'Member when Destiny came to the original KIA to whine about meanie women posting his dick around reddit, only to then cuck back and say "women and feminism are good actually, this was just bad" sometime later in an edit?
I do. Guess he wanted to personal army what he saw as a bunch of chumps only to need to cover his ass from getting cancelled from being associated with us untouchables.
That's what people on KIA were saying at the time to him, even hyping it up as some landmark case. But KIA1 was young, dumb and easily excitable at the time.
I recently watched a clip from one of the guys associated with Patrick Bete David who had a panel where Myron from Fresh & Fit was basically pointing out that Melina was literally going to do this very thing to Destiny because she had done it to another guy before, and it was just in the nature of women to do that.
It was funny because she got super defensive when Myron told her that because the crowd cheered loudly for everything he said -- he was an FBI profiler, so a legitimate glowy, and he's typically right about his assessments of people. She was adamant that she knows "her feelings" and that she "loved" Destiny for who he was a person. That clip is barely a few months old and now they're getting a divorce because she felt something new for someone else.
More like pattern recognition. But his FBI background always leads me to believe the whole Fresh & Fit thing will eventually become a psyop (or in some ways, it already is, given that part of their message teaches men to get their act together and get in shape (which is good), and to work hard on building up resources in your 20s and 30s (which is good), but then they encourage men to sleep with like 50 women when they attain said resources and not to settle down because there's no point in marriage (which is bad, because it just perpetuates the degeneracy rampant in Western societies)).
Yes, degeneration is just a thing... but someone with a platform that reaches millions of people enlightening them to certain trends they should be aware of, but then also encouraging them into a degenerate lifestyle (especially for Whites, who are the majority of their listeners) is not going to help with rebuilding society or growing an appropriate culture when they're fleeing to foreign countries to knock up foreign women and have mixed babies.
The dancing Ethiopian is an ex-military vet/Youtuber Aba. Just saw the vid and recognized him. He makes common sense/anti-'woke garbage' vids together with his colleague 'Preach', another self-proclaimed comedian. Their target audience is adolescents and post-adolescents.
Honestly, I feel bad for him. I also find him utterly despicable, and apparently he was making the rounds promoting his lifestyle, despite clearly being miserable, which makes me less sympathetic.
Still, though...his character and politics aside, I do feel bad for the dude. He simped too hard, tried to make it work, and got predictably destroyed. Everyone warned him, but it's still sad to see anyone get wrecked like that.
I still remember his appearance on Jesse Lee Peterson's show, that was a hoot. Jesse basically destroyed him simply by asking if he was happy; it was both hilarious and sad.
Also, I wonder if he ever got any in the 'open marriage.' It certainly didn't sound like it from that one interview. She's out there banging dudes, while seemingly encouraging Destiny to...also bang...dudes. LOL.
feeling bad? if you're a rich minor-celebrity marrying way above your looks, what the fuck do you expect? the fact that it's Destiny makes me care even less.
If so (I haven't looked too deeply into it) it was a divorce rape waiting to happen. Women resent guys who are actually at their level because free validation from simps and fuckbois looking for an easy lay have them convinced that they're at Gigachad's level. When they can't get Gigachad to commit they "settle" for guys who are actually at their level, and it's not long before they convince themselves they can do better and hop back on the cock carousel. Destiny willing to be a literal cuck just accelerated that process.
He might just be an 'open minded' liberal progressive, though. They consider 'open mindedness' to be the trendy thing to do, without fully realizing that society actually has unwritten rules to which your unconscious mind reacts.
In theory, respecting the 'sexual autonomy' of your partner could work (especially in a long distance relationship, she's Swedish, right?) but in praxis, the unconscious part of your mind recoils in horror when confronted with the reality of what you've 'consented' to. The cognitive dissonance is just too devastating.
That's because people aren't fully rational. They just like to pretend they are.
