Stargate SG1 was amazing until about S9+ where Anderson left the show and we got an obnoxious thot to help fill the gap. The shows afterwards got pretty woke as well.
Yes. Great show, a lot of the core plotlines and characters still hold up today. The writers originally made Samantha Carter an insufferable feminist, until midway through season 1, her actress (Amanda Tapping) went to the writers and told them that genuinely capable women don't talk or act the way Carter did. The writers then not only changed course, but made it so that losing the feminist chip on her shoulder was in-universe character progression.
I genuinely cannot fathom this happening in a mainstream TV show today.
There's a bunch of plot and character development that happens throughout season 1 that impacts the rest of the series, and it ends on a four-part cliffhanger going into season 2.
So, if you want to watch SG-1, I'd recommend to start with the pilot episode and then skip to episode 10, "Thor's Hammer". You'll have missed all but one of the cringe episodes (14, "Hathor"'s bad), but won't miss much of the good stuff.
It's funny cuz I have only watched it through season 5 before the actors leave. It is good.
It's a show where you don't feel like you have to consult the Wiki every 5 minutes (cough House of the Dragon). They have so much screen time -- 22 episodes a season, that they actually tell everything onscreen instead of all the details being in books you'll never read.
There is talk of a new Stargate show. I think Amazon has the rights and has been talking about it, maybe even beginning pre production later this summer
And I loved the original shows (universe tried too hard though). Carter being a woman was a plot point for the first season or so, then the show got over it except for situations where it actually would have mattered.
Teal'c being black literally never mattered to anyone, and was never a plot point as far as I remember.
But now? It'd be hot trash because the left can't help themselves.
Why you gotta bring Junior into this? It wasn't his fault, and he never did anything wrong, in fact he helped Teal'c multiple times (and then got replaced with the meds).
They had the episode with Rene Auberjonois where the elite white people lived in a bunker breeding eugenical while they bombed the mixed breeders on the surface with drones. It was an advanced culture that was prepared to share technology with the SGC but SG1 let the surface people destroy the bunker people.
No it wasn't. I was trying to remember the episode with Teal'C helping jis neighbor lady from her boyfriend and he gets charged with murder if his skin color came up? I don't think it did but I don't want to be definitive when I don't know for sure.
Actors use Scientology for protection against Hollywood.
I used to think, how can Tom Cruz be so smart and well spoken and effective and fall for Scientology? Because he's not Jewish so being in a super-cult that's willing to file endless lawsuits, lie, cheat, intimidate, or even murder to protect its members is kind of a big deal.
If this is NOT the case, there should be jewish scientologists. I kind of never looked. But you know, not all Jews are Jewish. Plenty of room for them to be scientologists. If they are avoiding something as central to Hollywood as scientology, then yeah I think you're onto something. Because you'd think they'd subvert it.
So, uh, do they drink children's blood or no? Cuz I can tolerate the weird volcano shit. And heck even what they do on their ship is their business to me.
Normal person joining Scientology is like you walking up to the Italian Mob and asking to pay them protection money; unless you're targeted by the Irish Mob you're better off staying off anyone's radar.
They do a lot of fucked up stuff apparently, but not nearly as much as the Tribe does.
Random one I found scrolling down that is so hilarious it feels like I'm being trolled:
Concerning remarks about the US President, which again, inherently dangerous
Can you imagine typing this with a straight face, unironically using it to say this guy is a bad dude for criticizing the president? After Trump?
That's the level of upvoting going on there. People who truly believe that by daring to imply Biden isn't perfect, you are dangerously inciting violence into our country.
Honestly, its a shockingly good insight into their mindset and why they feel the need to control and narrative-ize everything. Because they seem to truly believe that if you even give a tiny bit of weakness to the Right, we will instantly pounce like rabid animals. Which is hilarious projection.
I still remember the huge sentiment during the Obama years of "he is still our president and you should respect that." I even did so a little just out of principle respect to America itself.
I wonder where all those people are now. Would be hilarious to put the contrast up and see how they spin their wheels to justify it.
insulting the president was patriotic.
