AccountWasFree 16 points ago +17 / -1

Canadians are asking for it they since they keep voting Trudeau

Get a load of this loser! He still thinks that voting actually changes anything!

If voting mattered, the elites wouldn't let you do it. For fucks sake, you saw record numbers of fraud in real time, it got exposed as such, and nothing fucking happened. The game is rigged, and you think that what Canadians (or anyone in any country really) actually matters to the elite? Voting is a humiliation ritual to keep you complacent.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

If you have (at minimum) over 9,000 HR positions within your company, you've failed. I don't even think that HR is the most useless of jobs, there is a need for someone to handle internal affairs, hiring and general personnel elements (albeit a lot of that can be subsumed between/under other positions), but even for Amazon 9,000 HR roles at the minimum based on this number is beyond insane unless HR is specifically being over-applied to a variety of roles.

AccountWasFree 21 points ago +22 / -1

As per usual, never change African mythology. But mythology of white cultures? That's free game. These freaks are always the same.

I've stopped hating modern TV though. I've simply moved on. There's so much old media out there, both films and series I haven't watched and those that are worthy of re-watching. Occasionally a new show might break through with enough praise from the sources I trust, but otherwise I just ignore it. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy. And I am apathetic to pretty much anything from modern media bar a small handful of exceptions.

AccountWasFree 11 points ago +12 / -1

I'm not even sure if it's that deep. I think they just don't want to be reminded of their fuckup, when ultimately they should use that reminder to (at the very least try to) never let a fuckup like that happen again. Yes, there are those elements as well, but I don't think that quite ties in with use of "pure blood" as a specific term.

AccountWasFree 36 points ago +37 / -1

Wiping your fuck up under the rug isn't anyone's responsibility. You fucked up. Work on fixing that rather than bitching because you get reminded about it occasionally. Use it as a reminder to not let it happen again.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +6 / -1

Reddit on the whole has been pozzed (bar a handful of small sub that are generally for containment) for at least half a decade, and the signs were there for at least a full decade.

Reddit is not the site it started as.

AccountWasFree 12 points ago +13 / -1

I think that's one of the few cases where it was the celebrity doing it himself. Woody knows how to behave for interviews in front of a camera, and that usually means "shill your latest product". Most celebs are trained dogs to some extent. But a PR person would most likely know better regarding different environments, especially considering celebrity AMAs weren't a new thing at the time.

I think there are exceptions, but the vast, VAST majority are definitely some corporate representative.

by folx
AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

He is so uncomfortable about his kid making his own decision despite virtue signalling hard about that very point.

You cannot teach a child to think for themselves, to make their own decisions in the realm of ideas, and then be mad when they make a decision that is different to what you would make.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

implying the gop as a whole isn't controlled opposition

Politicians have never had your best interest at heart, and they never will. The letter next to their name won't change that reality.

AccountWasFree 22 points ago +23 / -1

Aaaaaand that pretty much confirms that this whole situation glows. Because this screams that you don't want a crime scene ending up in anyone else's hands. Which is odd, because they don't give a shit about any other crime scene.

AccountWasFree -3 points ago +3 / -6

It's Imp. He's no different from Stormfags that tie "muh joos" to everything, just with women instead.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

Wasn't this back in the first half of the year? I feel like it was something around a month or so after the Freedom Convoy was forcibly disbanded.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

I for one would also like to see efforts made at discouraging Socialism as well.

Jokes aside, all politicians are scum and cannot stand anywhere with even a modicum of autonomy. This is nothing more than an attempt at getting a foot in the door to regulate digital marketplaces.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

On the one hand, good. Fuck you, you shouldn't even win at your own crap.

On the other hand, this is just going to result in Disney pushing even more bullshit.