I'd feel bad for him if he hadn't tried shaming men who knew this was a bad idea from the get go. Instead he acted like letting this whore cuck him was some kind of Chad move and that he's a "real man" for allowing it. It's no different than when single mothers try to shame men into paying for their bastard offspring by saying they're not real men if they don't. He was begging for this divorce rape. It's a shame they both can't lose.
Essentially: "Yeah, I mean, look at how smart I clearly am! And I married her without a prenup, so of course there's trust and this will totally work!"
I gotta disagree on this. They're never enforced to a man's benefit, and they can create a false sense of security. If a man knows that his wife is holding the standard no lube divorce rape over his head at least he knows his situation and can act accordingly by doing things like hiding assets. They can also cause men to get married when they otherwise wouldn't, which is the only reason they have this problem to begin with.
This guy got fucking rinsed. Lets wife fuck other men and now she gets a huge payday. What an easy mark. On the other hand, this bitch getting alimony is a huge slap in the face to all men.
Well, the system is set up such that women can leech off a man's income despite never being interested in them (beyond money). You don't think that affects you? I'd think that would affect your attitudes about dating or marriage at the very least.
People were telling him what a bad idea this was from the get go, and he shamed them for it. He did this to himself. It's well known at this point how horrible marriage is for men.
Did you see the part where the little bitch cried about it in a 5 hour therapy session? We couldn't have created a better caricature of a male feminist if we tried.
I feel like I know these people just from this one picture. Dude is soyface liberal beta cuck. She has crazy eyes that tell me she has the dreaded combination of hot + histrionic personality disorder. That shit was never gonna survive. She's not done ruining men's lives either.
I can't tell if you think acting not like a degenerate will turn whores into housewives because you can't turn whores into housewives. Society is degenerate, what you do doesn't matter. Either adapt or enjoy your monastery and stop posting on a video game internet forum cause that's degenerate too.
Postmodern nihilism and hedonism while also being a socialist idpol baiting shitposter? Tracks perfectly. You can't turn a ho into a housewife, correct. Everything after that is deliberate leftist demoralization propaganda - "accept the shit world we've created or die".
No. I reject the leftist moral rot, I will not engage in it just because others do.
If you actually aren't a shill, wake the fuck up, you're doing their job.
That's great but don't act like you're better than others simply because you choose not to engage. You aren't changing anything. You're just choosing one way to adapt, that is all. Everyone is adapting differently. If you want to make a difference, kill our enemies. Nothing else will make a difference.
No, jumping straight into sociopathic hedonism because it's harder to find decent people now is not just another choice, it is an actual moral failing. It's not a binary where you can only choose to be either a degenerate or a monk, and the choices are not equal.
You're actually parroting modern feminist dogma "don't slut shame" nonsense right now.
There is demonstrable negative impact to society by those behaviors and you willfully perpetuate it.
That's where you're wrong. It's not the "hedonistic" lifestyle that is evil in our society. It's the way women treat men and the way the simps treat women. It's certain kinds of hedonism like LGBTQ+ which is just a guise for abuse. You can engage in a pleasurable and fun lifestyle while still being a good person. You don't need to be a virgin monk to be good in this world.
Like I said, it isn't a binary. Your first post was advocating for sociopathic hedonism, and yes hedonism is bad for society.
Rejecting acting like a whore is not being a virgin monk. Your first post is a fatherless female mindset - exactly one of the problems with how modern women treat men. This is why I suggested your post might have been sarcasm, but as you're actually advocating it, it's clear you're a degenerate instead.
...acting not like a degenerate will turn whores into housewives because you can't turn whores into housewives. Society is degenerate, what you do doesn't matter. Either adapt or...
Your name is literally RaceCreatesCulture. Do you want a good culture or not? Obviously personal choices play a part in that. I'm not even picking sides, if you want to be a degenerate, you do you. I get it, even. But at least own it. And don't act like you're a good guy if you go that way though. Giving up and embracing the culture is hardly revolutionary or anything, and you're not making anything better, which you seem to be in favor of.
