have made to improving a game.

Daucus9 -7 points ago +2 / -9

People are overblowing the SBI stuff, imo. The development has been reported to have been a wreck for several years, a couple years ago there was this emergency stop of what was going to be a total GAAS game that was walked back later. Screenshots of the UI and weapons were a total mess. They likely had to stop and start over development so many times that even Harley Quinn's nerfed ass compared to previous Arkham games probably was not a deliberate choice but developers in a rush. Yeah SBI probably mucked with the story some but it's just the rotten cherry on a dogshit sundae. Hyper-focusing on SBI detracts from the other problems, like how this whole thing boils down to companies wanting their own Fortnite and their own Call of Duty and they keep burning existing IPs like effigies trying and failing.

Daucus9 2 points ago +2 / -0

It says they're only doing it for nonviolent cases, so presumably someone just acting loopy because he forgot his meds and thinks he's Jesus, etc. In which case it's probably better to send someone actually trained to handle mentally ill people rather than send the cops who don't have much mental health training that doesn't involve drug abuse. It puts optimally trained people on these cases and frees up police from having to deal with these frivolous cases.

Daucus9 3 points ago +3 / -0

My wild guess is that it's a symptom of people who don't want to feel "old" so they use partner instead of husband/wife. Because being a husband/wife is what their parents did.

It's stupid af

Daucus9 6 points ago +6 / -0

When this shit first popped up, people noticed that the backgrounds were just filtered Google Image searchers.

Daucus9 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm probably not going to bother with 99% of isekai from now on because they are so hellbent on showing off how absurdly OP the MC is that they fail to provide actually good conflict and the side characters are boring as shit.

Mushoku Tensei still has my interest because even though the MC is strong, he doesn't steamroll everything he comes across and it feels like he could get squashed like a bug if he's not careful.

Daucus9 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's really obvious what they are doing. They are using homosexuality to spearhead the attack of exposing their children to any other non-Muslim things. They want to keep their children insulated in Sharia Law, even though these disgusting hypocrites chose to live in a Western country.

Daucus9 23 points ago +23 / -0

Druckmann is saying that Sony not only chopped up and botched his answers but also added lines that he never said. So this isn't just "whoops" but Sony lying.

And I don't like Druckmann but if he normally sniff his own farts, I don't see why he would suddenly lie and claim Sony put words in his mouth.

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