As of this writing, AC:S has just 41,412 peak concurrent players. DA:V, an admitted and monstrous flop, peaked at 89,418. Now, AC may bump those numbers slightly this weekend, but they would have to more than double their current peak just to do as bad as Veilguard. Yasukesisters.... it's over....
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Baldur's Gate 3 still has a higher daily peak than AC Shadows on Steam. 60k peak today, 50k current. 800k all time.
Cyberpunk, regarded a dud on launch, has a all time Steam peak of 1,000k, daily peak of 40k. They have their own launcher too.
Starfield only had a daily peak of 3k today (OWCH), but still a all time of 330k.
Also, AC Shadows is included in their subscription plan. This is irrelevant as far as Steam players goes, but it's worth pointing out as far as claims of total "players" goes. You can play it for a month for $18, or get it at no additional cost to existing subscribers.