Do you want a good culture or not? Obviously personal choices play a part in that.
Not to get in the middle of this, but he does have a point.
In order for the proper race (i.e., Whites) to (re)build Western society, you need a strong cultural foundation and an impenetrable community stronghold from which that foundation can be laid.
With today's wenches, it just isn't possible, or possible only across the thinnest of margins. Roughly 15% of women between 18 and 29 are still virgins, so you have a very small margin of women who haven't racked up bodycounts who could be potential long-term partners in a stable relationship in which to raise a family. But that's just the starting point for building a family, you also have to deal with government interference in Western nations, as obvious in places like the U.K., France, Spain, Germany, and the U.S., as well as social media influence, which leads countless women astray since any woman with any visual media on a public profile is eligible to be contacted by men from around the world, and you also have to deal with friends/families/co-workers/etc., who could also influence her and lead her astray.
While RaceCreatesCulture is making blackpilled posts in this thread, he's not entirely wrong about the outcome if we're just running a numbers game, especially when you look at the dwindling percentages of eligible women to build a family with, the amount of illegal immigrants flooding Western nations, and the economic pitfalls that faces not just two-income households, but especially single-income households where a man may want his wife to be a stay-at-home mother.
The odds are horriblsy stacked against those who want to (re)build a better culture.
Not to get in the middle of this, but he does have a point.
There's no "this" to get in the middle of, for the record. At least I hope there isn't. My intent really wasn't to try to pick a fight or anything. I don't have a problem with anyone really, and agree with him on some points. It just does strike me as somewhat hypocritical to indulge in or cheer on the same sort of stuff you otherwise condemn.
With today's wenches, it just isn't possible, or possible only across the thinnest of margins.
Agreed. But men and women play off each other. Women suck nowadays. So do men. If the men who know better engage in the same sort of behavior that encourages women to be shit, how can there be change? Again, I totally get the impulse, and I also get the argument that one man who could get theirs but chooses not to wouldn't make a difference. But I also believe personal choice does play a part, and if more people went with what they knew was right versus what they knew they could get away with, perhaps things could be better.
It's a sucky situation. Why should men suffer on the off chance their actions can make women marginally better? It's a shit ask, admittedly. But, for better or worse, that is kind of the role men have often taken. If we think women are shit, we obviously can't trust them to make the world a better place, right? So that leaves men. And, again, if the men who know better just give into the current system, where does change come from?
...Roughly 15% of women between 18 and 29 are still virgins...could be potential long-term partners in a stable relationship in which to raise a family. But...you also have to deal with government interference in Western nations...as well as social media influence...
Man, when you put it like that...Yeah, it's pretty fucking easy to be blackpilled, I get that.
While RaceCreatesCulture is making blackpilled posts in this thread, he's not entirely wrong about the outcome if we're just running a numbers game, especially when you look at the dwindling percentages of eligible women to build a family with...
I never said he was wrong, pragmatically. Just that the attitude is, perhaps, self defeating. Again, I get it's a big - heck, monumental - ask. It's mighty tempting, I totally agree. If sluts gonna slut, might as well get some sluts. I get the argument. But I also realize that doesn't make anything better.
The odds are horriblsy stacked against those who want to (re)build a better culture.
Yup. And always has been. Question is, do we care enough to try?
Yup. And always has been. Question is, do we care enough to try?
I suppose this is really the crux of the matter, and RaceCreatesCulture makes the compelling argument (or at least the gist of what he puts forth) that those of us who would like to see better have already lost.
So you're fighting an uphill battle from underneath; and it does put the onus on those who would like to see better in the awful position of doing "their part", but to what end will it affect anything?
