As of this writing, AC:S has just 41,412 peak concurrent players. DA:V, an admitted and monstrous flop, peaked at 89,418. Now, AC may bump those numbers slightly this weekend, but they would have to more than double their current peak just to do as bad as Veilguard. Yasukesisters.... it's over....
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Now the problem is uplay exists so we might not get ALL the stats and I doubt Ubisoft would share them.
But I also know, Uplay is shit.
But I think this might be the extent of the INSTALLED player base for this franchise, which I can understand as Assassin's Creed has been dragging on for YEARS while Dragon Age's last game was just, ok.
But know it'll be to convince those not deep in the fanbase to buy it and that seems a harder sell, we'll see this weekend.