It's actually shocking how little Seder was able to defend his worldview from rudimentary attacks coming from someone secure in their stances.
What I mean is that, functionally speaking, the only argument leftists ever had was the threat of character assassination for people that disagree. It was only ever a consensus popularity contest (with manufactured consent).
I mean cuckservative boomers being boomers, I bet cultural marxist talking points were all new to them, they didn't know how to dismantle the average leftists. The only one that could probably handle them coming from right-winger would probably have been George Rockwell and Malcolm X. Usual suspects knew that they should not be left to be alive to influence the youth and had them quickly taken out.
Thank you William F Buckley for teaching us to back down from such accusations and act like reasonable centrists so people don't think we're too extreme.
Yeah exactly. The operative point is that leftists don't give a damn whether their worldview makes logical sense. The only hope of redemption they have is that society drags them along until they have an epiphany.
Fifty? Bubba, the statist left was browbeating the freedom wing of the American populace within a decade of the Treaty of Paris. Look at how the newspapers handled Jefferson's election.
I watched the full thing and I can't understand why Sender agreed to do this, is his echochamber so good that he never heard any real argument against his ideology?
Like I typed in above, Seder believed most average right-wingers were drooling inbred morons, living in his bubble full of yes men. In a way, he was kinda right like for much of our time, most right-wing debaters were too lenient and too honourable that leftists would underestimate them. That's why it's such a shock when they come across someone like Mr Metokur and Nick Fuentes, both of whom knew what they were talking about but even mock them for their idiotic arguments.
most right-wing debaters were too lenient and too honourable
This is why Destiny is so "successful." Because he is so fucking slimy and willing to be a piece of shit that few people can actually defend themselves against him without coming across as worse, as his audience is already on his side so "going down to his level" makes you lose. There is nothing he won't say, no principle he won't slide around, and no degeneracy he isn't already a fan of to win.
is his echochamber so good that he never heard any real argument against his ideology?
Most normies, left or right, have never heard the actual arguments against their globohomo propaganda positions. They've only heard caricatures and strawmen of our arguments and positions. Their positions have never been challenged or questioned, so they and their ideas are incredibly weak, and easily picked apart and rebuked.
This is because race realists, antisemites, White collectivists/nationalists, and Nazis (REEEEEEEEEE!) have largely been censored off of mainstream platforms since the implementation of said mainstream platforms (like Facebook). It's just that the evil has become so blatant, the world has gotten so bad, that even normies are noticing, and giving ear to the voices of the only people who've been proven right, over and over and over. So, the red pills continue, and increasingly accelerate as the current trends continue.
The enemies of globohomo kept getting censored into niche spaces, but as the purity death spiral of globohomo continued, more and more people kept being pushed into those niche spaces, for increasingly small infractions of wrong think, exposing more people to the truth. And then, our numbers got large enough, people became brazen enough (what do we have to lose at this point anyway?), and a few globohomo missteps (like Elon eliminating most of the censorious bastards at Twitter), has allowed the truth to be spoken in mainstream spaces by increasingly large crowds of people who are getting increasingly and rightfully pissed at how we've been constantly screwed over, even by our purported "allies".
His best defense is accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, etc., but you can’t recklessly toss these at “simple” people when you’re supposed to be the smartest dude in the room.
She's right. EDIT: The majority of the USA's population has always been white and Christian. And without brutal oppression of the majority, the majority will always shape a nation's identity. Besides, this whole idea of America being a melting pot is a recent invention. For most of U.S. history, Americans did not see the USA as a melting pot. And did not want that. It was never intended to be a melting pot...the ruling class of the USA just betrayed Americans and turned it into a melting pot... Americans for most of U.S. history only wanted the USA to be a white nation. Americans in the past barely tolerated Catholics, Irish people and Italian people(in other words other white people). And wanted to send all the black slaves back to Africa. Look up Liberia. Americans never really agreed to a bunch of black slaves in their country. Only a small percentage of powerful and greedy plantation owners ever wanted that. And you are telling me, they saw America as a melting pot with all the people in the world living in America, holding hands like one of Kalergi's wet dreams? Nah, a lot of people just want to rewrite what America was out of fear because they are afraid of America returning to it's roots. Because they would no longer be welcome. People can argue that America has always been native Americans and mestizos. And they would be right. But the America they are talking about is not actually the nation that is America(aka the USA). These people were never accepted by white Americans to the point they were a part of the nation's identity. They were excluded and might as well have been living in their own separate nations.