And neither is trying to act superior bitching at guys on the internet about degeneracy. That doesn't make anything better either. There's good and bad people out there in this world. If you want to have some short term relationships with some whores then have at it. It won't change fuck all. I'm just telling people that's what you ought to do. Trying to have a long term relationship with a whore is just going to end in disaster so if having relationships with whores are your thing. Make sure to treat them like a car lease. Get the newest model, keep for a minimum amount of time and don't get attached.
If you want to have some short term relationships with some whores then have at it. It won't change fuck all.
On the individual scale, no. And, again, I completely get the argument. But if we do want anything to change, it does start from person decisions and lifestyle choices.
If we have a problem with whores, for instance, don't engage in the whoredom. The best solution to the current conundrum is not to give in, but to try to stop them from being whores, right?
I'm just telling people that's what you ought to do.
Yeah, that's one viewpoint, but I'm saying I'm not sure it's the best. Again, totally get the appeal of the argument, but it's not a great long-term answer.
Trying to have a long term relationship with a whore is just going to end in disaster so if having relationships with whores are your thing. Make sure to treat them like a car lease. Get the newest model, keep for a minimum amount of time and don't get attached.
Agreed. But better answer is to not have relationships with those types at all.
I wonder how his subs will feel paying his alimony for him.
Also lol at subs paying a sub's sub.
it's worse than the time Sioux Sue sued Dio
I believe it's known as "cuck-ception", which in this case is about 5 layers deep.
At least you're not Anthony Burch.
♪ It could be worse... ♫
Not my WiiU!!!
'Member when Destiny came to the original KIA to whine about meanie women posting his dick around reddit, only to then cuck back and say "women and feminism are good actually, this was just bad" sometime later in an edit?
I do. Guess he wanted to personal army what he saw as a bunch of chumps only to need to cover his ass from getting cancelled from being associated with us untouchables.
Technically, that's revenge porn and he could have pressed charges and asked Reddit to take it down.
That's what people on KIA were saying at the time to him, even hyping it up as some landmark case. But KIA1 was young, dumb and easily excitable at the time.
I recently watched a clip from one of the guys associated with Patrick Bete David who had a panel where Myron from Fresh & Fit was basically pointing out that Melina was literally going to do this very thing to Destiny because she had done it to another guy before, and it was just in the nature of women to do that.
It was funny because she got super defensive when Myron told her that because the crowd cheered loudly for everything he said -- he was an FBI profiler, so a legitimate glowy, and he's typically right about his assessments of people. She was adamant that she knows "her feelings" and that she "loved" Destiny for who he was a person. That clip is barely a few months old and now they're getting a divorce because she felt something new for someone else.
An FBI profiler told her that she would leave the simp?
More like pattern recognition. But his FBI background always leads me to believe the whole Fresh & Fit thing will eventually become a psyop (or in some ways, it already is, given that part of their message teaches men to get their act together and get in shape (which is good), and to work hard on building up resources in your 20s and 30s (which is good), but then they encourage men to sleep with like 50 women when they attain said resources and not to settle down because there's no point in marriage (which is bad, because it just perpetuates the degeneracy rampant in Western societies)).
Yes, degeneration is just a thing... but someone with a platform that reaches millions of people enlightening them to certain trends they should be aware of, but then also encouraging them into a degenerate lifestyle (especially for Whites, who are the majority of their listeners) is not going to help with rebuilding society or growing an appropriate culture when they're fleeing to foreign countries to knock up foreign women and have mixed babies.
The dancing Ethiopian is an ex-military vet/Youtuber Aba. Just saw the vid and recognized him. He makes common sense/anti-'woke garbage' vids together with his colleague 'Preach', another self-proclaimed comedian. Their target audience is adolescents and post-adolescents.
Don't think he was banging his wife, rofl.
I read it more like that he knew what she was up to (or what the impression would be like) and <insert the not amused stare>.
Although, I'll concede, that it would be hilarious if it were true.
Honestly, I feel bad for him. I also find him utterly despicable, and apparently he was making the rounds promoting his lifestyle, despite clearly being miserable, which makes me less sympathetic.