'Member when making funny caricature face masks of the President was a national pastime, until Obama? And suddenly calling him a monkey was super evil on the same shelf as the Bush as a monkey mask?
This must be what it felt like to live under Lincoln. Just seeing in real time your nation having changed forever by a single, horrible man who everyone voted in on empty promises.
I still remember the huge sentiment during the Obama years of "he is still our president and you should respect that."
This is an older principle that is no longer adhered to. I'm sure someone did try to bring it back for Obama, but that's not a cat that's going back in the bag easily. SNL parodies the presidents, and they're as mainstream as it comes.
That said, respect for the office does not mean that you don't criticize its occupant or even make fun of them. That always happens unless some gestapo cracks down on it.
The Stargate subreddit can get real weird because the show was pretty military friendly. I think the Air Force was involved in production of the show. So a lot of sci-fi liberal nerds feel odd about liking a show that isn't hating America.
So you will get topics every few months about feeling the show was too pro military and American. Or how it was awful how the US didn't share the technology with the world.
There are people who don't believe the Steele dossier even though it's been debunked because they actually believe the news is right leaning and lying.
The collusion was a Russian coming to Trump campaign and being like "I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hilary Clinton" right?
They said that they would've charged Trump with "collusion" -- whateverthefuck that is, but the DOJ had a policy against charging the President. So similar to the Biden docs situation but without the senility. IOW they claim the facts support a charge and that the powerful man just got away with it.
ICR what the dirt on Hilary was exactly. I don't think there's much mystery in what actually happened.
I guess it's like the charges they just laid against Trump in NY. He was "influencing " an election by participating in it. He is the first person I know of to be so-charged. Although it was an indirect charge. But it was the only thing that supported his felony convictions. They weren't forced to explain this, but somehow they must have figured that entering into an NDA was illegally influencing the election.
OP was in on it too. This is the classic 'ask a question to get people to give the answers you already know and want.'
My favorite comment:
I did a quick Google search. If this article is accurate... he's done the full far right rabbit hole gambit. This is a really bad look and I'm very disappointed.
The headline in question:
‘Stargate SG-1’ Star Corin Nemec Decries Credibility Of Mainstream News, Questions Recent Media Narratives
Oh. No. The horror. Gasp.
“Wuflu is man-made, laptop is real, Russian Collusion is not real, Intelligence community is corrupt, Boarder is wide open, Globalist Agenda for World Domination is Open Source News, Federal Reserve Bank is broke, Epstein didn’t kill himself, what am I forgetting?”
So...uh, true on all counts? Although I'd say the Fed is evil, not broke. Probably the last thing they are is broke, unless I'm missing something. If the Federal Reserve is broke, they're even more retarded than I thought, and in fact break any past scales of retard measurement, considering they're playing with essentially all of the money in the world.
Not only did OP know what he was looking for, just looking through it, it's unlikely that the Stargate sub had enough regular traffic from standard-model Redditors to create the kind of vote activity you see. It's probably OP and his fag Discord server.
Whether the Fed is broke or made of unlimited funds is less obvious than one would hope. So I'll give him a pass on that.
The whole monetary system is based on debt and fails the day people stop paying their interest. Arguably, being owed money is not the same as having money, but common practice is to treat it like it is.
It's hard to say all that in like 4 words.
They don't have a bunch of gold that's worth what the money supply works out to; promise that.
Cancelling is just the newest version of old-school shunning, like the Jehovah's Witnesses still do - they literally treat and think of apostates (dissidents) as dead.
If they repent and come back to the fold, then they can have a resurrection ceremony of sorts (just like Lazarus); I don't know if the Wokies have gotten that far yet in their evolution ...
It's also why "deadnaming" is so abhorrent to them.
Traditionally, when someone joined some mystery cult, secret society, or other offshoot minority religion, they'd be put through a ceremony that today would be called "hazing", but which tested your resolve to be a part of the group (and also a way of cementing loyalty and trust and all that good shit.)
Such a ceremony might include things like a ritual death and rebirth as a new person, with a new name ....
