That's why he got off. They're falling over themselves to let non-whites off for even the worst crimes. Any excuse is good enough to avoid sentencing the protected classes.
Same shit in Germany. The excuses by "experts" are getting more an more harebrained just so they don't have to sentence migrants for rapes, assaults, murders, etc.
This is clear proof that nonwhites (except the Japanese) need to be banned from owning or making video games. Furries should also be banned from playing or making video games as they are also susceptible to this kind of delusion, they are furries after all.
This is why it sounds like an excuse made up by a little kid who has never played a game before.
It's as believable as Koko the gorilla telling her handlers that it was the cat who tore the sink off the wall, except we're in the version where they sanction the cat.
Probably, but I'm more annoyed that that defense worked. I also saw a headline of someone (Muslim I think) being let off because he didn't know rape was illegal. Then we have sexual emergencies, and all the other bullshit. It's amazing the shit you can get away with if you're a protected class; rape, murder, terrorism, theft, the list goes on and on.
Khateebulla Mirza.
...the 38-year-old truly believed he was being programmed to commit offences.
No comment.
Appearing as a witness for the prosecution, Professor David Greenberg told the court Mirza thought the incident in which he raped the woman was part of 'the game', that they were both players in it, and he had no control over his actions.
Also no comment.
I will say, not to make light of the rape...I'm glad he wasn't 'compelled' to do anything worse. Break into a room with a meat-cleaver...? That can go much worse, and I'm glad it didn't. Scary shit. And stupid justice system. Not that I expect anything else, out of Australia or anywhere else.
Not a "player", a "player character". There's still a puppet master controlling his strings in his (warped) mind. I wouldn't expect a judge or prosecutor or journalist to be able to grasp that distinction.
He's still completely off his rocker and doesn't deserve a place in civilized society, but there's still a twisted logic there.
As I understand it, in the US, this would result in you being involuntarily committed to a mental institution until you were found competent to stand trial. It appears Australia has something similar (per the article):
Subject to further submissions by the parties, Mirza will be committed as a forensic patient under the control of the Mental Health Review Tribunal, and will not be released while still deemed a risk to himself or the public.
So this isn't letting a violent man roam the streets, it's putting him in a mental institution instead of a prison.
Insufficient sentences are another issue, but if I understand how "not guilty by reason of insanity" verdicts work, you can still have supervision requirements after release. I don't expect Australia to handle this well, but the headline was written to imply "violent rapist back on the street because he thought he was in a video game", when that is not the case.
There is at least one. The name pops up time to time whenever some "journalist" thinks an otherwise obscure JP porn game is a useful brush with which to tar all gamers.
Edit: They also like to bring up Custer's Revenge from 1982 to try to prove the same point. Because nothing is quite as relevant today as shock content for the Atari 2600.
“Although he knew the legal wrongfulness, and although he understood the nature of his actions, the quality of his actions, he was acting on a delusional, psychotic belief system where he did not know the moral wrongfulness of his behaviour,' ((((Prof Greenberg told the court.))))”
He's not facing criminal penalties, but he's not free. The last paragraph of OP article.
Subject to further submissions by the parties, Mirza will be committed as a forensic patient under the control of the Mental Health Review Tribunal, and will not be released while still deemed a risk to himself or the public.
Wouldn't surprise me if they did let him out, but for now, locked up.
only if he's White
He's not.
That's why he got off. They're falling over themselves to let non-whites off for even the worst crimes. Any excuse is good enough to avoid sentencing the protected classes.
Same shit in Germany. The excuses by "experts" are getting more an more harebrained just so they don't have to sentence migrants for rapes, assaults, murders, etc.
the same kind of german "experts" declared that not being raped as a child created the nazis, so they gave orphans to known pedos.
The crazy thing is that it sounds like this is insane hyperbole at best, but no, it's 100% true.
This is clear proof that nonwhites (except the Japanese) need to be banned from owning or making video games. Furries should also be banned from playing or making video games as they are also susceptible to this kind of delusion, they are furries after all.
Nom whites should just be banned from white nations.
True, but first you have to get the normies used to the idea that nonwhites can be banned from anything, then work up to entire nations.
Start small. Spouse, siblings, parents, close friends. Then work from there. convert one person and get them to convert just one person.
What about the Chinese who are making shit a lot of people are playing?
Fuck the chinks. They need to be removed.
This is why it sounds like an excuse made up by a little kid who has never played a game before.
It's as believable as Koko the gorilla telling her handlers that it was the cat who tore the sink off the wall, except we're in the version where they sanction the cat.