I don’t like that term “melting pot” it’s very jewish, regardless though, prior to Israel Zangwill coining that term, America kinda was a melting pot, but only intended for Northern and Western European peoples, because our ideals and culture here came from that region of Europe. Others were allowed to enter the country in very limited numbers, but they weren’t allowed to vote because the early generation Americans knew those people didn’t think or behave the same way as the native population of Americans did, so they didn’t want that influence harming what their ancestors built for them, what so many other Americans had already sacrificed their lives for. Every generation before WW2 understood the importance of demographics and assimilation, it wasn’t until after WW2 that the kosher globalist propaganda really took hold, and it changed the concept of what it always was to be an American into some bastardized global melting pot, hellbent on tolerating evil behaviors and self destructive policies.
Yes, I remember a long time ago, Americans demanded that German and Swedish immigrants, speak fucking English because they didn't speak English. Because back then people were smart enough to know diversity is not actually a strength. It's divisive. And so the German and Swedish immigrants started speaking English only instead of telling Americans to fuck off. And everyone benefited from this. Then the Anglo Saxon Americans accepted them entirely. But now in the USA, it's not politically correct to say this to people and you have all these immigrants in the USA who think they shouldn't have to learn English. It's sad how far America has fallen.
There's a small wrench in that narrative though. East Asians have moved to America and integrated tightly with the US zeitgeist. They work hard, they aren't mooches on the system and they're actually the least violent of the races in the US. They value meritocracy and traditional family values, many of whom are Christian.
I get the whole ethnonationalism shit, I'm obviously not someone as into it as some of you guys are, but they're also not the Arabic/Hispanic/Dindu fucks who are seeking to overthrow and "breed out" the native population and government. The 442nd fought for the US during WW2 against their own people (the Japanese) because they saw themselves as Americans first.
I think the US is something like a melting pot but even that has negative connotations, as you said. That implies people's cultures are being "melted out" to create one "superculture", which shouldn't be true (but the left does enjoy doing it to the white people).
Since you will never achieve that utopia here in the US because of the sheer number of forces that are hellbent on keeping this shitshow running (that includes the hook nosed tribe), and Europe is descending into accelerationism with its globalist governments letting their borders get invaded/genocided, what is your personal solution to this other than waxing lyrical with this small population here that thinks like you?
Definitely. But I think Mars is a shit hole. White people would be better off taking back their lands and colonizing places like
Antarctica and Greenland. Mars is hell, man. White people need to focus on Greenland. Because Greenland is a special place.
A leftist has to be able to hold multiple contradictory ideas simultaneously, or else their cognitive dissonance kicks in. Orwell called it doublethink and duckspeak.
It's amazing how leftist can hold the melting pot theory
They don't hold that belief. They're dishonest, and just realize that "melting pot" has better PR than 'ethnocentric cultural enclaves, and also kill whitey.'
The girl in the video is correct that "melting pot" (no matter what you think of it) implies assimilation. Multiculturalism is very different, and is what leftists actually push for.
The face of a smug man who would tear down everything of value (nations, races, families, morals) with his cynical, self hating deconstructionism. Then tell you he is really an optimist because he sees a future where all distinctions, standards and dignity have been eliminated
I'm not going to just assume based on one tweet, but that pinned one is good:
Conservatives have all but given up on opposing feminism, homosexuality & pornography. Read my latest for a recap of the Ls we’ve taken these past few years: [Link.]
Thumbnail is Riley Gaines (any conservative who dunks on this lady gets points in my book), JK Rowling, and Dave Rubin.
It's actually shocking how little Seder was able to defend his worldview from rudimentary attacks coming from someone secure in their stances.
What I mean is that, functionally speaking, the only argument leftists ever had was the threat of character assassination for people that disagree. It was only ever a consensus popularity contest (with manufactured consent).
Yup, and the sad part is, the right has fallen for this character assassination tactic for fifty years.
I mean cuckservative boomers being boomers, I bet cultural marxist talking points were all new to them, they didn't know how to dismantle the average leftists. The only one that could probably handle them coming from right-winger would probably have been George Rockwell and Malcolm X. Usual suspects knew that they should not be left to be alive to influence the youth and had them quickly taken out.
Thank you William F Buckley for teaching us to back down from such accusations and act like reasonable centrists so people don't think we're too extreme.