Only winning move is to not play.

by folx
AccountWasFree 13 points ago +14 / -1

I'd add in most of the satanic panic as well that leaked into the 90s from the 80s, namely their opposition to rock and metal music. Considering WotC though, they might have stumbled into something about DnD though. Wrong reasonings, but still ended up being right.

by folx
AccountWasFree 15 points ago +16 / -1

This has already been exposed time and again by pushing for games to erase gender choices so they can make some weird false amalgamation. According to the idea of gender dysphoria, you would simply pick the avatar that matches your supposed gender (rather than sex), and not some weird freak you actually are.

But of course, this isn't a legitimate situation. It's 100% a fetish. And that would be relatively fine, get your rocks off in some degenerate way if you really want to, but fuck off trying to push it onto others.

And that's the problem. It was never about "what happens in the privacy of the bedroom". It has always been about forcing you to bending the knee.

EDIT: Don't try to form sentences with fuck all sleep. Fixed grammar and shit.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +6 / -1

Don't you know by now that all stories are actually about muh black people?

Fucking racists these days don't even know that black people are the original gods. Utter heresy. /s

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

AI art is no different to any other form of industrialisation, and not one of these artists really gives a shit about giving up other industrialisation (and the accompanying comfort and luxury at affordable prices) in an effort to keep jobs.

Not that most of these artists do art as a job. Most of it is side hustle stuff for some extra cash.

And it should be said, it's not like I don't feel sorry for them. It sucks learning a skill only to have it replaced by machines. But that's been the status quo of blue collar workers for decades if not centuries. It's only now deemed a "problem" because it's effecting people who are overwhelmingly white collar.

So which way is it gonna be: suck it up princess, or Doctor Theodore Kaczynski was right?

AccountWasFree 18 points ago +20 / -2

Leftists will never pass up an opportunity to defend, stand alongside and/or ally with the absolute worst people on the planet. And we can talk all we want about the blind eye that goes out to Stormfags and shit like that, but most of that is just that, a blind eye. Most people that aren't leftists don't actively ally themselves with the worst offenders out there.

by folx
AccountWasFree 14 points ago +15 / -1

Did you get it, Lake Superior "satire" account? Did you get the crumb of pussy? That scrap of validation? The headpat you were after?

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Except Embracer seems pretty hands off. By your standard of one subsidiary, I could just as easily point to THQ and 8chan.

AccountWasFree 10 points ago +10 / -0

Aus here as well. Somewhat. Some do, some don't.

As for when it ends? It never will. There are people who STILL insist on doing things that have been proven beyond reasonable doubt to be useless, if not themselves harmful (like masking), and while that's their personal freedom to do that if they so wish, so long as there are enough people like that and they make enough noise, the government (regardless of which "side" is in power) will use it as an excuse to continue to hold onto power.

Thankfully I gave up on TV and radio a long time ago. I still get exposed every now and then. I would say that I couldn't imagine your brain on that shit all the time, but I can, because we clearly see the result of round the clock propaganda and what it does to people.

I remain convinced that MK ULTRA came back with very important information for the alphabet agencies, and that's the power that fear has on control over people. And lo-and-behond, there have been decades of fear porn. War on drugs, war on terror, global cooling, global warming, climate change, cold war, iraq war, covid, etc, etc, etc. Each and every effort has been an abject failure EXCEPT in granting the government more and more power because of fear of what might happen if we don't. Fear that was put in place by the very people demanding more power.

This isn't just about covid. This whole thing is about control, and always has been. Fear is explicitly used against you because the powers that be know it can be used to control you.

AccountWasFree 33 points ago +33 / -0

Because this has never been denied. What is denied is that men and women process emotions differently, and therefore solutions. The "popular" opinion is to treat men like they're broken women, aka "men just need to cry more/share their emotions". But the reality is that that doesn't really help men on the whole. That's why men make up the vast majority of suicides. Defective, bad psychological advice about laying yourself bare only to have that be used against you.

AccountWasFree 13 points ago +13 / -0

When the government gives millions of dollars to Twitter every year, "ask to review" is the same thing as order, because the implication is clear that Twitter is unofficially on the payroll.

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