I liked Jonas Quinn, in part because it was hilarious that 'Jonas Quinn' is a way less alien name than 'Corin Nemec'. I was disappointed in SG:U that they had an entire episode on Langara and - after mentioning in SG:1 that the Ori had occupied the planet - didn't use the excuse to bring Nemec back for a cameo. Or, if he wasn't available, at least have an offhend mention of "Oh, Director Quinn's not gonna like this..." at the end or something, just to confirm that he's doing okay.
To be fair, I think that's due to two main factors.
The first being the type of show SG1 was: largely self-contained episodic monster-of-the-week. They need their new team member up and running as quick as possible. Remember, this was the early 2000s, TV didn't really lean into the strong ongoing story until roughly early 2010s. And yeah, there were obviously exceptions, but it was rarer for the time, especially in sci-fi.
And secondly is that we did only get him for 1 season. That leaves very little room to develop his character all that much without focusing too much on him. The only main characters that would be comparable would be Cameron and Vala, the latter of which was directly related to a core story point with regards to the Ori (and hence got more attention to flesh out her character), and the former was a bit of a Gary Stu himself, though he had that extra season (and 2 films) to help flesh him out more than Jonas ever got.
Stargate sg1 was one of my fav shows. There were some progressive episodes, but imo.. it seemed benigned and was just coincidental. Carter had probably had 5 or 6 episodes where her being a woman was brought up. First episode or two where she is introduced. When carter had to do 1 on 1 knife combat with a mongol (same dude as shredder from mutant turtle??) And competing with a jaffa warrior to show off the p90. And when the team had to work with Baal on a super weapon but Baal chastised her and insulted her for being a human female. That... that might be more woke. But then again Baal chastised everyone lower than him.
In terms of tealc being black, nothing much about it i think. But the one that enslaved him was aphophis who was also black or arab. I think there was a police episode when he gets arrested for beating up humans on earth that was harassing a woman. But it was mostly coincidental i think.
I thought christopher judge (who voices kratos from gow) did a good job as tealc.
I mentioned to another poster I can remember one episode with Teal'C's race being a plot point. It's the one with Rene Auberjonis where they gate to a place with people in a bunker. And they use drones to bomb the surface people
Oh. Where they had super heavy water and they used drones. Yeah, i guess its easy to write a story or episode that is nazi based. Its a shame its super obvious with the eugenics and white skin, blonde skin and blue eyes. Yeah. That episode stank.
The Nazis weren't the first or only people to have a society that treated people differently based on race. But it's the only thing Hollywood remembers. It's too obvious why. Even if you don't think conspiratorially and you just like new and interesting material, their boundless obsession with the Nazis gets annoying.
'Waah, an actor for a show I used to watch doesn't parrot my opinions!'
Welcome to what the 95% of us have to endure.
I'm just glad there's no current talk of bringing Stargate back as they'd likely fuck it up.
Stargate SG1 was amazing until about S9+ where Anderson left the show and we got an obnoxious thot to help fill the gap. The shows afterwards got pretty woke as well.
Richard Dean Anderson was the backbone of that entire franchise and no one can convince me otherwise. None of it works without him.
I agree.
Shit, I thought I was the only one.
Huh she is also the voice of Morrigan in worst Dragon Age entries.
Jesus, she was only in her 30s?
And the Ori were just a sadder version of the Goa'uld.
Still worth getting into? I'm always on the hunt for old for "new" shows I never watched, especially with how shit shows are nowadays.
Yes. Great show, a lot of the core plotlines and characters still hold up today. The writers originally made Samantha Carter an insufferable feminist, until midway through season 1, her actress (Amanda Tapping) went to the writers and told them that genuinely capable women don't talk or act the way Carter did. The writers then not only changed course, but made it so that losing the feminist chip on her shoulder was in-universe character progression.
I genuinely cannot fathom this happening in a mainstream TV show today.
Ohh... Okay. Because I tried to watch it and found her to be an insufferable feminist.
If I start with season 2 will I have missed much?
There's a bunch of plot and character development that happens throughout season 1 that impacts the rest of the series, and it ends on a four-part cliffhanger going into season 2.
