AcidOverlord 14 points ago +17 / -3

I know. My message is for our supposed (((allies))) here of all places, the splinter of a splinter literally born of anti censorship, who want to support that shit and feel high and mighty over the rest of us. Its a due diligence reality check.

Because in a room with an enemy and a traitor and two bullets in your gun, you shoot the traitor twice. And some fart-huffing moralists are starting to talk about the entire other half of this cultural movement like they're just hunky dory using the system to betray and censor us instead of fighting the real world problems coming from our common foe. Loli art has been the un-crossable line for our side for over a decade - the ultimate canary in the coal mine. The old 8chan was abandoned to burn by millions of people because its new owners banned it to appease the Qanon boomers, and the only thing left was the vapid carcass called "8kun" which gets less traffic than our own little spinoff does today. Even anons who hate loli left, because the principle of warning signs and red lines on censorship is just that fucking important.

AcidOverlord 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'm aware of one firsthand event in the midwest due to knowing several cops. Two university girls got abducted in the parking lot of the shopping mall right here in my town. A booth was set up by Pakistanis selling perfume, except when one of the girls came up for a "demo", if she was alone and the coast was clear, the rag with choloform came out instead. Both girls got recovered in Kansas City a couple days later, but it was kept out of the papers. According to the cops, if a big alert goes out for girls missing because of events like that, the perps will often immediately murder the victims to make their getaway easier (no baggage, no witnesses) and so there's an unspoken rule that they keep such events quiet and try to find the missing people on the down low.

AcidOverlord 5 points ago +5 / -0

Doyle was also very unpopular on set, with the other cast shit talking him in interviews years after, before he died. The two things are likely connected.

AcidOverlord 32 points ago +32 / -0

The one that blew me away fairly recently was rewatching one of my favorite 90s TV shows, Babylon 5. Binge watching the episodes, unlike then when they were a week or more, and sometimes outright months apart, I picked up on a shitload of wokeslop and outright Leftardism that never registered before. A few of the major standouts:

When the Earth Civil War is just starting, there's a short scene where Ivonova is talking to Sheridan about President Clark's anti-alien policies. Specifically that he's "weeding out corruption and traitors" from Earthgov, and Ivonova even says "his policies have made the cities on Earth safer than they've ever been, and his popularity is through the roof." She's visibly angry about it, and they have a quick talk about how common folks are cowards who just want to feel safe. Its only about 10 episodes later that Clark is revealed to be a big bad working with the Shadows, but it absolutely comes across as a welcome excuse to Sheridan and crew. They needed a reason to oppose Clark, and the plot gave them one.

Another big one is when the Minbari Civil War ends and Delenn reorganizes the Grey Council. Now instead of consisting of 3 members each from the Religious Case, Warrior Caste, and Worker Caste, where will be 3 Warriors, 3 Religious, and EIGHT from the Worker Caste. She goes on about helping muh proletariat and how they should be the ones with the real power anyway.

Bester has a sleazy attitude, but it's also 100% true that Sheridan and company are breaking Earth laws and the Psy Corp's rules on almost a daily basis. When you stop looking at the person and just at a guy doing his job, the B5 crew are absolutely the badguys. Literally corrupt and rebellious. I think JMS picked up on this at some point because Bester was given his whole moustache twirling villain arc very late in the show's run, as if to scream YES HE'S A BAD GUY."

Then there was the whole deal with the Night Watch. Since the B5 crew weren't being very trustworthy, the President mobilized a militia of their own citizens to keep an eye on things. The show portrayed this in a very stilted, Gestapo-esque light.

There was a lot more, sandwiched between the Sci-Fi plot arcs, and more that's come out in later interviews (Delenn was supposed to be a male to female tranny, not a Minbari to Human change, but JMS couldn't get it past the censors.) The political stuff gets so stilted that if I didn't know the show was made 30 years ago, I'd swear it was taking swipes at Trump.

AcidOverlord 1 point ago +1 / -0

"I know the system is corrupt, because as a businessman I use it."

AcidOverlord 18 points ago +18 / -0

I think he widened his net after the World Jewish Congress declared an international boycott on Germany and Germany's own Jews rose up in support of it. Imagine the hysterical over-reaction to Trump, where every average Lefty acts like he's a demon. They kicked up enough dust to get that net widened. All over a guy who just wanted to unfuck his country.

AcidOverlord 3 points ago +6 / -3

Porn is half the reason the Internet even got popular. Hell its part of the Internet's very identity. Do not hand the fucking commies the win of overshooting culture too far in the other direction by becoming prude moralfags. Everyone will fucking hate you in ten years, and some Lefty Trump figure will be swept into power and overshoot everything back into infinite gay race Communism.

