As of this writing, AC:S has just 41,412 peak concurrent players. DA:V, an admitted and monstrous flop, peaked at 89,418. Now, AC may bump those numbers slightly this weekend, but they would have to more than double their current peak just to do as bad as Veilguard. Yasukesisters.... it's over....
Comments (41)
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They're already making the claim of "one million players," but they're not backing it up, and even that won't save them. You want a good indicator of how much was spent? The end credits are TWO HOURS LONG.
Oh my God. Then the budget is absolutely staggering. What a joke.
Probably not as big as you’d think given a lot of it’s Indian outsourcing. Part of the reason a lot of games suck now from big companies is they’re made by revolving doors of contractors that last 6 months, most of which are Indians.
I said it in the other thread, but Shadows is included at no additional cost in their monthly subscription service.
It's not free, but if for some reason someone was retarded enough in the first place to be a subscriber...boom, you get to play AC Shadows without giving them any more money.
Also, if someone wants AC shadows, they can play it for a month for $18. There are so many ways that "million players," even if real, doesn't come close to equating to a million purchases.
Most of the names are unpronouncable south asian names.
That is unfathomable to me. The only way I can see that happening is outsourcing everything to smaller studios, then having to re-do their crappy work by outsourcing to other small studios while the diversity hires at Ubisoft collect paychecks.
Amazing how the winning move for Ubisoft was to give us a Japanese AC played straight (Asian male protagonist as a choice, no gay shit, respectful of Japanese history, etc). It would have sold like crazy. But they just couldn't resist as it was kicked off during peak woke era and I'm sure SBI types were involved.
Also a theory on how Tencent owns a piece of Ubisoft already and is encouraging a lot of ESG toxicity so that the value of the company will drop further, making their acquisition a lot cheaper. ESG and other woke crap is wielded like corporate sabotage
Also softens the market so Chiense games will sell better.
This is the part that worries me. I don't trust China's presence in the industry any more than I trust the woke presence in the industry. Both are hostile forces looking to do harm.
Doing harm is bad for the bottom line. Like we are seeing with the woke presence, it is a self-correcting problem eventually.
It takes way too long though. We're only seeing a correction with the woke shit well over a decade after it became a problem.
And meanwhile the damage it's done is pretty crippling on the metric of "is this a functional society?"
The woke shit held on for as long as it has because it has had institiutional support from our own government and institutions like Blackrock manipulating the market. Destroying this is one of Trump's top priorities. In an actual free market, corrections happen much faster.
China is only competitive now because the entire west is intentionally handicapping themselves. Gamers will buy good games regardless of where they are made. All the west has to do in order to compete is to stop making shit games, and China will be irrelevant.
Reminds me of the climate change scam. Trump was onto something when he called it a Chinese hoax.
Considering West Taiwan is buying up every gaming company that they can get their hands on and are directly working with the ones they can't the problem is in no way self-correcting.
Nonsense. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to buy their games. If they put out bad games, people will stop buying them and they will go out of business.
Since there seem to be so many of you that don't trust capitalism to solve this problem, what would you propose instead?
Considering how many people are willing to shell out their money for absolute shit and the shit has literally taken over the market. I mean, the only reason ACS MIGHT be a financial failure is due to its ridiculous budget. And on to that the fact that West Taiwan makes somewhat decent games while they prod western developers further down the rabbit hole of woke DEI slop. Giving West Taiwan total control over the gaming industry.
remember, sbi grew like a cancer out of ubisoft
DA:V went from 70k players at launch on a Thursday to 90k on that Sunday.
Granted 5 months later it's down to around 3% of that figure with 2.6k people playing every day but let's take that as the standard for this.
AC:S started at 41k, that will bring them up to a peak of 53.5k players on Sunday and in 5 months that will be 1.6k people playing everyday in 5 months.
On the other hand The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt peaked at 92k people playing when it launched 10 years ago, peaking at 103k people five years later. It currently has 15k people in game.
15% a decade later or 3% 5 months later?
Investors want to know where the money is, gamers want to put theirs somewhere; what seems to be the problem?
Monetization experts probably salivate at the idea of a game making massive sales and then quickly losing all its players, hopefully for those players to consoom the next $70-$100 game.
LOL! You are perfectly right. But these 'Monetization experts' were also 'SEO experts' back in the day or 'Encyclopaedia salesmen' before that.
Some investors want a quick buck, nothing wrong with that. But the sage investor knows the risk with that and would rather take a longer larger gain spread over a solid return across a longer period.
But 'Monetization experts' think a couple of drinks and a bowl of ramen for their local next 'Great American Novel' writer who is just bussing as a games journo just now can get them the returns they want right now.
That's before they bed them though :)
As an SEO Expert you should know we call ourselves AIO Experts now.
how many of the current witcher 3 players went back to witcher because of the repeated disappointment with dei slops
If Witcher 3 came out today, it would do 500k CCU on Steam, easy.
Baldur's Gate 3 still has a higher daily peak than AC Shadows on Steam. 60k peak today, 50k current. 800k all time.
Cyberpunk, regarded a dud on launch, has a all time Steam peak of 1,000k, daily peak of 40k. They have their own launcher too.
Starfield only had a daily peak of 3k today (OWCH), but still a all time of 330k.
Also, AC Shadows is included in their subscription plan. This is irrelevant as far as Steam players goes, but it's worth pointing out as far as claims of total "players" goes. You can play it for a month for $18, or get it at no additional cost to existing subscribers.
The long tail game is a hard thing to find, but the quick burst is a known commodity.
I found a ASS creed shadows in a best buy return bin yesterday.
LMAO that was quick.
And ubisoft will learn nothing
Ubisoft might literally go bankrupt with those numbers.
But if they don't, they promise to learn the wrong lessons.
Assassin's Creed: Yakub.
The game failed because it didn't have enoug black npcs twerking in Japanese temples.
Will be interesting to see what happens to all the games using uplay when that happens.
What's crazy to me is that just yesterday I was reading articles that Ubisoft needed this to be a hit or they were in trouble. How could they not know it was going to flop? It's been obvious to the gaming community for months.
For comparision Kcd2 released with 150k concurrent players.
You have a game series called Assassin's Creed, you set it in feudal Japan, and you don't make the main character a ninja? Decisions like that don't happen for any reason but pure spite, nobody involved could have had any interest in actually making money.
Now the problem is uplay exists so we might not get ALL the stats and I doubt Ubisoft would share them.
But I also know, Uplay is shit.
But I think this might be the extent of the INSTALLED player base for this franchise, which I can understand as Assassin's Creed has been dragging on for YEARS while Dragon Age's last game was just, ok.
But know it'll be to convince those not deep in the fanbase to buy it and that seems a harder sell, we'll see this weekend.
Ubisoft killed my favorite franchise decades ago so watching them burn now is pure catharsis. Give us back the rights to Might and Magic already you fucking retarded demons.
1 million across all platforms is a death note for UBI. AC Valhalla sold 1.7 million day 1 and they need more than that to stay afloat.