So, if you want to watch SG-1, I'd recommend to start with the pilot episode and then skip to episode 10, "Thor's Hammer". You'll have missed all but one of the cringe episodes (14, "Hathor"'s bad), but won't miss much of the good stuff.
It's funny cuz I have only watched it through season 5 before the actors leave. It is good.
It's a show where you don't feel like you have to consult the Wiki every 5 minutes (cough House of the Dragon). They have so much screen time -- 22 episodes a season, that they actually tell everything onscreen instead of all the details being in books you'll never read.
Origins probably killed the franchise for a good while.
There is talk of a new Stargate show. I think Amazon has the rights and has been talking about it, maybe even beginning pre production later this summer
It's going to be shit.
And I loved the original shows (universe tried too hard though). Carter being a woman was a plot point for the first season or so, then the show got over it except for situations where it actually would have mattered.
Teal'c being black literally never mattered to anyone, and was never a plot point as far as I remember.
But now? It'd be hot trash because the left can't help themselves.
Teal'c being Jaffa is way more important than him being Black. Literally, it's what's on the inside that counts.
Why you gotta bring Junior into this? It wasn't his fault, and he never did anything wrong, in fact he helped Teal'c multiple times (and then got replaced with the meds).
Obviously being an alien (or whatever Jaffa are) would be way more important than being black. But an SJW show would think differently.
They had the episode with Rene Auberjonois where the elite white people lived in a bunker breeding eugenical while they bombed the mixed breeders on the surface with drones. It was an advanced culture that was prepared to share technology with the SGC but SG1 let the surface people destroy the bunker people.
tbf, I see that as more "not my circus, not my monkeys".
Moral issues are a staple of sci-fi shows.
It's the only time I remember Teal'C being black was a plot point.
well the awkward driver hippy tries to black power him but it goes totally over his head
No it wasn't. I was trying to remember the episode with Teal'C helping jis neighbor lady from her boyfriend and he gets charged with murder if his skin color came up? I don't think it did but I don't want to be definitive when I don't know for sure.
Yeah that was one of the last episodes I got to before I stopped watching. I didn't stop watching because of that, but i'm barely further. lol
Amazon though now have a history of cancelling projects due to feedback
Look at that supposed 40K show, that seems dead thanks to the constant fan response and now Games Workshop is more fucked due to cucking.
Just sell it to Disney, and let's be done with this clownshow. The world obviously needs more Disney remakes; Star Wars went so swimmingly.
The Best Joker, phenomenal voice actor and good actor in general, shit political opinions.
The best example of a stalwart, wise, and principled captain on TV. Excellent at mentor roles in general. Commie.
slightly based actually
I never really saw him in anything but SW, and it's fine.
He should be an imperialist. His whole schtick is acting like british royalty. That's not very uh common, comrade.
Not as much as TD says he is, but he's ok.
Yeah, I'm not sure where he's wrong about anything. Scientology is gay and retarded, but he's still right about the rest of it.
Actors use Scientology for protection against Hollywood.
I used to think, how can Tom Cruz be so smart and well spoken and effective and fall for Scientology? Because he's not Jewish so being in a super-cult that's willing to file endless lawsuits, lie, cheat, intimidate, or even murder to protect its members is kind of a big deal.
Basically it's Judaism for non-Jews.
This thought occurred to me as well. Scientology is clearly a protection and influence racket for Hollywood’s non-Jews.
If this is NOT the case, there should be jewish scientologists. I kind of never looked. But you know, not all Jews are Jewish. Plenty of room for them to be scientologists. If they are avoiding something as central to Hollywood as scientology, then yeah I think you're onto something. Because you'd think they'd subvert it.
Huh that hadn't occurred to me.
So, uh, do they drink children's blood or no? Cuz I can tolerate the weird volcano shit. And heck even what they do on their ship is their business to me.
Normal person joining Scientology is like you walking up to the Italian Mob and asking to pay them protection money; unless you're targeted by the Irish Mob you're better off staying off anyone's radar.
They do a lot of fucked up stuff apparently, but not nearly as much as the Tribe does.
The biggest falsity there is that the Federal Reserve Bank is broke.
