GhostBond 3 points ago +3 / -0

My guess is the availability of puberty blockers created more suicides.

Remember everything these people claim is an inversion of reality.

GhostBond 16 points ago +16 / -0

Slippery slope should be called a law, not a fallacy.

GhostBond 15 points ago +15 / -0

"Why is everyone miserable, self-hating, and fighting with each other all the time now?

"The board is 80% women now"

GhostBond 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ironically this demonstrates why racism is bad.

German police being told to hate white germans got themselves stabbed because of their focus on race and blindness to everything else.

Foreign cop guy did well because he wasn't focussed on race, he was focussed on who had a knife.

GhostBond 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just as blue jacket guy had knify mcstabby partly restrained, the cop looks like he rolled in and attacked him, freeing mcstabby.

I really do think the cops orders were "look for any excuse to attack and arrest the white germans there" which went so far as the free the middle eastern guy with the knife, getting themselves stabbed.

GhostBond 5 points ago +5 / -0

It really looks like the cops orders were "use any excuse to attack the white germans".

The blue jacket guys look like they had the knife guy half restrained when the cop rolled in and knocked attacked him knocking him off of knife guy.

The only guy acting rationally was the foreign guy cop, because he wasn't playing "good race bad race" he was playing "guy with a knife, guy without a knife".

GhostBond 3 points ago +3 / -0

I didagree, from what I saw they knew they were lying, they just believed "the ends justified the means".

When the ends also ended up being a oile of dog turds someone lying to others starts lying to themselves.

GhostBond 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's an idiom that refers to how it is a bad idea to invite trouble to a place you regularly find yourself

That's how we evolved to date, bro, we didn't evolve to have kids with total strangers we had no idea who they are.

There are soecies that do that, and things go one if 2 ways:

  • the father disappers after the mother gets pregnant (deer for example)
  • the parents die after mating (fish)
GhostBond 1 point ago +2 / -1

What are you babbling on about?

The point is precisely that this didn't use to be the case, it's new. You're bragging on about your own oppression.

Humans evolved to date people in their own tribe who were around naturally. "You're prohited from dating in the environment you evolved to date in" is the opposite of a win.

GhostBond 2 points ago +2 / -0

Elliot Rodgers first victims were his 2 male roomates. He killed more men than than women.

I feel like he's the precusor to the george floyd deception, seeing how far away their narrative could be from any actual reality.

GhostBond 8 points ago +8 / -0

No, I don't think it's artificial, I think most real world people want more games that enable playing cooperatively with other people after society has killed off most of the real world opportunities.

GhostBond 6 points ago +6 / -0

The first lynchings were when the frontier lacked any law enforcement at all, and groups formed to go out and kill the people committing heinous repetitive crimes.

You must realize that lynchings were capable of spinning out if control, but many of them were completely valid as well. The last lynching in iowa was of a weapthy guy who killed his 3rd wife and stepson in front of several people. Several rich people had done similar acts and basically bought their way out of jail, this was the townspeople put a definitive "if you're rich and killing people we will end you and your money won't help" moment.

That may be a factor in why they're so fanatical about pushing the "lynchings bad" narrative.

GhostBond 1 point ago +1 / -0

C'mon...she's circled so far around what she's saying is right again.

"...do not be swayed by karens and their crocodile imperial feminism against rape. it plays right into long tradition of yt women weaponizing femininity/motherhood to discipline/punish men..."

If you just take "of color" off the end there she's absolutely right.

GhostBond 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't see anything in the article that actually makes it woke, they just tried to make a version if the game that's more cooperative.

"The flip side of the classic game, called Scrabble Together, will include helper cards, use a simpler scoring system, be quicker to play and allow people to play in teams.

"The makers of Scrabble found that younger people, Gen Z people, don’t quite like the competitive nature of Scrabble,” Gyles Brandreth, who co-hosts the language podcast Something Rhymes With Purple, told BBC Radio 4 Today.

"They want a game where you can simply enjoy language, words, being together and having fun creating words.

GhostBond 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doesn't it seem like what happens is - a show gets popular, then people show up to work their way into it, blackmail or trick the actors into saying something, etc?

Actors are literally payed to put on a knowingly false performance, their interviews are often the same reading someone elses script.

GhostBond 3 points ago +3 / -0

Still bizarre in retrospect how they managed to spin george floyd killing himself by choosing to swallow his own stash of drugs, into that whole debacle of blaming the nearest white cop for it.

GhostBond 21 points ago +21 / -0

From the article:

A tearful Harris apologized for enabling Ashley Biden's private writings to be sold after she found the diary and other items at a friend’s Delray Beach, Florida, home in 2020, where prosecutors said Ashley Biden believed her items were safely stored after she temporarily stayed there in spring 2020.

This sounds like she rented a place, forgot her diary, a later renter found it.

GhostBond 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't think it's any more complicated than pizza has positive emotional association and this it hooks people into talking about it.

I'm reminded of a discussion I had about how epstein gets talked about a lot because people like having an excuse to recount their teenage years. Epstein was enough to go "oh no that's terible!" but still enjoy the recollection.

In contrast no one wants to starts their day talking about genuine pedophilia, the story about 5 guys who molested an infant isn't something normal people like talking about for weeks on end. Gross.

GhostBond 3 points ago +3 / -0

They're always dissapointing. They either go with the feminist schtick of eventually agreeing men are bad. Or they go for some diversion into comedy or "then they brought back the men" as if it's a surprise.

A society of all women is going to go one of 2 ways.

  • complete disfunction, starvation, barely able to keep things together because are always infighting, or...

  • half the women would start acting like men including violence, murder, etc

GhostBond 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah it's weird how playing games well actually became directly profitable.

But in indirect results, I still got more useful real life skills out of games than I did 80% + of school.

When was the last time I needed to recount the periodic table from memory? Never.

GhostBond 2 points ago +2 / -0

But historically, they've mostly used this to exposue your children to pro-trans-grooming content, while demanding g-rated and pg-rated straight content be censored.

GhostBond 3 points ago +3 / -0

Often masked as "don't like it" rather what is really "don't like your thing competing with my thing".

Though in this case it seems like "they didn't do this when he was a kid anything new is bad".

GhostBond 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean Benjamin Netanyahu is 74 and the prime minister of Israel...obviously retirement isn't mandatory for politicians there any more than it is here.

GhostBond 10 points ago +10 / -0

Doed anyone else feel like this ends up becoming part of a depopulation agenda?

Used to be having kids was beneficial to you once they reached a certain age. Became part if your hunting party (think spears or arrows) that brought back food, or did chores around the farm.

Now kids cost a lot but don't bring back any money.
And they cost a lot.

Used to be kids would run around with other kids in the tribe. Now you're the sole source of interaction up to 5.

Now they also mean a huge headache, wondering teachers are trying to trans them.

Now you can also go to jail for something the kid did? Like who would want to have kids any more.

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