You've literally LIVED in the fucking middle ground where everyone but the fringe lunatics was content. Porn was kinda all over but also the places it was gathered were tucked away a bit, out of sight of kids who were too young/naive to know how to look for it, and parents policed things to a reasonable degree. Aim for getting back to that state, and don't become a fringe lunatic yourself.

AcidOverlord 2 points ago +2 / -0

We've seen this firsthand on 8chan. A recurrent CP spammer switched to AI-generated realistic images because he could then use a whole lot more variety in VPNs to attack us with it, since it wasn't technically illegal, but it was hard to tell just from thumbnails that it was fake.

AcidOverlord 5 points ago +5 / -0

Leaked specs from a while back suggest its around the lower end of the PS4 range, based on the Taiwan made SoC that its using. My only gripe was that it added a paltry amount of RAM. It went from like 4GB to 6GB when it really should be 8. Interestingly, it was apparently ready to go more than a year ago, but Nintendo held back on announcing anything to give the manufacturer time to ramp up to full mass production of the boards, so they could have a big enough stockpile of systems for launch day and avoid shortages.

AcidOverlord 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same. When it was first announced my thought process was "huh, that's a neat breakthrough but I'm going to wait a year or two and see how it shakes out. If everything goes good I'll probably get it then." But then as the machine started to rev up demanding, nay trying to force everyone to get it whether they wanted it or not, I knew nothing good was possibly going to come from it and reached the same stance as you. And today I want mass tribunals followed by poor quality hangings.

AcidOverlord 4 points ago +4 / -0

Same for me. From TLJ through about 2022 the only thing I liked about Star Wars was talking with people endlessly about how much I fucking hated Star Wars. And once I was tired of that I have not the slightest, tiniest, quantum mechanical fuck to give about anything related to it. In fact I get bored and cringe a little whenever someone else even brings it up.

AcidOverlord 3 points ago +3 / -0

10bux says the navy was testing AI controlled interception fire (CIWS/RAM/SM) and some dipshit left the Skynet button in "automatic" mode while he went to take a shit, and the plane then got picked up by it.

The Navy are absolute tech whores. I 1000% guarantee you they're playing around with the AI meme from the moment it got popular enough for an Admiral to read about it on Facebook. And considering that interceptor weapons are like the one place you'd want faster-than-human reflexes to push out possible engagement ranges, its the most likely place they'd have a secret program testing exactly that.

AcidOverlord 11 points ago +11 / -0

A good friend of mine played an all-in grappler with retardism (literally a caveman) in a campaign that I ran. It sparked so many ridiculous moments that I still smile fondly remembering it years later. A favorite was still him trying a jump check to leap from their moving aircraft that was in the middle of a dogfight to try and tackle the enemy aircraft all because he was too stupid to understand physics, and then he rolls a nat 20 on the check, passes the grab check to get hold of the other craft once he's there, and then proceeds to rip the door off, go inside, and beat the enemy crew to death.

AcidOverlord 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was also part of the agreement of the postwar global economy, like how the Dollar became everybody's reserve currency. The idea had some merit. "If we shove all the governments out of pursuing autarchy and build an interconnected global economy, a World War III will become less likely since nobody is going to go to war with their trade partners, and if they do then that countries other trade partners will be its allies, making the war harder to win and thus less appealing."

You've gotta remember, after WW1 and 2 everyone thought number 3 was just a matter of time, and with atom bombs proliferating everyone just naturally assumed that was it. The end of the world was just a few decades away, so strange and desperate measures were called for.

AcidOverlord 4 points ago +5 / -1

That's actually incorrect and you're basing your understanding off the Commie's truncated version of Popper's idea. What Popper actually said was that you should only stop being tolerant at the point where the other side starts using power, force, or violence to get their way. Not merely for holding or voicing intolerant ideas. Lefties always leave that part out because without it, the quote serves them perfectly, and with it they know they're the ones being indicted by it.

AcidOverlord 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most Europeans were indigenous Americans first. Look up how BTFO "out of Africa" has become in recent years. The oldest signs of human civilization ever discovered on Earth, today? North America.

AcidOverlord 8 points ago +8 / -0

I use a variant of this to short circuit some NPCs. "Give me a couple policies that are explicitly right wing, but not far right."

AcidOverlord 9 points ago +10 / -1

So I can actually break this down. Years ago I did a big study on the tech and tactics used by Islamic militants (and others) around the world as a research project, which led to learning basically everything else about them too.