They're not broke, they're just using your money, and then printing the rest.
Random one I found scrolling down that is so hilarious it feels like I'm being trolled:
Can you imagine typing this with a straight face, unironically using it to say this guy is a bad dude for criticizing the president? After Trump?
That's the level of upvoting going on there. People who truly believe that by daring to imply Biden isn't perfect, you are dangerously inciting violence into our country.
Honestly, its a shockingly good insight into their mindset and why they feel the need to control and narrative-ize everything. Because they seem to truly believe that if you even give a tiny bit of weakness to the Right, we will instantly pounce like rabid animals. Which is hilarious projection.
Hollywood folks made those weird loyalty pledges to Obama after he won the Presidency. Then Trump won and insulting the president was patriotic.
I still remember the huge sentiment during the Obama years of "he is still our president and you should respect that." I even did so a little just out of principle respect to America itself.
I wonder where all those people are now. Would be hilarious to put the contrast up and see how they spin their wheels to justify it.
'Member when making funny caricature face masks of the President was a national pastime, until Obama? And suddenly calling him a monkey was super evil on the same shelf as the Bush as a monkey mask?
This must be what it felt like to live under Lincoln. Just seeing in real time your nation having changed forever by a single, horrible man who everyone voted in on empty promises.
This is an older principle that is no longer adhered to. I'm sure someone did try to bring it back for Obama, but that's not a cat that's going back in the bag easily. SNL parodies the presidents, and they're as mainstream as it comes.
That said, respect for the office does not mean that you don't criticize its occupant or even make fun of them. That always happens unless some gestapo cracks down on it.
To be fair, there is a good deal of vote hitting going on too
The Stargate subreddit can get real weird because the show was pretty military friendly. I think the Air Force was involved in production of the show. So a lot of sci-fi liberal nerds feel odd about liking a show that isn't hating America.
So you will get topics every few months about feeling the show was too pro military and American. Or how it was awful how the US didn't share the technology with the world.
Well it will be a perfect fit before long since the military is turning into a faggots only club.
Wow. Someone is still saying Russia collusion was real
There are people who don't believe the Steele dossier even though it's been debunked because they actually believe the news is right leaning and lying.
The collusion was a Russian coming to Trump campaign and being like "I have information that will lead to the arrest of Hilary Clinton" right?
They said that they would've charged Trump with "collusion" -- whateverthefuck that is, but the DOJ had a policy against charging the President. So similar to the Biden docs situation but without the senility. IOW they claim the facts support a charge and that the powerful man just got away with it.
I think so but with such a hostile media if there had been a shred of evidence they would’ve paraded it around everywhere
ICR what the dirt on Hilary was exactly. I don't think there's much mystery in what actually happened.
I guess it's like the charges they just laid against Trump in NY. He was "influencing " an election by participating in it. He is the first person I know of to be so-charged. Although it was an indirect charge. But it was the only thing that supported his felony convictions. They weren't forced to explain this, but somehow they must have figured that entering into an NDA was illegally influencing the election.
OP was in on it too. This is the classic 'ask a question to get people to give the answers you already know and want.'
My favorite comment:
The headline in question:
Oh. No. The horror. Gasp.
So...uh, true on all counts? Although I'd say the Fed is evil, not broke. Probably the last thing they are is broke, unless I'm missing something. If the Federal Reserve is broke, they're even more retarded than I thought, and in fact break any past scales of retard measurement, considering they're playing with essentially all of the money in the world.
Not only did OP know what he was looking for, just looking through it, it's unlikely that the Stargate sub had enough regular traffic from standard-model Redditors to create the kind of vote activity you see. It's probably OP and his fag Discord server.
Whether the Fed is broke or made of unlimited funds is less obvious than one would hope. So I'll give him a pass on that.
The whole monetary system is based on debt and fails the day people stop paying their interest. Arguably, being owed money is not the same as having money, but common practice is to treat it like it is.
It's hard to say all that in like 4 words.
They don't have a bunch of gold that's worth what the money supply works out to; promise that.
It also fails when people start questioning the legitimacy of the currency, or stops using it.