Still, though...his character and politics aside, I do feel bad for the dude. He simped too hard, tried to make it work, and got predictably destroyed. Everyone warned him, but it's still sad to see anyone get wrecked like that.
I still remember his appearance on Jesse Lee Peterson's show, that was a hoot. Jesse basically destroyed him simply by asking if he was happy; it was both hilarious and sad.
Also, I wonder if he ever got any in the 'open marriage.' It certainly didn't sound like it from that one interview. She's out there banging dudes, while seemingly encouraging Destiny to...also bang...dudes. LOL.
Biggest OOF of the Day Award goes to...Destiny!
feeling bad? if you're a rich minor-celebrity marrying way above your looks, what the fuck do you expect? the fact that it's Destiny makes me care even less.
I said he was a retard. I can still feel bad for him.
Again, in that interview, he seemed legitimately devastated...and that was even long before the divorce.
She's average and he's average. I've seen less attractive looking dudes with hotter babes on the train. Not only that, but they had kids with them.
If so (I haven't looked too deeply into it) it was a divorce rape waiting to happen. Women resent guys who are actually at their level because free validation from simps and fuckbois looking for an easy lay have them convinced that they're at Gigachad's level. When they can't get Gigachad to commit they "settle" for guys who are actually at their level, and it's not long before they convince themselves they can do better and hop back on the cock carousel. Destiny willing to be a literal cuck just accelerated that process.
He might just be an 'open minded' liberal progressive, though. They consider 'open mindedness' to be the trendy thing to do, without fully realizing that society actually has unwritten rules to which your unconscious mind reacts.
In theory, respecting the 'sexual autonomy' of your partner could work (especially in a long distance relationship, she's Swedish, right?) but in praxis, the unconscious part of your mind recoils in horror when confronted with the reality of what you've 'consented' to. The cognitive dissonance is just too devastating.
That's because people aren't fully rational. They just like to pretend they are.
I'd feel bad for him if he hadn't tried shaming men who knew this was a bad idea from the get go. Instead he acted like letting this whore cuck him was some kind of Chad move and that he's a "real man" for allowing it. It's no different than when single mothers try to shame men into paying for their bastard offspring by saying they're not real men if they don't. He was begging for this divorce rape. It's a shame they both can't lose.
As open as Will Smith's marriage was, you mean.
It's rewind time, y'all!
No prenuptial either
And he bragged/joked about the fact.
Essentially: "Yeah, I mean, look at how smart I clearly am! And I married her without a prenup, so of course there's trust and this will totally work!"
Family court regularly wipes their asses with prenups, so it wouldn't have mattered.
No argument.
Still better to have one than not, and it's retarded to brag about not having one.
I gotta disagree on this. They're never enforced to a man's benefit, and they can create a false sense of security. If a man knows that his wife is holding the standard no lube divorce rape over his head at least he knows his situation and can act accordingly by doing things like hiding assets. They can also cause men to get married when they otherwise wouldn't, which is the only reason they have this problem to begin with.
Thank you. Idiots who say "just get a prenup bro" are part of the divorce rape problem.
Good thing there's a source to throw at Destiny now, otherwise he won't accept he's getting divorced.
Shes kinda pretty with that camera angle and face... but when i looked up more pics, she looks like a run down hooker.
Would you expect anything else from a whore who's demanding an open marriage?
She has crazy eyes.
This guy got fucking rinsed. Lets wife fuck other men and now she gets a huge payday. What an easy mark. On the other hand, this bitch getting alimony is a huge slap in the face to all men.
Eh. Destiny's fault, this has nothing to do with me. He signed the contracts, this isn't a slap in my face.
Well, the system is set up such that women can leech off a man's income despite never being interested in them (beyond money). You don't think that affects you? I'd think that would affect your attitudes about dating or marriage at the very least.
