As someone who grew up in the U.S. in the 1990s, I am all too familiar with a culture in which anything you and your friends disapprove of is “retarded,” and anybody you might care to insult is a “retard.”
Are you saying the 90's are coming back?!
...grew out of such harmful language
I'm going to stop you right there. And, you know what...I'm gonna stop you right there so hard that's all I've got to say.
I think they are leftists, which just shows the massive echo chamber the author is in. The best example he could come up with was some more dissident lefty being edgy because of the changing culture.
Author is seriously, seriously retarded. And it's hilarious.
Please do not confuse Retarded Stone with the actual Rolling Stones. Despite all the drugs, Mick and Keith are still much less retarded than these retards.
Not that an article whining about using the word 'retard' used the word 'retard' a total of eight times. You think they'd have the balls to do the same with 'nigger'?
Retard literally fits most of the things people use it for, and the only reason to not use it is that people don't like being compared to the literal diagnosed retards. Which makes it even more fitting.
"Let's Get It Started" is a song by American group The Black Eyed Peas. It is a clean version of "Let's Get Retarded" from their third studio album, Elephunk (2003).
it's retarded to think that changing a word somehow has any positive effect. even if you successfully bully people into not using the word retarded anymore, they will find something else and in 10 years time it will be just as effective.
Critics of this coverage are correct when they note that the recklessly destructive way Trump wields power is more important than his violations of state decorum, those ill-mannered outbursts that leave longtime Beltway observers gasping about the dignity of the office and so forth.
tl;dr: Americans are finding their middle finger and putting it to good use...🖕
Are you saying the 90's are coming back?!
I'm going to stop you right there. And, you know what...I'm gonna stop you right there so hard that's all I've got to say.
Oh, before I go though...
You're retarded.
My insults are much more varied than that you gay nigger faggot
Also, not my fault that all my enemies are retarded.
“I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it."
(Letter to Étienne Noël Damilaville, May 16, 1767)” ― Voltaire
Funny thing is sometimes I am retarded.
I appreciate it when others point out im being retarded when im actually being retarded.
It's a learning tool, but fuck making society better, its every man for himself!
The 90s are coming back.
Please no spikey hair with rattails this time...
You’ll take the zip off pants with one leg full length and the other a short and like it
All great things require sacrifice.
Literally who, and literally what?
Imagine trying to blame one person for a word coming back. Sure, it happens...but that's not the case here.
It's the culture, retard.
Thank you for the suggestion, nanny. I love informative babysitters.
r/againsthatesubreddits was a good place to find good subs.
I think they are leftists, which just shows the massive echo chamber the author is in. The best example he could come up with was some more dissident lefty being edgy because of the changing culture.
Author is seriously, seriously retarded. And it's hilarious.
The whole article is a framework in which to complain about Republicans and conservatives.
Isn't that basically 95% of what the stone does anymore?
It's 95% of what all media does now.
I guess. I don't read it.
Don’t care. Haven’t heard this much whining since 2020.
Please do not confuse Retarded Stone with the actual Rolling Stones. Despite all the drugs, Mick and Keith are still much less retarded than these retards.
Charlie Watts is dead and still less retarded.
Not that an article whining about using the word 'retard' used the word 'retard' a total of eight times. You think they'd have the balls to do the same with 'nigger'?
Inglorious Retards
Vainglorious Retards
You have to mispell reterds
Response: "Ok retard"
Imagine being a retard smh
Rolling Stone magazine is fake, gay, and retarded.
Retard literally fits most of the things people use it for, and the only reason to not use it is that people don't like being compared to the literal diagnosed retards. Which makes it even more fitting.
Gay, faggot, and retard never fell out of favor. We just got banned for typing it on big social media sites.
I may be retarded for reading this. I certainly feel more retarded than I did before.
What a bunch of retarded faggotry.
How racist of Rolling Stones to complain about an all black music group.
Imagine being retarded enough to be offended by the word retard.
Have they tried not being retarded? 🤔
it's retarded to think that changing a word somehow has any positive effect. even if you successfully bully people into not using the word retarded anymore, they will find something else and in 10 years time it will be just as effective.
fuck off retard
we're bringing gay and faggot back too
To think that I used to look forward to reading Rolling Stone for music news back in 2000. Do they even try to say they are a music magazine anymore?
It's a retarded take from retards who want to run society like a fucking kindergarten
What a bunch of retards.
One of the fictional horror film commercials for “Knife After Dark” in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City mentioned that it was rated R for retarded.
It wasn't just the 90s. The 80s had it too, and it existed into the 2000s.
lol, based.
Rolling stones is a retard rag with retarded opinions that caters only to left wing retards.
That's retarded.
tl;dr: Americans are finding their middle finger and putting it to good use...🖕
I can't cut it out because I'm too much of a retard, retard.
Have you been introduced to "nenard"?
reading the article now, but the post alone is worth an upvote...