I typically don't, but being a cringy retard is a great way to get me to.
As I said, his view this time isn't that unreasonable, but as others pointed out, it changes nothing when the end result is the same.
Honestly, I downvoted solely because of that retarded 'trigger warning', even if his view isn't that unreasonable. It just makes himself look like he's self-victimising like anyone else that uses that crap.
I don't mind Kirk that much, but that's pretty much accurate. He's fine with gay marriage, he's fine with transgenderism with the caveat that people not be forced into complying with pronouns under threat of punishment, he doesn't agree that the citizen should be equal to the military, and he's fine with immigration so long as it's slowed so that the people coming in can integrate.
It's a little blunt, but it's not a wrong assessment of the man. Like most modern conservative speakers, he's ultimately a neo-con. There's no reason to not call a spade a spade.
Someone went out of their way to write this article. And they got paid for it. Just remember that you don't hate these people enough.
I always laugh at people bitching that studios don't have resources and I just look at the PS2 era. Like it wasn't just Rockstar that was like this. Insomniac, Naughty Dog, and Sucker Punch all released hit platformer trilogies over about 5 years, and they were all stellar games. And that's just western developers.
The modern industry is a joke.
Revealing the system apps is what did it for me, thanks.
Should also point out for people not paying attention in that less-than-a-minute video, all the games listed there are within a 3 year span.
People HATE when you point this out too. They hate the idea that old games were constantly being churned out, we didn't have complaints of "crunch", we didn't get excuses, and we didn't have to rely on patches for a year until the game was properly playable through bug-fixing.
Anyone saying the state of the industry is better today than 20 years ago is a top tier retard that has very little idea what they're talking about.
Scepticism aside, I'm honestly shocked to see a movie that at least seems to be both pro-Christian AND pro-father. It's.... refreshing.
It's probably the "opposite" problem now. They'd say it's a federal matter.
No. It's not "well played". I'm all for dark jokes, but even dark jokes have a time and a place. As others have said, this is a complete lack of reading the room, and is insulting people who want accountability for children being raped. The fact this is coming from what should be an official source that has some semblance of professionalism is even more insulting. It's one thing for some random jackass to do this. I'd even laugh at that. It's another when it's coming from an official agency.
This is what truly shows how utterly insane this is. People in the private sector lose their jobs all the fucking time and often over shit they literally cannot control. But I'm meant to weep over people who waste taxpayer money?
Do you think even one of these effected government employees cared about anyone that lost their careers over the vaccine mandates? Do you think they cared about those wrongly imprisoned over J6? Of course not. They're just terrified because the grift is coming to an end.
Pretty similar here in Aus regarding time frames.
That said, depends on what the job is. Here in Australia all you really need to work on a job site is a "white card", which is a basic safety course certificate that takes about half a day to get with a rather small fee. To be a tradesman you'd still need the training + apprenticeship + certification, but you could be on a jobsite as a trades assistant or similar.
But the barrier to getting a white card is non-existent, so all it does is legalise work from illegal immigrants. And that's assuming they're working on a jobsite that actually checks for a white card and does an induction like they're meant to.
Nah, I doubt it. Probably has some level of that, but it'd probably be a mixed bag. Just because the cliche that most people think of regarding DV is overblown doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all.
Also worth noting to anyone that doesn't know, but this isn't limited to America. Construction industries around the world use a LOT of immigrant labour, both legal and illegal. It would be rare to walk onto a job site and not hear at least one foreign language being spoken. Here in Australia, it's most likely going to be either Arabic or Chinese, but that's only because most of our illegal immigration is overstayed visas, not illegal border entry.
Which is why I acknowledge it changes the dynamic. The only aspect that holds some level of ambiguity in my personal opinion is whether these Canvas profiles would fall under public or personal usage. That said, I guess if posting something on a social media account would fall under these rules, then I see no reason why this wouldn't as well.
And like I said, this is definitely still a win.
There's no defence to NOT have this law be the status quo everywhere.
It's kind of insane just how awful the construction industry as a whole is for employing illegal immigrants.
I was going to say that I really wouldn't be okay with this, but that it's solely applying to a military institution is significantly better.
I'm still not 100% on with this, as cathartic as it might be, solely on the basis of freedom of speech, however I also know that acting in a representative capacity does change the dynamics.
On the whole though, this is a win.
Probably part of it, but I'd argue it's more important to note that in roughly 70% of all Domestic Violence, women are the initiators of DV. Including that in the equation, it quickly becomes apparent that the issue is in fact women often starting fights without realising that they have no real way to end said fights and then crying victim, which is what happens in most cases since most DV is reciprocal in nature, not one directional. Take women OUT of the situation entirely, like between gay men, and suddenly the DV drops through the floor.
The idea that men are aggressive towards their loved ones is disgustingly overblown and not at all based in reality, but the media has portrayed it like this for decades to the point that it's just accepted on a subconscious level that that's the way it actually is, and it simply isn't. I partially also blame the adoption of the Duluth Model for this in regards to arresting guidelines, which was adopted after mandatory arrests for DV calls (something advocated by Feminists at the time) resulted in a massive increase in women being arrested, so they needed a new model that would arrest men instead.
I honestly despise that this actually works half the time, as if quitting a job is somehow justice for the atrocities they committed.
I'd argue that was it though. I don't spend a whole lot of time on Twitter, since the format is shit from the get go, but I don't remember too many notes being wrong, lacking, misleading, overly biased, etc.
I will definitely take your word though. It seems like it's an issue of omission rather than lying, which is still a problem when it's like this.
I dunno. Giving that job to Ron might just make him have a heart attack out of sheer excitement.
Twitter isn't nationalised. It's explicitly private. It might be what you want to see happen to sites like Wikipedia, but it's not nationalised.
And no, I wouldn't say that. I would say that the solution to a problem isn't adding in more of the problem. Wikipedia is a problem because it's an in-group cabal. Further entrenching the strength of a cabal, even if you replace the members, doesn't fix the problem. It's merely replacing it until it too gets taken over again and again and again.
Yeah. Because everyone knows that nationalised sectors aren't pozzed vectors of ideological spread.
Your solution to corruption is a greater form of corruption.
I don't know which is worse, the "oops" or the "may". I suppose the former since it's malicious at that point.