People were telling him what a bad idea this was from the get go, and he shamed them for it. He did this to himself. It's well known at this point how horrible marriage is for men.
Agreed, homie. He was stupid to do it because the deck is stacked against him, but he knew that going in.
I just read an article about more divorce happening every time times change.
Did you see the part where the little bitch cried about it in a 5 hour therapy session? We couldn't have created a better caricature of a male feminist if we tried.
This would be an appropriate time to use "omegacuck", correct?
He deserves this and worse.
Whenever I hear “open marriage” I think “cheating”.
Funny that.
Could not happen to a couple that deserves it more for sure.
This is sad
I feel like I know these people just from this one picture. Dude is soyface liberal beta cuck. She has crazy eyes that tell me she has the dreaded combination of hot + histrionic personality disorder. That shit was never gonna survive. She's not done ruining men's lives either.
Relationships are like car leases. Only last a few years so make sure you always get the latest and greatest model every time you get a new one.
Can't tell if sarcastic or unironic postmodern goon.
Only degenerates act like this.
He thinks humanity should go extinct.
No, seriously, here's something he posted on MGTOW:
Sounds like one of Imp's alt accounts.
I can confidently say that this is NOT Imp. Just trust me on that.
Because you are? 🤔
I'm Impossible2, and so's my wife!
It's been a weird marriage, let me tell you.
Malkovich, Malkovich?
Nah dude race guy talked shit about jews and blacks all the time
I can't tell if you think acting not like a degenerate will turn whores into housewives because you can't turn whores into housewives. Society is degenerate, what you do doesn't matter. Either adapt or enjoy your monastery and stop posting on a video game internet forum cause that's degenerate too.
Postmodern nihilism and hedonism while also being a socialist idpol baiting shitposter? Tracks perfectly. You can't turn a ho into a housewife, correct. Everything after that is deliberate leftist demoralization propaganda - "accept the shit world we've created or die".
No. I reject the leftist moral rot, I will not engage in it just because others do.
If you actually aren't a shill, wake the fuck up, you're doing their job.
That's great but don't act like you're better than others simply because you choose not to engage. You aren't changing anything. You're just choosing one way to adapt, that is all. Everyone is adapting differently. If you want to make a difference, kill our enemies. Nothing else will make a difference.
No, jumping straight into sociopathic hedonism because it's harder to find decent people now is not just another choice, it is an actual moral failing. It's not a binary where you can only choose to be either a degenerate or a monk, and the choices are not equal.
You're actually parroting modern feminist dogma "don't slut shame" nonsense right now.
There is demonstrable negative impact to society by those behaviors and you willfully perpetuate it.
That's where you're wrong. It's not the "hedonistic" lifestyle that is evil in our society. It's the way women treat men and the way the simps treat women. It's certain kinds of hedonism like LGBTQ+ which is just a guise for abuse. You can engage in a pleasurable and fun lifestyle while still being a good person. You don't need to be a virgin monk to be good in this world.
Like I said, it isn't a binary. Your first post was advocating for sociopathic hedonism, and yes hedonism is bad for society.
Rejecting acting like a whore is not being a virgin monk. Your first post is a fatherless female mindset - exactly one of the problems with how modern women treat men. This is why I suggested your post might have been sarcasm, but as you're actually advocating it, it's clear you're a degenerate instead.
You can be a good person or you can be a degenerate. This world isn’t so kind that you can be both.
You're posting on a video game forum so you're a degenerate and not a good person. Get back to your monetary.
If you’re gonna do a comeback, at least try one that makes sense.
Your name is literally RaceCreatesCulture. Do you want a good culture or not? Obviously personal choices play a part in that. I'm not even picking sides, if you want to be a degenerate, you do you. I get it, even. But at least own it. And don't act like you're a good guy if you go that way though. Giving up and embracing the culture is hardly revolutionary or anything, and you're not making anything better, which you seem to be in favor of.
