Came across this on my Twitter feed. Professor openly admitting to brainwashing students.
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I treat every instance of someone uttering the word "capitalism" as an indicator of Shitlib indoctrination. There is zero reason to ever bring it up, otherwise. It's a 100% reliable shibboleth for someone who thinks you can litigate away human flaws and force money into the hands of people doing nothing to be worthy of its value; that you can "fix it" with enough lectures and theory. It's either a child who would never know what they're talking about, or an adult who should know better but has been wholly insulated from the consequences of their terrible belief system.
It's just like how normal people don't use the word "cisgender." Capitalism was just the default and people didn't need a word for it until socialists/communists started astroturfing our language.
Well, not entirely true. Capitalism didn't exist for most of human history. Mercantalism was the much more common predecessor to capitalism.
Capitalism just feels like the default in "The West" because they didn't have generations crippled by Communism and fascism like much of the rest of the world.
Any time someone says "capitalism" I just respond, "I don't know what that is. Can you explain what you mean by it?"
That's awesome! hahaha Forcing the left to define the terms they misuse is a good tactic I hadn't considered much.
So true. See "A conflict of visions" by Thomas Sowell. Some people think that human nature doesn't exist, but it's the "systems" that are corrupting them, and if only the systems could be fixed, then all of humanity's woes would perish.
googling 'shibboleth' and hoping it's not CP related
"Shibboleth" is a word that can be pronounced in a whole bunch of different ways, and has no meaning; it's a pile of letters. The original use was that it was written on a piece of paper, and walked around by soldiers, asking people to pronounce the word, in order to root out outsiders and spies. Spies could learn to hide an accent by effectively re-learning the same language, but a word with no fixed pronunciation is much harder to fake. This use of it has made the word Shibboleth self-referential: A "shibboleth" is a word whose use identifies someone as belonging to a faction.
The pronunciation of it is impossible to codify, as that's the whole point. It is any one of "see-bo-let", "see-bo-leth", "shee-bo-let", "shee-bo-leth", "Seb-oh-let", "seb-oh-leth", or really any combination of those three sounds. It could even be "Syb-bowl-ith", with more worldwide accents!
It's a term from the bible. In Judges. Basically it's a word that you can use to identify who is really a member of your tribe and who is just a foreigner who is infiltrating. When used to rout out spies, they're infiltrating so they're presumably pretty good or look similar, so we're going to have to come up with something that really separates out the natives from the foreigners. And for their accents, the spy's pronunciation 'shibboleth' (on the 'sh' and 'th' IIRC) would reveal that they aren't actually from Israel. Lollapalooza was used in wwii, because the Japs struggle with l's and r's.
Basically that's what you do, take the sounds that that language doesn't have and struggles with, and ask them to say a word with that set of sounds or with that sound in it many times. Not just that one sound by itself at the start of the word, too easy. The better Japanese infiltrator might be able to say 'language' or 'limited' just fine. The difficult sounds should ideally be throughout the word and with other difficult sounds right near them making pronunciation harder for them. That's why 'lollapalooza' is a better shibboleth.
But you can go outside of just words, and into gestures and customs (like in this example of 'going on about capitalism'). There's a famous scene in inglorious bastards where him using the index, middle and ring finger, rather than the thumb, to count, reveals that he's not German. How true that is in Germany, I don't know. But for the purposes of the film, this is what gives him away, and could be used as a shibboleth.
I always felt that was Tarantino just being a pretentious ass while writing again, regardless of how true it might be.
"Hurr durr, I'm so smart. I'm going to write so smart in this scene then literally strangle an actress myself in the next one because I'm so hands on. I'm so quirky, like that time I almost got Uma Thurman killed."
He's a massive faggot that I'm surprised hasn't been Plauché'd yet.
Edit: [Ken Rex] McElroy'd might also fit.
Fascinating. Thank you.
The most based anticommunists in history were also anticapitalist.
Whenever i see a leftist complaining about capitalism i always say "i agree, and that's why we need national socialism" just to troll them.
It's not a troll when you're serious and you genuinely believe the cure to Capitalism is National Socialism.
If you agree with them on fundamentals and only differ in surface elements that's their victory.
All socialism is globalist rot.
And that's why we need to go back even further and bring back traditional monarchism.
Monarchism is still left wing.
The solution to the globalist cabal is decentralized power and government. Because then even when the sociopath goblins can corrupt one area the damage they can do is minimal and it's easy to remove them. Concentrating power is what they want.
Lol, hilarious display of historical ignorance there. Leftism literally began with anti-monarchy revolutionaries like the proto-commie jacobins.
