As of this writing, AC:S has just 41,412 peak concurrent players. DA:V, an admitted and monstrous flop, peaked at 89,418. Now, AC may bump those numbers slightly this weekend, but they would have to more than double their current peak just to do as bad as Veilguard. Yasukesisters.... it's over....
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DA:V went from 70k players at launch on a Thursday to 90k on that Sunday.
Granted 5 months later it's down to around 3% of that figure with 2.6k people playing every day but let's take that as the standard for this.
AC:S started at 41k, that will bring them up to a peak of 53.5k players on Sunday and in 5 months that will be 1.6k people playing everyday in 5 months.
On the other hand The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt peaked at 92k people playing when it launched 10 years ago, peaking at 103k people five years later. It currently has 15k people in game.
15% a decade later or 3% 5 months later?
Investors want to know where the money is, gamers want to put theirs somewhere; what seems to be the problem?
Monetization experts probably salivate at the idea of a game making massive sales and then quickly losing all its players, hopefully for those players to consoom the next $70-$100 game.
LOL! You are perfectly right. But these 'Monetization experts' were also 'SEO experts' back in the day or 'Encyclopaedia salesmen' before that.
Some investors want a quick buck, nothing wrong with that. But the sage investor knows the risk with that and would rather take a longer larger gain spread over a solid return across a longer period.
But 'Monetization experts' think a couple of drinks and a bowl of ramen for their local next 'Great American Novel' writer who is just bussing as a games journo just now can get them the returns they want right now.
That's before they bed them though :)
As an SEO Expert you should know we call ourselves AIO Experts now.
how many of the current witcher 3 players went back to witcher because of the repeated disappointment with dei slops
If Witcher 3 came out today, it would do 500k CCU on Steam, easy.
Baldur's Gate 3 still has a higher daily peak than AC Shadows on Steam. 60k peak today, 50k current. 800k all time.
Cyberpunk, regarded a dud on launch, has a all time Steam peak of 1,000k, daily peak of 40k. They have their own launcher too.
Starfield only had a daily peak of 3k today (OWCH), but still a all time of 330k.
Also, AC Shadows is included in their subscription plan. This is irrelevant as far as Steam players goes, but it's worth pointing out as far as claims of total "players" goes. You can play it for a month for $18, or get it at no additional cost to existing subscribers.
The long tail game is a hard thing to find, but the quick burst is a known commodity.