Not to get in the middle of this, but he does have a point.
In order for the proper race (i.e., Whites) to (re)build Western society, you need a strong cultural foundation and an impenetrable community stronghold from which that foundation can be laid.
With today's wenches, it just isn't possible, or possible only across the thinnest of margins. Roughly 15% of women between 18 and 29 are still virgins, so you have a very small margin of women who haven't racked up bodycounts who could be potential long-term partners in a stable relationship in which to raise a family. But that's just the starting point for building a family, you also have to deal with government interference in Western nations, as obvious in places like the U.K., France, Spain, Germany, and the U.S., as well as social media influence, which leads countless women astray since any woman with any visual media on a public profile is eligible to be contacted by men from around the world, and you also have to deal with friends/families/co-workers/etc., who could also influence her and lead her astray.
While RaceCreatesCulture is making blackpilled posts in this thread, he's not entirely wrong about the outcome if we're just running a numbers game, especially when you look at the dwindling percentages of eligible women to build a family with, the amount of illegal immigrants flooding Western nations, and the economic pitfalls that faces not just two-income households, but especially single-income households where a man may want his wife to be a stay-at-home mother.
The odds are horriblsy stacked against those who want to (re)build a better culture.
There's no "this" to get in the middle of, for the record. At least I hope there isn't. My intent really wasn't to try to pick a fight or anything. I don't have a problem with anyone really, and agree with him on some points. It just does strike me as somewhat hypocritical to indulge in or cheer on the same sort of stuff you otherwise condemn.
Agreed. But men and women play off each other. Women suck nowadays. So do men. If the men who know better engage in the same sort of behavior that encourages women to be shit, how can there be change? Again, I totally get the impulse, and I also get the argument that one man who could get theirs but chooses not to wouldn't make a difference. But I also believe personal choice does play a part, and if more people went with what they knew was right versus what they knew they could get away with, perhaps things could be better.
It's a sucky situation. Why should men suffer on the off chance their actions can make women marginally better? It's a shit ask, admittedly. But, for better or worse, that is kind of the role men have often taken. If we think women are shit, we obviously can't trust them to make the world a better place, right? So that leaves men. And, again, if the men who know better just give into the current system, where does change come from?
Man, when you put it like that...Yeah, it's pretty fucking easy to be blackpilled, I get that.
I never said he was wrong, pragmatically. Just that the attitude is, perhaps, self defeating. Again, I get it's a big - heck, monumental - ask. It's mighty tempting, I totally agree. If sluts gonna slut, might as well get some sluts. I get the argument. But I also realize that doesn't make anything better.
Yup. And always has been. Question is, do we care enough to try?
I suppose this is really the crux of the matter, and RaceCreatesCulture makes the compelling argument (or at least the gist of what he puts forth) that those of us who would like to see better have already lost.
So you're fighting an uphill battle from underneath; and it does put the onus on those who would like to see better in the awful position of doing "their part", but to what end will it affect anything?
And neither is trying to act superior bitching at guys on the internet about degeneracy. That doesn't make anything better either. There's good and bad people out there in this world. If you want to have some short term relationships with some whores then have at it. It won't change fuck all. I'm just telling people that's what you ought to do. Trying to have a long term relationship with a whore is just going to end in disaster so if having relationships with whores are your thing. Make sure to treat them like a car lease. Get the newest model, keep for a minimum amount of time and don't get attached.
I'm not trying to act superior, for the record.
On the individual scale, no. And, again, I completely get the argument. But if we do want anything to change, it does start from person decisions and lifestyle choices.
If we have a problem with whores, for instance, don't engage in the whoredom. The best solution to the current conundrum is not to give in, but to try to stop them from being whores, right?
Yeah, that's one viewpoint, but I'm saying I'm not sure it's the best. Again, totally get the appeal of the argument, but it's not a great long-term answer.
Agreed. But better answer is to not have relationships with those types at all.