Global warming is the most important issue ever. Internal combustion cars are literally killing us. Your children are literally all going to literally die because of ICE cars. Literally.
...What? The company that sells more than half the electric cars in the united states is run by a kind-of republican? It should be destroyed, then.
They're also setting fire to all the resources that went into building that car.
Last I checked it took over 1000 gallons of gasoline's worth of energy just to build the battery. A normal car fire when its 10-20 gallons burn is already massive, imagine how big a thousand gallon fire would be.
Environmentalism was never anything but another tentacle of Marx. If being environmentally friendly somehow isn't screwing over Western Civilization then poof, it becomes non-useful and thus inconvenient.
Conservation is fine and always has been. Keeping our territory green and abundant and beautiful. Environmentalism is just communism holding up a shrubbery for camoflague.
The irritating part is I actually agree with so-called "green policies" as a general solution because I want us to be less dependent on something that might run out in the future. Having renewable energy makes for a stronger country. The problem is, as always, the left fucking implements it completely wrong and tries to force it to be a "OMG IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD" issue.
An actual nationalist policy would have renewables in their agenda but not in the way these tree fucking faggots put it.
Same way they sabotaged the national healthcare issue. Many people myself included are sympathetic to the plight of uninsured and could be convinced to have the state subsidize some kind of care with taxes, but instead we had to be subjected with "Single payer now! Healthcare is a right! TREAT ME NIGGA!"
They loved Tesla until five minutes ago and proudly boasted of their Teslas. Now it's the other way around. It's almost as if it was always purely about virtue-signaling. I know, you're shocked.
They're not even good for the environment. I drive one because they're cool, fun cars (build quality isn't great) and I don't want to go to the fucking gas station.
They would be in a place like Iceland or Québec where all the electricity is renewable, with avaliable energy to cover the increase in demand.
Québec can build more dams up North.
Iceland can tap more volcanic heat.
California can't even keep the power on reliably.
If aluminium-ion batteries turn-out to be a good replacement, most of the problems from lithium-ion batteries will be fixed too. ( no more fire hazard, no more scarcity problems ).
Yes, it is. It's even more "green" than a hydro dam, which typically generates a shit-ton of methane for a few years after completion.
Hydro is the 3rd best after Nuclear and geo-thermal, but there are literally NO more large hydro sites that would be viable. So... no more hydro power can come on line, realistically.
You know that, I know that, but for these people, it's irrelevant. All that matters is that NPCs think that they're good for the environment and the car retained its capacity as a virtue-signal.
Of course, now that Musk is suddenly a bad guy, all that 'environment' crap goes straight out the window, because they can virtue-signal harder by hatng on Musk.
They're setting fire to electric cars, burning the places to get them, and all because of one guy. But they're the envirmentally friendly ones.
The little kids that mine the rare earth materials to make the batteries? Who the fuck cares about that atrocity when someone said something I didn't like.
When the right attacked budweiser, they didn't burn down the breweries, they just stopped buying the beer.
With people noticing that george floyd died from swallowing his own drugs, they were afraid people might think they didn't have the influence to burn cities down so they started setting teslas on fire.
Tesla got deplatformed in the late 1920s because he locked horns with Einstein and the new wave of physics intellectuals. He was also a devout Christian and a nationalist.
Some of Tesla's experiments showed that electrons are spinning at multiple times the speed of light. Einstein, et. al. took this an affront, and after a couple of decades, Dirac finally came up with a solution (complete with several imaginary numbers) that explains that the particle is not spinning at the rate you can observe it spinning because it can't be spinning that fast, because Einstein said so.
He locked horns with both, but Edison actively tried to destroy and ban Tesla's inventions. Einstein just took it in stride, lots of people were smearing him back then.
He was supremely autistic to a point where his opinion on politics probably shouldn't be worth anything to anyone.
He was a pretty smart man who deserved a lot more support/time to maybe create some truly great things, and to not be taken advantage of by Edison level swine, but a guy who can't even sit in the room with women wearing pearls without anxiety probably shouldn't be dictating policy.
Pretty sure he's bummed he is mostly remembered from crockpot books only found in novelty catalog Things You Never Knew Existed and from Red Alert games.
Yes, this "comic" fails hard in every way. Even with a passing knowledge of Nicola's achievements he's one of the greatest scientists who ever lived.
Radio? Tesla.
A/C Current? Tesla
Tesla Coil? Yup.
Finless turbines? Tesla
And a bunch more that he thought up 100 years ago that are NOW being considered for widespread use. It took that long for the supporting technology to catch up.
Some of his papers are still Classified: we're not allowed to read them. That says something, eh?
Because they think bringing tesla down is step 1 to bringing down Trump. There's a remade image of the domino meme going around where it shows the first small domino as Tesla, then elon, then trump then russia.
People were talking about how they scammed the floyd deception by threatening people and threatening to burn stuff down, so they thought they'd try that again.
Global warming is the most important issue ever. Internal combustion cars are literally killing us. Your children are literally all going to literally die because of ICE cars. Literally.
...What? The company that sells more than half the electric cars in the united states is run by a kind-of republican? It should be destroyed, then.
Their solution is to... set fire to the cars. 🤡🌎🔥🚗
They're also setting fire to all the resources that went into building that car.
Last I checked it took over 1000 gallons of gasoline's worth of energy just to build the battery. A normal car fire when its 10-20 gallons burn is already massive, imagine how big a thousand gallon fire would be.
Environmentalism was never anything but another tentacle of Marx. If being environmentally friendly somehow isn't screwing over Western Civilization then poof, it becomes non-useful and thus inconvenient.
Conservation is fine and always has been. Keeping our territory green and abundant and beautiful. Environmentalism is just communism holding up a shrubbery for camoflague.
