48 Disney is just trying to burn money now (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 242 days ago by Ahaus667 242 days ago by Ahaus667 +49 / -1 48 comments download share 48 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
The 10th movie should just take place like 1000 years in the future so they can leave this cancer behind.
You can't call it "a new beginning" if you're still sticking with the old characters.
It’s a new beginning in the sense it’s the carcass of what was the most profitable ip in cinema history. Now we get to see its death shits as the parasites eat it out from the inside.
They put lipstick on the cadaver and created a new dance move to perform while wearing its skin-suit.
That is totally new.
Even putting it 2000 years in the future wouldn't save it from the cancerous people they'll hire to make it