So I'll take your point. I'd still argue they're not currently broke...but it's a very fair point that they could suddenly get broke very quickly.
They may not be broke, but they're living high, paycheck to paycheck.
That's a good way to put it.
They've got tons of money (on paper), but they're also spending tons of money. If the income dries up, they're suddenly very broke.
Cancelling is just the newest version of old-school shunning, like the Jehovah's Witnesses still do - they literally treat and think of apostates (dissidents) as dead.
If they repent and come back to the fold, then they can have a resurrection ceremony of sorts (just like Lazarus); I don't know if the Wokies have gotten that far yet in their evolution ...
It's also why "deadnaming" is so abhorrent to them.
Traditionally, when someone joined some mystery cult, secret society, or other offshoot minority religion, they'd be put through a ceremony that today would be called "hazing", but which tested your resolve to be a part of the group (and also a way of cementing loyalty and trust and all that good shit.)
Such a ceremony might include things like a ritual death and rebirth as a new person, with a new name ....
Shunning in the distant past meant you were kicked out into the wilderness and probably died. So I think this was common practice.
Speaking of twitter:
Eh, it's Jonas, even though he was a main character for a bit while standing in for Michael Shanks, it's still not one of the big names from the show.
He was a big character. A lot of fans like him better than DANIELJACKSON. At least SG1 treated him better than TNG treated Pulaski.
I liked Jonas Quinn, in part because it was hilarious that 'Jonas Quinn' is a way less alien name than 'Corin Nemec'. I was disappointed in SG:U that they had an entire episode on Langara and - after mentioning in SG:1 that the Ori had occupied the planet - didn't use the excuse to bring Nemec back for a cameo. Or, if he wasn't available, at least have an offhend mention of "Oh, Director Quinn's not gonna like this..." at the end or something, just to confirm that he's doing okay.
He really was a little Gary-ish but he was a pleasant person
To be fair, I think that's due to two main factors.
The first being the type of show SG1 was: largely self-contained episodic monster-of-the-week. They need their new team member up and running as quick as possible. Remember, this was the early 2000s, TV didn't really lean into the strong ongoing story until roughly early 2010s. And yeah, there were obviously exceptions, but it was rarer for the time, especially in sci-fi.
And secondly is that we did only get him for 1 season. That leaves very little room to develop his character all that much without focusing too much on him. The only main characters that would be comparable would be Cameron and Vala, the latter of which was directly related to a core story point with regards to the Ori (and hence got more attention to flesh out her character), and the former was a bit of a Gary Stu himself, though he had that extra season (and 2 films) to help flesh him out more than Jonas ever got.
Stargate sg1 was one of my fav shows. There were some progressive episodes, but imo.. it seemed benigned and was just coincidental. Carter had probably had 5 or 6 episodes where her being a woman was brought up. First episode or two where she is introduced. When carter had to do 1 on 1 knife combat with a mongol (same dude as shredder from mutant turtle??) And competing with a jaffa warrior to show off the p90. And when the team had to work with Baal on a super weapon but Baal chastised her and insulted her for being a human female. That... that might be more woke. But then again Baal chastised everyone lower than him.
In terms of tealc being black, nothing much about it i think. But the one that enslaved him was aphophis who was also black or arab. I think there was a police episode when he gets arrested for beating up humans on earth that was harassing a woman. But it was mostly coincidental i think.
I thought christopher judge (who voices kratos from gow) did a good job as tealc.
I mentioned to another poster I can remember one episode with Teal'C's race being a plot point. It's the one with Rene Auberjonis where they gate to a place with people in a bunker. And they use drones to bomb the surface people
Oh. Where they had super heavy water and they used drones. Yeah, i guess its easy to write a story or episode that is nazi based. Its a shame its super obvious with the eugenics and white skin, blonde skin and blue eyes. Yeah. That episode stank.
The Nazis weren't the first or only people to have a society that treated people differently based on race. But it's the only thing Hollywood remembers. It's too obvious why. Even if you don't think conspiratorially and you just like new and interesting material, their boundless obsession with the Nazis gets annoying.