As of this writing, AC:S has just 41,412 peak concurrent players. DA:V, an admitted and monstrous flop, peaked at 89,418. Now, AC may bump those numbers slightly this weekend, but they would have to more than double their current peak just to do as bad as Veilguard. Yasukesisters.... it's over....
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LOL! You are perfectly right. But these 'Monetization experts' were also 'SEO experts' back in the day or 'Encyclopaedia salesmen' before that.
Some investors want a quick buck, nothing wrong with that. But the sage investor knows the risk with that and would rather take a longer larger gain spread over a solid return across a longer period.
But 'Monetization experts' think a couple of drinks and a bowl of ramen for their local next 'Great American Novel' writer who is just bussing as a games journo just now can get them the returns they want right now.
That's before they bed them though :)
As an SEO Expert you should know we call ourselves AIO Experts now.