Conservatives are bootlicking pussies. Its easy to keep them shepherded and complacent, its built into their ideology.
They're the more grown up, emotionally mature party so they thought that maintaining composure was the more effective road.
That's like trying to reason with a 5 year old. Don't follow the kid's rules.
Yeah exactly. The operative point is that leftists don't give a damn whether their worldview makes logical sense. The only hope of redemption they have is that society drags them along until they have an epiphany.
Fifty? Bubba, the statist left was browbeating the freedom wing of the American populace within a decade of the Treaty of Paris. Look at how the newspapers handled Jefferson's election.
I watched the full thing and I can't understand why Sender agreed to do this, is his echochamber so good that he never heard any real argument against his ideology?
Like I typed in above, Seder believed most average right-wingers were drooling inbred morons, living in his bubble full of yes men. In a way, he was kinda right like for much of our time, most right-wing debaters were too lenient and too honourable that leftists would underestimate them. That's why it's such a shock when they come across someone like Mr Metokur and Nick Fuentes, both of whom knew what they were talking about but even mock them for their idiotic arguments.
This is why Destiny is so "successful." Because he is so fucking slimy and willing to be a piece of shit that few people can actually defend themselves against him without coming across as worse, as his audience is already on his side so "going down to his level" makes you lose. There is nothing he won't say, no principle he won't slide around, and no degeneracy he isn't already a fan of to win.
Its the same tactic as:
Dude, the redditors and twitter libs say he owned her.
He will never have to defend his stance in his parallel universe
She said "Mean Things", therefore she is wrong
- Every leftist ever.
Rly? That is depressing but not that shocked
Even the Jubilee's youtube channel is full of them declaring the victory to seder.
Most normies, left or right, have never heard the actual arguments against their globohomo propaganda positions. They've only heard caricatures and strawmen of our arguments and positions. Their positions have never been challenged or questioned, so they and their ideas are incredibly weak, and easily picked apart and rebuked.
This is because race realists, antisemites, White collectivists/nationalists, and Nazis (REEEEEEEEEE!) have largely been censored off of mainstream platforms since the implementation of said mainstream platforms (like Facebook). It's just that the evil has become so blatant, the world has gotten so bad, that even normies are noticing, and giving ear to the voices of the only people who've been proven right, over and over and over. So, the red pills continue, and increasingly accelerate as the current trends continue.
The enemies of globohomo kept getting censored into niche spaces, but as the purity death spiral of globohomo continued, more and more people kept being pushed into those niche spaces, for increasingly small infractions of wrong think, exposing more people to the truth. And then, our numbers got large enough, people became brazen enough (what do we have to lose at this point anyway?), and a few globohomo missteps (like Elon eliminating most of the censorious bastards at Twitter), has allowed the truth to be spoken in mainstream spaces by increasingly large crowds of people who are getting increasingly and rightfully pissed at how we've been constantly screwed over, even by our purported "allies".
Seder: I believe CURRENT THING because it's CURRENT YEAR you racist, sexist bigot!
Because really his only defense is I hold the view my professors told me was right.
His best defense is accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, etc., but you can’t recklessly toss these at “simple” people when you’re supposed to be the smartest dude in the room.
That's what happens when leftist faggots can't get cucks on the defensive by calling then racist. "No, Trump isn't Hitler, but I wish he was".
She's right. EDIT: The majority of the USA's population has always been white and Christian. And without brutal oppression of the majority, the majority will always shape a nation's identity. Besides, this whole idea of America being a melting pot is a recent invention. For most of U.S. history, Americans did not see the USA as a melting pot. And did not want that. It was never intended to be a melting pot...the ruling class of the USA just betrayed Americans and turned it into a melting pot... Americans for most of U.S. history only wanted the USA to be a white nation. Americans in the past barely tolerated Catholics, Irish people and Italian people(in other words other white people). And wanted to send all the black slaves back to Africa. Look up Liberia. Americans never really agreed to a bunch of black slaves in their country. Only a small percentage of powerful and greedy plantation owners ever wanted that. And you are telling me, they saw America as a melting pot with all the people in the world living in America, holding hands like one of Kalergi's wet dreams? Nah, a lot of people just want to rewrite what America was out of fear because they are afraid of America returning to it's roots. Because they would no longer be welcome. People can argue that America has always been native Americans and mestizos. And they would be right. But the America they are talking about is not actually the nation that is America(aka the USA). These people were never accepted by white Americans to the point they were a part of the nation's identity. They were excluded and might as well have been living in their own separate nations.
