They wish it was ignorance, which would imply that they have some kind of elevated knowledge or awareness. It's that smug tittilation they get from referring to anything which makes them feel superior; a cornerstone of the liberal ego.
sorry, that came out a bit harsh, but yeah...that's kinda the left's idea of a meme. a random picture with words on it. it's kinda how the whole "the left can't meme" thing became a meme in and of itself.
Older Lefty Former Hippies.... sigh... You took LSD, shrooms, and got face fucked while you were asleep by a cult leader you thought was your boyfriend and we're the unenlightened simpletons because we think your bad personal decisions inform bad policy decisions.
I'm just annoyed at the shockingly shallow stupidity of that movement. "Take LSD and open your mind!" I wouldn't do that with meth. Why the fuck would I do that with any other drug?
Its the same nonsensical belief of "we only use 10% of our brain."
They truly believed we needed to unlock the full potential of our mind, whether it being literally locked or locked by "society and the man" impressing upon it, and you needed a drug powerful enough to trigger it out.
Its one of those logics that makes sense if you accept the premise and all the foundational parts, but only a fucking retard would accept those to begin with.
Given how incredibly pretentious everything else there is, I think it's supposed to be three roses.
Of course, they're incompetent so the perspective and scale are all wrong, unless the flowers are the size of footballs or incredibly close to her face. And the reflection is lazily copy-pasted onto both lenses with no change in perspective. So it looks so unnatural it's barely recognizable.
Yeah I caught that too, reminds me of that scene from Event Horizon which is ironic given I'm assuming the 'cool girl' with glasses is meant to be woke and THAT'S her reflection...
This is them going back to the original definition of "woke" to try and score cheap points like a debate club.
Because yes, being "woke" originally would be the opposite of willful ignorance. It was just their word to describe being aware of all the strings they thought they saw behind "oppressive systems" and the like. Noticing "microaggressions" required staying constantly "woke" to how little things contributed to big things.
But that was the word in the 00s, it hasn't meant that in a long time, especially as it was literally a weak "red pill" metaphor mixed with ebonics to begin with and we can't have that in current Leftist Dogma.
It's not ignorance, I'm very aware of their views. It's opposition, willful opposition
Just like real communism has never been tried, we are merely opposed to it because we don't know enough about it.
They wish it was ignorance, which would imply that they have some kind of elevated knowledge or awareness. It's that smug tittilation they get from referring to anything which makes them feel superior; a cornerstone of the liberal ego.
Aren't they always saying wokeness doesn't exist and you can't define it?
Just like how you cant define what a woman is unless it involves abortion?
Yes. It's as if they are arguing entirely in bad faith 100% of the time.
Wokeness doesn't exist and it is the most correct thing in the world.
What the hell is this meme format (that's a strong term) it's just words, there's no joke.
The joke is that they are very smart and chuds are owned forever
their meme boards are filled with constant validation and virtue signaling. comedy is secondary.
It's not a meme attempt at all, I think. It's just a text message decorated with a random pretty image. Very unimaginative.
you just described 70-75% of their memes...
Yeah, i guess.
sorry, that came out a bit harsh, but yeah...that's kinda the left's idea of a meme. a random picture with words on it. it's kinda how the whole "the left can't meme" thing became a meme in and of itself.
Clapter, not laughter.
it's called a lefty meme. usually with scarequotes.
Apparently the opposite of hallucination is not reality, it's blindness.
Older Lefty Former Hippies.... sigh... You took LSD, shrooms, and got face fucked while you were asleep by a cult leader you thought was your boyfriend and we're the unenlightened simpletons because we think your bad personal decisions inform bad policy decisions.
I'm just annoyed at the shockingly shallow stupidity of that movement. "Take LSD and open your mind!" I wouldn't do that with meth. Why the fuck would I do that with any other drug?
Because the injuns used to do it so it's super deep and spiritual
"So, you're saying scalping children is progressive?"
It's not my culture
Nevermind slavery and bride-stealing...
Cannibalism, genocide
Its the same nonsensical belief of "we only use 10% of our brain."
They truly believed we needed to unlock the full potential of our mind, whether it being literally locked or locked by "society and the man" impressing upon it, and you needed a drug powerful enough to trigger it out.
Its one of those logics that makes sense if you accept the premise and all the foundational parts, but only a fucking retard would accept those to begin with.
Is that the reflection of roses in the glasses?
... as in rose colored glasses?
Y'know, the ones you're supposed to take off to see reality for what it is, and not what you'd rather see.
Hilarious lack of self reflection. think that's bad, wait till you look through the anal window
warning: watch when you have three hours to kill and desperately need to laugh until your sides achieve escape velocity...
Meanwhile they really like being willfully ignorant about the science around race.
What are the glasses even reflecting
Given how incredibly pretentious everything else there is, I think it's supposed to be three roses.
Of course, they're incompetent so the perspective and scale are all wrong, unless the flowers are the size of footballs or incredibly close to her face. And the reflection is lazily copy-pasted onto both lenses with no change in perspective. So it looks so unnatural it's barely recognizable.
Yeah I caught that too, reminds me of that scene from Event Horizon which is ironic given I'm assuming the 'cool girl' with glasses is meant to be woke and THAT'S her reflection...
I'm pretty sure it's some sort of flower arrangement.
Woah, that's creepy, it's more eyes
It’s not ignorance; it’s hate.
i wish i could return to ignorance.
Woke: The belief that:
Society is divided into oppressor and oppressed class along the lines of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality, etc. Via ...
Hegemonic power; That is the dominant group's control of ideas, stories, etc.; The Narrative
As the privileged people are blind to the effects of Hegemonic Power we must defer to the Lived Experience of the Marginalized. To ...
Dismantle unjust system.
Woke or ignorant is no choice.
I like the drawing of the hippie girl who was double-fisting dicks at Woodstock and helped fuck HIV and various other diseases into existence
This is them going back to the original definition of "woke" to try and score cheap points like a debate club.
Because yes, being "woke" originally would be the opposite of willful ignorance. It was just their word to describe being aware of all the strings they thought they saw behind "oppressive systems" and the like. Noticing "microaggressions" required staying constantly "woke" to how little things contributed to big things.
But that was the word in the 00s, it hasn't meant that in a long time, especially as it was literally a weak "red pill" metaphor mixed with ebonics to begin with and we can't have that in current Leftist Dogma.
No the opposite of woke is heterosexual.