Clinton did leave with a surplus but also a recession.
This is part of the whole lefty idea that even when the right uses legal powers, they do it the wrong way or for the wrong reasons. Arguments that the left is totally immune to ("elections have consequences"-Obama).
The surplus was 100% smoke and mirrors. Plastic banana stuff, as Rush Limbaugh (rest in peace) would have said.
It was created on paper by categorizing a bunch of our debt obligations as "unfunded liabilities". Suddenly, when you don't account for ever having to pay stuff off, yowza, you're rich!
Yea man. Nobody paying attention was kind of the hallmark of that era. Maybe if they had been paying attention they could have actually done something with that, but instead they just let the feminists carpet bomb society and mass imported foreigners because the news told them they might not be able to order drive thru if they didn't sell their children's futures.
Even now, after everything which has happened, it's like pulling teeth to get anyone who was an adult then to actually recognize what's going on right in front of their faces.
You know who I always pictured as the core Doonesbery audience?
WASP type NPR radio listener from upper middle class Boston suburbs, where houses are a million plus, and everyone went to an Ivy League or Ivy League adjacent university.
Such people live in such an isolated bubble that the might as well live on another planet.
You know why we didn't notice it? We were too busy noticing every scandal his boss got into. Travelgate, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Vince Foster, FBI Filegate, OKC Bombing, Kosovo war, Impeachment, the list is looooong.
We joke about people dying who were in possession of incriminating information on Hillary, but that is a real thing that goes back to Bill's time as governor of Arkansas.
The boys on the tracks story is so fucking awful and leaves no possible option except for Bill and his lackies being involved in such an extreme level of evil and crime that them killing two random teen boys was just a regular day of the week for them.
And then he was elected President, because the Dem's candidates never have any scandals ever that is allowed to reach mainstream talking points.
"It was better that we didn't know it was happening"
So if you shut the fuck up about it, you don't have to worry about it? Jesus tap dancing christ the self own couldn't be more evident.
The people who hate Trump hang on his every word. TDS is a hell of a thing to watch in real time. Most people just move on with their lives and ignore whomever it is they can't stand. They make efforts to not be where the person they hate is, and the like.
But these people have to hang on his every word. They have to seethe when he does something good. He really could cure cancer and they'd find a way to say it's bad.
A more accurate argument would be the last panel having those lunatics being transexual antifa retards.
Also, the whole thing is disingenuous since most leftists and legacy media aren't arguing just about the disruption, but that getting rid of or even threatening any "public servants" is evil and despotic.
I'd respect leftists a lot more if they ever argued in good faith. That would go so fucking far, even if they didn't change their politics at all, at least we could have a conversation.
Literally the only disruption I've seen outside of people claiming it on the news (aka, people paid to lie and exaggerate), is from people overreacting to thinking a big disruption was coming and they were all gonna die.
They literally panicked, threw a tantrum so immense it caused a problem, and then blamed Trump for daring to question and scaring them so bad they hurt something.
Rich, white, boomer, smug and removed from reality.
The main pedophile demographic are the ones I call the Cs because they are compliant, complicit and content with the criminality of their leaders. They are the ones complaining about money while spending twenty dollars on their morning coffee. They binge netflix and seriously analyze it. They have stupid fucking tattoos and like to pretend they are 'punk' or at least they once were in college. Spoiled, ex hipster, STD ridden, smug, overeducated, underworked and overpaid snobs.
The only difference is Doonesbury fans are the same things but Boomers a couple generations older.
This is such a retarded argument. If you didn't notice, there's a good chance it's because it never happened. Politicians lie all the time, as do cartoonists with obvious agendas, and only a fool takes them at their word.
Even if it did happen, it is not impressive when you actually look at the values.
Let's say they actually got rid of 426000 federal employees. That means about 5000 employees a month. Well, the federal government has 3000000 employees. 5000 a month is 0.16% of the federal workforce each month. I'm pretty sure you could hit that just by retirees alone.