Germany hasn't had a more famous excuse since the "sexual emergency" case which I think involed a boy getting raped at a swimming pool.
race not mentioned in headline so he is definitely not white.
Link to article.
Probably, but I'm more annoyed that that defense worked. I also saw a headline of someone (Muslim I think) being let off because he didn't know rape was illegal. Then we have sexual emergencies, and all the other bullshit. It's amazing the shit you can get away with if you're a protected class; rape, murder, terrorism, theft, the list goes on and on.
Khateebulla Mirza.
No comment.
Also no comment.
I will say, not to make light of the rape...I'm glad he wasn't 'compelled' to do anything worse. Break into a room with a meat-cleaver...? That can go much worse, and I'm glad it didn't. Scary shit. And stupid justice system. Not that I expect anything else, out of Australia or anywhere else.
This precedent could very well lead to a new legal defense strategy. An NPC defense: I was just following the code.
I was compelled to shake fruit trees and sell the fruit to the nearest raccoon
If they were both "players" dude would be absolutely responsible for his actions. What a crock of shit.
Yeah, it is pretty absurd.
"I thought I was playing a game, so I had no control over my actions," says man who has never played a video game.
Not a "player", a "player character". There's still a puppet master controlling his strings in his (warped) mind. I wouldn't expect a judge or prosecutor or journalist to be able to grasp that distinction.
He's still completely off his rocker and doesn't deserve a place in civilized society, but there's still a twisted logic there.
He's right. It's in the koran.
Even in an actual game, there is a choice to do an action for not.
Poor guy was stuck in a “press F to pay respects” situation
"My cat was sitting on the keyboard, bro!"
nothing else
As I understand it, in the US, this would result in you being involuntarily committed to a mental institution until you were found competent to stand trial. It appears Australia has something similar (per the article):
So this isn't letting a violent man roam the streets, it's putting him in a mental institution instead of a prison.
He will be let free to victimise other people when a doctor deems he's ''sound-enoough'' to distinguish reality from fiction.
Instead he should be in jail for life, or summarily executed.
Insufficient sentences are another issue, but if I understand how "not guilty by reason of insanity" verdicts work, you can still have supervision requirements after release. I don't expect Australia to handle this well, but the headline was written to imply "violent rapist back on the street because he thought he was in a video game", when that is not the case.
I have no trust in the guidelines and ''supervision'' to prevent a violent rapist from raping again when given the opportunity.
And the mental hospitals have way stricter guidelines of letting someone go. Especially if they are paid per inmate.
No identification of the man ... they're going to pretend it didn't happen.
If he was white though, we'd be hearing about it for months. Years even.
What a silly defense. As far as I know there's no rape simulation game out there
There is at least one. The name pops up time to time whenever some "journalist" thinks an otherwise obscure JP porn game is a useful brush with which to tar all gamers.
Edit: They also like to bring up Custer's Revenge from 1982 to try to prove the same point. Because nothing is quite as relevant today as shock content for the Atari 2600.
RapeLay is a game with fictional rape.
This argument is retarded anyway.
Videogames don't make people jump off roofs like Spiderman, or kill eachothers like in the thousand+ war games full of killings.
The judge is a dangerous retard, should be disbared, and the rapist thrown in jail forever or executed.
Can't wait for the day someone seiges a European castle because he thought he was playing Mount&Blade.
This is the type of society that results from feminist policies.
“Although he knew the legal wrongfulness, and although he understood the nature of his actions, the quality of his actions, he was acting on a delusional, psychotic belief system where he did not know the moral wrongfulness of his behaviour,' ((((Prof Greenberg told the court.))))”
Now had the victim stabbed her assailant in the throat, she'd be the one on trial and Aussie feminists would be looking the other way.
What game, Super Meat-Cleaver Rapist ? I think I had that for the 3d0.
oh man...
i hope this judge's entire lineage gets raped and dies.
fuck this bullshit.
Huh, I thought that episode of The Misfits was kind of lame.
They are going to try and fail because the whole video game violence bullshit has been beaten into the ground.
Now, if this winds up killing the cancer aspect of the gaming industry, the better.
Now let me be edgy sarcastic here since Clown World out-did itself again :
The judge who ruled this needs to be, in Minecraft, raped by a machette-weilding maniac if his pet criminal hurts someone else.
And if the ''in Minecraft'' is only the claim of the person doing it IRL, this judge is totally okay with it.
He's not facing criminal penalties, but he's not free. The last paragraph of OP article.
Wouldn't surprise me if they did let him out, but for now, locked up.
Oh he'll be free after sitting in the naughty boy corner for a bit and the doctor deems he ''reconnected with reality'' or whatever.