Fundamental principles of human behavior and government didn't begin a couple hundred years ago you twit. Identifications of the pattern did not create the pattern. Isaac newton defining the laws of physics did not bring gravity into existence.
Doesn't change the fact that leftism is anti-tradition, retard.
Stop using the reddit political compass. That thing is a product of "horseshoe theory" propaganda and ascribes modern cultural values to the left and right. Left vs right is a political measuring scale, not a cultural one
The modern american leftist is typically anti-tradition. But that is a relative cultural value, neither inherently left or right wing. Same with nationalism - you can find examples of it on both ends.
You have been confused by the deliberate well poisoning around political discourse, but left vs right is an OBJECTIVE scale whose axes are defined as something like statism vs anarchism, or collectivism vs individualism. Not "tradition" which is vague and subjective at best and would mean wildly different things in different places.
Steinbaum lol
“But ‘capitalism’ is an anti-Jewish slur”
Every time I see the username Gizortnik, it's above a comment defending jews.
Hey now, give Lethn credit where credit is due. He said he'd fuck off and hasn't come back.
Problems with capitalism. I’m sure these people make lots of money. Does he teach his students the problems with other systems? Or the importance of making good choices?
Professors in these specific fields don't make a lot of money. The majors they are teaching basically prepare you to turn around and come back to teach it, so the supply is too high for them to get paid good like the Researchers or STEM profs do. Unless they teach for a higher end university of course.
But of course, the fact that they teach a course that's entire purpose is to spend money on a "we are teaching you so you can teach someone else to teach someone else" cycle is lost on them. As its only something that could exist in capitalism.
Reminds me of a professor who told me, "I stayed in school because I didn't want to get a real job."
Great point
(((Steinbaum))) encouraging people to lie to their family while pushing communism? NO WAY!?
Baum. Every. Single. Time.
Open comment section, ctrf+f ""baum"", updoot
How do people get this way?
They didn't get the correct dosage of lead.
While they do correctly identify lead poisoning as a cure for leftist dogmas, they incorrectly attribute it to a preventative, very small amounts delivered over time. The functional treatment for acute leftist derangement is rapid application after onset, as advocated by Patton towards Moscow.
I mean, that is an accurate description of 99.9% of humanities professors and english lit PhDs.
Critical Theory, of which Marxism is a subset, cannot build. It can only destroy. It can only define itself as "not the current thing". Critical Theorists believe that by destroying society, a glorious, oppression-free utopia will magically arise from the ashes. Pointing out that this is an absurd pipe dream gets you labeled as problematic.
archive that shit.
what are we if we don't source our claims?
Trump won. Stop stressing out so much.
I will forever and always make fun of people who are too lazy to copy and paste a link
They should stress you out more. They didnt let Trump win because they gave up. They let him win so they can stage a terrorist attack and blame the fallout on him.
Yeah regardless of if another big false flag happens in the next four years, they let him win because our people weren't enlisting to be cannon fodder for the zionists anymore.
James lindsey for all his recent flaws, covered this in exhaustive detail in the marxism of education. I highly recommend slogging through the book.
According to the marxists they started taking over educational institutions in the 60/70's and this was complete in 1992 when they achieved total domination of all the teaching colleges in america. (These are the places that teach teachers)
Another useful idiot that doesn’t realize that when the communist revolution (tRuE cOmMuNiSm hAsNt BeEn tRiEd) comes they always line up the academics and intelligencia like him in first round of purges.
There's a kernel of truth there. The financial industry is one big wealth extraction scheme and it's one of the largest industries in the world. Ideally finance is about keeping capital productive. It moves idle capital to the hands of productive people. In reality it's all shell games with a lot of people skimming some along each step.
Finance is just a euphemism for usury, gambling, and scamming. That entire "industry" should be banned.
Stop being anti-semitic!
That name has a certain...background.
Do they know we can read their faggotry?
Let's be real, nobody with an economy major is sympathetic towards socialist/communist
I love that the thread the quoted tweet is referencing is a woman whose PhD research included "noticing someone smells bad is racist." Nothing makes me happier than social sciences, and educators in general having the curtain pulled back revealing a bunch of bitter retards who waste years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to be in the lamest club possible. Also, leftists' obsession with kid's parents not knowing what they are up to is very strange.
Twenty One Pilots confirmed racists!
The parents are already brainwashed if they sent their kids to this indoctrination camp
If they can't understand the difference between "The Humanities" and "Communism", then we can simply abolish both because it's clear you teach students to kill themselves and ruin their lives.