APDSmith 14 points ago +14 / -0

I mean, given that they shot Prigozhin out of the sky with a SAM, this is actually remarkably low-key for Russia.

But then, he's already in prison, and they've got total control over his whereabouts and diet. Even Russia could set up something deniable under those circumstances.

APDSmith 12 points ago +12 / -0

... Sid Meier is african?

APDSmith 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well, you see, in 900AD, Ivan the terrible claimed all of Andromeda...

APDSmith 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd need to check, but it may be that while posted on a publicly-accessible website, the original image still did not meet Twitter standards.

Or, perhaps, the original image was a Twitter image that didn't meet standards, and was taken down at the same time DignifAI was - I don't know if that's been checked by anybody.

APDSmith 11 points ago +11 / -0

ISTR it included the original, immodest picture for comparison.

APDSmith 9 points ago +9 / -0

Or, and I realise that this may be a revolutionary thought for the Home Office: They could direct the Police to enforce the law

We're talking about an organisation who's only plan for a crazed attacker appears to be to wait for that crazed attacker to fall into a river on their own accord.

APDSmith 17 points ago +17 / -0

Not quite yet.

If you'll recall, you highest court still operates under the US constitution - or at least, I fail to see what other it could be operating under, given it's staunch defence of your right to self-defence.

When that changes, and those changes are made irrevocable, that's when you're conquered.

APDSmith 26 points ago +26 / -0

So, let me be sure I've got this straight.

"Star Spangled Banner" is the American national anthem, and all the Americans at the Super Bowl stood for it.

"Lift Every Voice and Sing" is the Black national anthem (I wasn't aware black Americans got their own nation, last I checked the United States had views on secession) and even if it doesn't represent you, Rep. Cohen says you must stand for it anyway.


Does Rep. Cohen know that everyday Americans aren't a conquered people, bound by force of arms to celebrate their master's culture?

APDSmith 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's good at making up the next word in the sentence, or the next sentence in the paragraph.

The important phrase there is "making up". Just because it does that well does not mean that it necessarily bears upon reality at all.

APDSmith 2 points ago +3 / -1

You'd think it would be hard to screw up a giant spaceship combat game, wouldn't you?

APDSmith 27 points ago +27 / -0

True, but every negative event that requires money to fix, every crime committed by a migrant that needs money spent to remedy it, it all adds to GDP.

Possibly the most productive activity possible by GDP is to pay a man to dig a hole, and pay him again to fill it in the next day, because it's all about the flow of money, not about any useful end for that flow.

APDSmith 22 points ago +22 / -0

By the curious standard of the GDP, the nation's economic hero is a terminal cancer patient who is going through a costly divorce. The happiest event is an earthquake or a hurricane. The most desirable habitat is a multibillion-dollar Superfund site. All these add to the GDP, because they cause money to change hands. It is as if a business kept a balance sheet by merely adding up all "transactions," without distinguishing between income and expenses, or between assets and liabilities.

Cobb, Halstead, Rowe, The Atlantic, October 1995

APDSmith 4 points ago +4 / -0

You know, somebody's really salty that voters still have any say at all in the EU...

APDSmith 26 points ago +26 / -0

I actually saw this on Twitter as well, someone was arguing that British legislation from 1963 wasn't valid. No other reason than the age of the legislation was given.

Curious logic. Murder has been illegal for ages ... so now it's legal all over again?

APDSmith 7 points ago +7 / -0

Also removes all related court cases to a court in Washington D.C.

Seems the Biden administration got tired of states having a say in how they're abused by your Federal government.

APDSmith 3 points ago +3 / -0

Between BBC staffers fighting deportations and a Home Office that simply refuses to action them, there is no better place to be a rapist or murderer than the UK.

APDSmith 10 points ago +10 / -0

They issue is that they'll sacrifice the entire rest of the story for that twist.

Even if the twist isn't worth it.

APDSmith 18 points ago +18 / -0

For my own experience, lefties tend to fake outrage about a convenient point and depart the conversation when it doesn't follow their expected script.

APDSmith 11 points ago +11 / -0

The left's purity circle quite consciously does not include a way to bring yourself completely back into grace.

It's a religion of punishment, not repentance.

APDSmith 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, is it a surprise that the left favours a judicial process that operates more like the Soviet Union than the United States?

APDSmith 27 points ago +27 / -0

Trump was impeached in Congress (for the second time)

Curious that they do not mention the outcome of that impeachment, isn't it?

"We concocted some really serious allegations against this man we hate, so clearly they should suffer heinous penalties because of this!"?

APDSmith 16 points ago +16 / -0

... leave it to historians to find it "most probative" that they alone can see law that was not written.

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