Its even funnier because there is a clear "jump" between panels 2 and 3 where they had a conversation that lead to him asking Gore about why he doesn't support this reform.
So he is clearly capable of knowing when superfluous shit needs to be cut, and chooses not to to make sure to get as many zinger one liners in in every panel.
Because if you look, every panel after the original three setup ones is designed to be cut and used as an out of context "mic drop" post.
The Republicans held the House and Senate for most of Bill/Hillary's 2 terms in office.
ALL the spending reductions came from Republicans.
Facts don't matter though, never have.
Doonesbury is flogging the same horse for 50+ years now, you could take his Reagan-era "cartoons" and just replace the names.
I also don’t remember the media shrieking about every little thing they did. Granted I was 12 when he became president but I would be in the room when my parents watched the news
I know the government moves at the speed of government, but that's a fucking lifetime of a glacial pace for anyone hoping for improvement. Especially in an economy where more and more people are rapidly approaching that "paycheck to paycheck to barely make bills" point.
It speaks wildly of how out of touch this loser is that he thinks its impressive to accomplish that over the course of most of a decade of work, and that spacing it out over that much time actually translated to real change for anyone who needed that change.
Heck, in the time it took them to accomplish it they probably gained more than that, meaning they only slowed the bloat instead of reducing it.
"Because you just didn't notice at the time"
Yeah, and judging by the bloat and the corruption you left in the government, nobody noticed it afterwards either.
I don’t think the author realizes that saying we did it in a way that nobody noticed also means they didn’t really accomplish much of anything.
Clinton did leave with a surplus but also a recession.
This is part of the whole lefty idea that even when the right uses legal powers, they do it the wrong way or for the wrong reasons. Arguments that the left is totally immune to ("elections have consequences"-Obama).
The surplus was 100% smoke and mirrors. Plastic banana stuff, as Rush Limbaugh (rest in peace) would have said.
It was created on paper by categorizing a bunch of our debt obligations as "unfunded liabilities". Suddenly, when you don't account for ever having to pay stuff off, yowza, you're rich!
The fakest “surplus” in history.
Yea man. Nobody paying attention was kind of the hallmark of that era. Maybe if they had been paying attention they could have actually done something with that, but instead they just let the feminists carpet bomb society and mass imported foreigners because the news told them they might not be able to order drive thru if they didn't sell their children's futures.
Even now, after everything which has happened, it's like pulling teeth to get anyone who was an adult then to actually recognize what's going on right in front of their faces.
You know who I always pictured as the core Doonesbery audience?
WASP type NPR radio listener from upper middle class Boston suburbs, where houses are a million plus, and everyone went to an Ivy League or Ivy League adjacent university.
Such people live in such an isolated bubble that the might as well live on another planet.
It's like a more low brow version of those comics in The Atlantic.
The creator went to Harvard.
This one is funny
You know why we didn't notice it? We were too busy noticing every scandal his boss got into. Travelgate, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Vince Foster, FBI Filegate, OKC Bombing, Kosovo war, Impeachment, the list is looooong.
We joke about people dying who were in possession of incriminating information on Hillary, but that is a real thing that goes back to Bill's time as governor of Arkansas.
The boys on the tracks story is so fucking awful and leaves no possible option except for Bill and his lackies being involved in such an extreme level of evil and crime that them killing two random teen boys was just a regular day of the week for them.
And then he was elected President, because the Dem's candidates never have any scandals ever that is allowed to reach mainstream talking points.
Bill was forcing women to come fuck hin in hotels when he was governor but nobody talks about that
The minion Nazis are the leftists attacking Tesla stores and vehicles, right?
Well, they are all mindless sexless drones that fuck up everything they touch and all look alike, soooo.....
"It was better that we didn't know it was happening"
So if you shut the fuck up about it, you don't have to worry about it? Jesus tap dancing christ the self own couldn't be more evident.