I don’t like that term “melting pot” it’s very jewish, regardless though, prior to Israel Zangwill coining that term, America kinda was a melting pot, but only intended for Northern and Western European peoples, because our ideals and culture here came from that region of Europe. Others were allowed to enter the country in very limited numbers, but they weren’t allowed to vote because the early generation Americans knew those people didn’t think or behave the same way as the native population of Americans did, so they didn’t want that influence harming what their ancestors built for them, what so many other Americans had already sacrificed their lives for. Every generation before WW2 understood the importance of demographics and assimilation, it wasn’t until after WW2 that the kosher globalist propaganda really took hold, and it changed the concept of what it always was to be an American into some bastardized global melting pot, hellbent on tolerating evil behaviors and self destructive policies.
Yes, I remember a long time ago, Americans demanded that German and Swedish immigrants, speak fucking English because they didn't speak English. Because back then people were smart enough to know diversity is not actually a strength. It's divisive. And so the German and Swedish immigrants started speaking English only instead of telling Americans to fuck off. And everyone benefited from this. Then the Anglo Saxon Americans accepted them entirely. But now in the USA, it's not politically correct to say this to people and you have all these immigrants in the USA who think they shouldn't have to learn English. It's sad how far America has fallen.
There's a small wrench in that narrative though. East Asians have moved to America and integrated tightly with the US zeitgeist. They work hard, they aren't mooches on the system and they're actually the least violent of the races in the US. They value meritocracy and traditional family values, many of whom are Christian.
I get the whole ethnonationalism shit, I'm obviously not someone as into it as some of you guys are, but they're also not the Arabic/Hispanic/Dindu fucks who are seeking to overthrow and "breed out" the native population and government. The 442nd fought for the US during WW2 against their own people (the Japanese) because they saw themselves as Americans first.
I think the US is something like a melting pot but even that has negative connotations, as you said. That implies people's cultures are being "melted out" to create one "superculture", which shouldn't be true (but the left does enjoy doing it to the white people).
Since you will never achieve that utopia here in the US because of the sheer number of forces that are hellbent on keeping this shitshow running (that includes the hook nosed tribe), and Europe is descending into accelerationism with its globalist governments letting their borders get invaded/genocided, what is your personal solution to this other than waxing lyrical with this small population here that thinks like you?
With 95% whites + meritocracy we legit might have a Mars colony by now.
Definitely. But I think Mars is a shit hole. White people would be better off taking back their lands and colonizing places like Antarctica and Greenland. Mars is hell, man. White people need to focus on Greenland. Because Greenland is a special place.
If civilization-tier human intelligence persists till then, I wonder if Mars would be used for a time when the Sun's expansion fried the Earth.
It's amazing how leftist can hold the melting pot theory while simultaneously believing the founding fathers were super racist.
A leftist has to be able to hold multiple contradictory ideas simultaneously, or else their cognitive dissonance kicks in. Orwell called it doublethink and duckspeak.
They don't hold that belief. They're dishonest, and just realize that "melting pot" has better PR than 'ethnocentric cultural enclaves, and also kill whitey.'
The girl in the video is correct that "melting pot" (no matter what you think of it) implies assimilation. Multiculturalism is very different, and is what leftists actually push for.
the person who invented the term "melting pot" was Israel Zangwill
Look at that jaundiced jew face holy shit.
The face of a smug man who would tear down everything of value (nations, races, families, morals) with his cynical, self hating deconstructionism. Then tell you he is really an optimist because he sees a future where all distinctions, standards and dignity have been eliminated
Daily Wire? LMFAO
To be fair, they are ethnonationalists.
That's not some random girl, that's Sarah Stock
Not familiar with her but...based?!
I'm not going to just assume based on one tweet, but that pinned one is good:
Thumbnail is Riley Gaines (any conservative who dunks on this lady gets points in my book), JK Rowling, and Dave Rubin.
we tried it your way. we got rid of "whit nationalism" and "theocracy".
is the country better off now than it was in those days? do you have any arguments that aren't cooked numbers or shitleft dogma?
Well now, where have I seen this before?
he looks like your typical weak dysgenic yids that are constantly pushing for open borders (cept in israel wink wink)