The two most important ME militant groups are Hamas and Hezbollah. But to understand why Hamas is "hated" I'll compare and contrast the two.

Hezbollah: Functions and organized like a small, but professional army. Recruitment, uniforms, budget, access to modern weapons, and makes a reasonable effort to follow the international rules of warfare. They basically function like Lebanon's de-facto National Guard, working alongside and complimenting their existing army and usually following the orders of its government whern told to do or not to do something. Notably while they're quite active (and effective) in actually conducting operations against muh Israel, they do so like a professional army. When Israel attacked Lebanon back in 2006, Hez fucked them up pretty good, doing more damage than the actual Lebanese army did and forcing the Israelis to withdraw much earlier than they had planned. Because of this Israel hates their guts and is desperate to paint them with the same brush as Hamas so the world will help destroy them.

Hamas on the other hand: These guys are almost a mirror of the 1970s IRA. They're small, pretty unprofessional, and fight dirty. They don't function like a cohesive force but rather a loose network of cells made up of friends and relatives, and so the right hand often doesn't know what the left hand is doing, and there's no central authority who can truly control all of them beyond going on TV and asking them nicely. If your cell wants to fight clean against Israeli military targets but Ahkmed down the block's cell wants to go all out suicide bombing civilians, you're both still "Hamas" and you're both despised by most of the world because of Ahkmed. Hamas's political "organization" does everything from collecting the garbage off your street to delivering your mail (and ran for, and won, the election for government in Palestine), but other parts of it are out there shooting anti-tank missiles at school busses (literally happened) whether their government likes it or not, so the whole group gets written off as terrorists. Hamas also has the problem if being trapped in a walled off open-air prison, so most of their weapons are whatever shit they can cobble together out of whats lying around. Much gets made of their constant rocket attacks, but nobody ever mentions that they're using perfectly valid tactics suited to the World War 1-2 level of their tech. "Haifa is a military port? Shoot 10,000 rockets at its direction and hope one hits something important to their military." WW2 Russia would shed a tear of pride. Someone who wanted to could easily draw a distinction between the "legitimate" Hamas and the "evil" Hamas, but that doesn't serve anybody's political purposes so it never happens.

AcidOverlord 4 points ago +4 / -0

There was a comedy movie where this was a literal gag. The priest pulls out a crucifix on the vampire and the vampire laughs, and says "Hah! My mother was jewish! You have no power over me with that!" And the priest fumbles around in his bag for a second and pulls out a swastika, and yells "Oh yeah? Well hail Hitler!" and the vampire hisses violently and runs away.

AcidOverlord 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is actually the origin of the "kike" slur. When Jewish immigrants got off the boat at Ellis Island back in the day, they had to take a citizenship test, and part of the test involved questions like "draw a + through the third word of this sentence" to show they understood sentence structure in English. The Jews instead would always circle the correct answer. When asked "what is this?" their answer was "kikel", the yiddish word for circle. It was their culture to never draw a + sign because it resembled a Christian cross. Obviously the mostly Christian US workers at Ellis Island back then got the lore behind this and weren't real happy about the diss, and started talking about Jewish immigrants in the vein of "oh boy, we got another boatload of kikels in today..." And the term eventually got shortened to "kike" as a reference to these stuck up Jews who hated Christians so much.

AcidOverlord 1 point ago +1 / -0

Chris got TDS? He was this close to being MAGA when he was making Socjus The Musical. What happened?

AcidOverlord 3 points ago +3 / -0

No it was. The actor who did the mo-cap for Jarjar all but confirmed it directly years later. Jarjar was supposed to be like Tobi from Naruto, or the Blind Masseuse. Someone who acts completely goofy and ridiculous, but their antics are all "part of the plan" and they just act like a fag as a cover. The problem was that Lucas overtuned his goofiness to the point that everyone hated Jarjar so much after EP1 that Lucas concluded he'd never be able to sell the reveal "Its wassa ME ALL ALONG, Jedi poodoos!" He invented Dooku to fill the role, which is why the latter kinda comes out of nowhere in EP2.

AcidOverlord 5 points ago +6 / -1

They also turn people in to the Swiss government, who can then share that information at their pleasure.

AcidOverlord 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its not even illegal to make it in most of the US. One of those weirdass things.

AcidOverlord 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its just like GG itself was: Absolutely nothing happens until the moment where a critical mass of people are so angry that they don't give a shit if they're the only one standing up, and they stand up. The magic happens when those people then look around and see all the others standing. Then they all click and the shit hits the fan.

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