The people who hate Trump hang on his every word. TDS is a hell of a thing to watch in real time. Most people just move on with their lives and ignore whomever it is they can't stand. They make efforts to not be where the person they hate is, and the like.
But these people have to hang on his every word. They have to seethe when he does something good. He really could cure cancer and they'd find a way to say it's bad.
TDS is insanity made manifest.
A more accurate argument would be the last panel having those lunatics being transexual antifa retards.
Also, the whole thing is disingenuous since most leftists and legacy media aren't arguing just about the disruption, but that getting rid of or even threatening any "public servants" is evil and despotic.
I'd respect leftists a lot more if they ever argued in good faith. That would go so fucking far, even if they didn't change their politics at all, at least we could have a conversation.
Literally the only disruption I've seen outside of people claiming it on the news (aka, people paid to lie and exaggerate), is from people overreacting to thinking a big disruption was coming and they were all gonna die.
They literally panicked, threw a tantrum so immense it caused a problem, and then blamed Trump for daring to question and scaring them so bad they hurt something.
Doonesbury hits all the lefty targets
Rich, white, boomer, smug and removed from reality.
The main pedophile demographic are the ones I call the Cs because they are compliant, complicit and content with the criminality of their leaders. They are the ones complaining about money while spending twenty dollars on their morning coffee. They binge netflix and seriously analyze it. They have stupid fucking tattoos and like to pretend they are 'punk' or at least they once were in college. Spoiled, ex hipster, STD ridden, smug, overeducated, underworked and overpaid snobs.
The only difference is Doonesbury fans are the same things but Boomers a couple generations older.
TIL Doonesbury is still around.
This is such a retarded argument. If you didn't notice, there's a good chance it's because it never happened. Politicians lie all the time, as do cartoonists with obvious agendas, and only a fool takes them at their word.
Even if it did happen, it is not impressive when you actually look at the values.
Let's say they actually got rid of 426000 federal employees. That means about 5000 employees a month. Well, the federal government has 3000000 employees. 5000 a month is 0.16% of the federal workforce each month. I'm pretty sure you could hit that just by retirees alone.
There were fewer words in the last novel I read.
Was gonna comment the same thing as usual with awful leftist memes.
I know it's technically an establishment comic instead of a shitpost. But still way too many panels, too much superfluous text.
Its even funnier because there is a clear "jump" between panels 2 and 3 where they had a conversation that lead to him asking Gore about why he doesn't support this reform.
So he is clearly capable of knowing when superfluous shit needs to be cut, and chooses not to to make sure to get as many zinger one liners in in every panel.
Because if you look, every panel after the original three setup ones is designed to be cut and used as an out of context "mic drop" post.
The Republicans held the House and Senate for most of Bill/Hillary's 2 terms in office.
ALL the spending reductions came from Republicans.
Facts don't matter though, never have.
Doonesbury is flogging the same horse for 50+ years now, you could take his Reagan-era "cartoons" and just replace the names.
I also don’t remember the media shrieking about every little thing they did. Granted I was 12 when he became president but I would be in the room when my parents watched the news
The minions are earnest and lovable tho
It's funny how he never mentioned it when he ran for President in 2000...
You didn't notice at the time because I've just made this up today.
Doonesbury is THE most cucked mainstream comic.
I know the government moves at the speed of government, but that's a fucking lifetime of a glacial pace for anyone hoping for improvement. Especially in an economy where more and more people are rapidly approaching that "paycheck to paycheck to barely make bills" point.
It speaks wildly of how out of touch this loser is that he thinks its impressive to accomplish that over the course of most of a decade of work, and that spacing it out over that much time actually translated to real change for anyone who needed that change.
Heck, in the time it took them to accomplish it they probably gained more than that, meaning they only slowed the bloat instead of reducing it.
essential to you, maybe. not to the nation.