If leftists gave a shit about pollution they wouldn't live in big cities
The irritating part is I actually agree with so-called "green policies" as a general solution because I want us to be less dependent on something that might run out in the future. Having renewable energy makes for a stronger country. The problem is, as always, the left fucking implements it completely wrong and tries to force it to be a "OMG IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD" issue.
An actual nationalist policy would have renewables in their agenda but not in the way these tree fucking faggots put it.
Same way they sabotaged the national healthcare issue. Many people myself included are sympathetic to the plight of uninsured and could be convinced to have the state subsidize some kind of care with taxes, but instead we had to be subjected with "Single payer now! Healthcare is a right! TREAT ME NIGGA!"
No, fuck you, die in the street.
You’re still a green faggot.
Alarmists are all idiots.
If they were capable of rational thought? They wouldn't be Alarmists any longer.
They loved Tesla until five minutes ago and proudly boasted of their Teslas. Now it's the other way around. It's almost as if it was always purely about virtue-signaling. I know, you're shocked.
They're not even good for the environment. I drive one because they're cool, fun cars (build quality isn't great) and I don't want to go to the fucking gas station.
They would be in a place like Iceland or Québec where all the electricity is renewable, with avaliable energy to cover the increase in demand.
Québec can build more dams up North.
Iceland can tap more volcanic heat.
California can't even keep the power on reliably.
If aluminium-ion batteries turn-out to be a good replacement, most of the problems from lithium-ion batteries will be fixed too. ( no more fire hazard, no more scarcity problems ).
Is that really effective in generating electricity?
Yes, it is. It's even more "green" than a hydro dam, which typically generates a shit-ton of methane for a few years after completion.
Hydro is the 3rd best after Nuclear and geo-thermal, but there are literally NO more large hydro sites that would be viable. So... no more hydro power can come on line, realistically.
You know that, I know that, but for these people, it's irrelevant. All that matters is that NPCs think that they're good for the environment and the car retained its capacity as a virtue-signal.
Of course, now that Musk is suddenly a bad guy, all that 'environment' crap goes straight out the window, because they can virtue-signal harder by hatng on Musk.
You’re Gay,
They're setting fire to electric cars, burning the places to get them, and all because of one guy. But they're the envirmentally friendly ones.
The little kids that mine the rare earth materials to make the batteries? Who the fuck cares about that atrocity when someone said something I didn't like.
When the right attacked budweiser, they didn't burn down the breweries, they just stopped buying the beer.
With people noticing that george floyd died from swallowing his own drugs, they were afraid people might think they didn't have the influence to burn cities down so they started setting teslas on fire.
I legit think this is the progression.
“No, and mainly because I was discredited and ruined by the federal government who then stole all my ground-breaking inventions.”
I got to admit, I don't know dick about Tesla's politics. But I got to imagine being associated with electric cars would probably be pretty cool.
Tesla got deplatformed in the late 1920s because he locked horns with Einstein and the new wave of physics intellectuals. He was also a devout Christian and a nationalist.
Einstein? I knew about him and Edison. Guess he just has a thing with E scientists
Some of Tesla's experiments showed that electrons are spinning at multiple times the speed of light. Einstein, et. al. took this an affront, and after a couple of decades, Dirac finally came up with a solution (complete with several imaginary numbers) that explains that the particle is not spinning at the rate you can observe it spinning because it can't be spinning that fast, because Einstein said so.
I think you’re mixing up Edison & Enstien. You fucking retard.
He locked horns with both, but Edison actively tried to destroy and ban Tesla's inventions. Einstein just took it in stride, lots of people were smearing him back then.
He was supremely autistic to a point where his opinion on politics probably shouldn't be worth anything to anyone.
He was a pretty smart man who deserved a lot more support/time to maybe create some truly great things, and to not be taken advantage of by Edison level swine, but a guy who can't even sit in the room with women wearing pearls without anxiety probably shouldn't be dictating policy.
Pretty sure he's bummed he is mostly remembered from crockpot books only found in novelty catalog Things You Never Knew Existed and from Red Alert games.
Hopefully he'd at least think those musical Tesla Coils are amusing.
"People use a device I invented, and named after me, to play music as a party trick :("
Nikola Tesla, the man, was a schizophrenic who fell in love with a pigeon that he thought had laser vision.
Brilliant, yes, but buried under boatloads of mental illness.
That's not even close to true, especially the pigeon thing! WTH?!
Yup. It's true, he had zero skills with the ladies. He wrote about the pigeon thing to a friend. He wasn't mentally healthy at all, too much genius!
If you ever want to show someone why leftists are absolute irredeemable retarded faggots in one shit comic.
Yes, this "comic" fails hard in every way. Even with a passing knowledge of Nicola's achievements he's one of the greatest scientists who ever lived.
Radio? Tesla. A/C Current? Tesla
Tesla Coil? Yup.
Finless turbines? Tesla
And a bunch more that he thought up 100 years ago that are NOW being considered for widespread use. It took that long for the supporting technology to catch up.
Some of his papers are still Classified: we're not allowed to read them. That says something, eh?
Because they think bringing tesla down is step 1 to bringing down Trump. There's a remade image of the domino meme going around where it shows the first small domino as Tesla, then elon, then trump then russia.
People were talking about how they scammed the floyd deception by threatening people and threatening to burn stuff down, so they thought they'd try that again.
The whole irony of this is hilarious and crazy.
Mfw they're literally physically attacking their own
The Left Cannot Meme!
Anyone ever heard of A/C current? Radio? aside from that, what has Nicola Tesla ever done (lots of things, lolz, but those alone should suffice)