I wish I had a dog that didn't like men so I could feign ignorance and try hiring one, give them the warning "he is friendly towards females and children, but he hates men, but I'm sure you'll be fine."
Elliot "Liz" Fong-Jones is the big one. Former Google tech engineer, tranny, and literal rapist. KF was digging into their history of freaky BDSM shit and "consent accidents" (rapes) and the tranny went scorched earth using every contact in Google's rolodex.
Kiwifarms, as far as I can tell, was the only major site in "that" genre after 4chan fell. My limited time online nowadays doesn't make me the best judge of this, but I don't know of any sites like them that have anywhere near the same popularity.
I doubt it's because they're a threat. this is just a test run for unchecked use of hard power: just like COVID regulations, or the trucker convoy, or Alex Jones de-platforming/lawsuit, or January 6th.
they find a target that is unpopular enough that nobody will miss them if they're gone, then they see just how far they can go. next time it's gonna be you.
The Golden age of the internet is dead. Kiwifarms will die with it. Of course, most people can still see it on the clearnet, and when it's eventually purged from that it will be on tor - but its slide into obscurity just shows how far we've traveled from that golden age.
Sure, it sucks to be reminded the power the US tranny lobby has, but I don't know what's new or 'historic' about this. EU net neutrality? I live in an EU country and I can't see piratebay without going through other EU VPNs. That's a 10 years old state of affairs.
Seems like the USA is just catching up, as per its transformation to a banana republic 2 years ago. The internet is dead since longer ago than that.
Totally legal website that has been taken down using extralegal means. Name me another? It's not feds taking the domain, it's not financial woes leading to voluntary shutdown, it's not cloudfare refusing protection, it's physical threats to the women and children of ISP suits
I named one. Piratebay in several of the countries it is blocked has no legal action against it at all, national ISPs just chose to block it for good boy points. The evidence of this is the fact that the site is still around, unblocked, depending on which country you access from, and many of those include EU countries, while some don't allow it. And again, this happened over a decade ago. I guess the distinction you can make is that kiwifarms is 'totally legal' - worldwide - but find the right American tranny sympathetic judge who's prepared to concoct a ruling over doxxing and harassment, then it won't be so legal for much longer.
The flavour of the leverage over ISPs is the only difference.
More to the point, in addition to being legally embattled in sweden where it has often been hosted, it is not operated in a US legal way for a US legal purpose like kiwifarms
My point is stop looking for the law to enshrine your norms. If you have no country, you have no worthwhile law. See:
but find the right American tranny sympathetic judge who's prepared to concoct a ruling over doxxing and harassment, then it won't be so legal for much longer.
Kiwifarms has certainly been legally embattled, criminally in some countries, civilly in the US. There's nothing illegal about piratebay under US law that doesn't also apply to a website like Google, YT or Twitter, but you've been conditioned to abandon any defence of it anyway, simply because a narrative made it untouchable and a handful of other shit countries caved in. Your law is not the shield you think.
Listen. The claim was that kiwi is being censored in an extralegal and historically atypical way. You haven't brought up anything that demands a reconsideration of that, just expanded or mutated qualifiers in the initial claim.
You don't have to grovel to me in admission that the distinction makes sense. I don't give a shit. And if you want to send more console-wars tier ad hominem bullshit into the black hole of my inbox, I also don't give a shit. My part in the discussion is over.
Labels for your cope don't create historical exceptions. Websites getting blackholed arbitrarily in countries that had no legal obligation to censor them, is historically typical for the past decade and the essence of extra-legality.
You don't have to grovel to me in admission that the distinction makes sense
IDK what this garbage is. Obviously the distinction (between legal and extra-legal, I assume you're making?) doesn't make any practical sense, where the upshot is censorship. IDK what would make you assume I'd say otherwise, just seems like you're getting too mad over something.
Would seem to overlap plenty. I can't find anything about threats of violence though. Brave and google seem to interpret the word violence to mean trolling black or jewish persons online, so it is hard to research whether it got to threats of violence on the service providers' ends.
KF also lost one of their normie allies/advocates this time in YT lawyer/streamer Nick Rekieta, who spoke out about free speech and hosted Null during the height of the Keffals arc a few months back.
Rekieta is in the midst of a midlife crisis sexpest transformation over the last month or two and has been taking heavy heat for it from the Farms.
He allowed his wife to post some thirsty pics of her ass in lingerie in his Locals chat publicly with his support and also personally posted a pic of his own Hank Hill ass holding an empty liquor bottle between his cheeks.
Some KF sleuthing also revealed that Nick's secret July vacation to Jamaica post-Johnny Depp trial was actually to a nudist swingers resort during Black week called Hedonism II.
KF is upset and disappointed that their former tradcon Internet Dad has turned full lolcow sexual degenerate heel overnight who no longer covers the law but now only circlejerks about his sexual degeneracy with his parasocial winemom paypig subscribers.
It's created a rift in Rekieta's community between his OG subscribers who discovered him from reading legal briefs from the Vic Mignoga trial and before when Nick presented himself as a small-town Christian lawyer and family man vs his newer Rittenhouse/Depp followers who are much more accustomed to gossip, drama, oversharing and sex toy reviews.
Rekieta hasn't been handling the IMO founded criticism very well from KF, his chat and superchats, essentially lashing out at anyone who points out that they aren't enjoying his sexual degenerate oversharing, calling them "prudes" and "incels" and claiming he's bored with the law and is focusing the show now on "fun" and "pleasure".
Speaking as someone who's been dropping in on a Rekeita stream or two a month since before Rittenhouse, the summary seems pretty accurate. He's been arcing in a weird direction - ass-posting, promising reviews of a sex toy onstream, discussing going to a themed bar in nothing but his shorts (with his wife similarly dressed) and berating people in chat for criticizing the ass-posting.
I dunno, Nick has always talked about threesomes and perverted sex stuff with Drex or YellowFlash. I don't follow him regularly but is this really surprising? It sure sounds like Nick to me.
KF is upset and disappointed
Come on now. I don't have a problem with KF documenting juicy gossip about any eceleb, but don't let them clutch pearls and pretend to act shocked about it. This is what they live for.
Rekieta hasn't been handling the IMO founded criticism very well from KF, his chat and superchats
KF is upset and disappointed that their former tradcon Internet Dad has turned full lolcow sexual degenerate heel overnight
KF has been shitting on Rekieta for being a degenerate grifter for years now. This isn't new and makes everything else you imply, which requires this all being a "new change," wrong.
The only new change is Rekieta's grift drying up enough that he actually feels the heat from his actions and the criticisms are leaking through.
Null really can't catch a break. It's a good thing he has the vitality of a cockroach. I just hope he keeps doing his MATI streams at least.... They are the highlight of my week.
Being immune to IP harvesters and compromised sites with tranny admins, and IP logs is a good start. If someone hacked KF and got the access logs, they'd just see the VPN's IP, not yours. Can't be traced.
It doesn't make you literally immune to any and all malicious activity, but if that's what you require then your only option is never using the internet ever again.
Sure, but your VPN provider will now have that info instead of them. Like I said, it just shuffles around who owns it, it doesn't get rid of the information.
It's a site where people with too much time on their hands document internet drama and make fun of people who make complete fools of themselves. That's about the briefest explanation I can offer.
Honestly need this nonsense to spread to popular clearnet websites. If you’re not prepared to do the legwork, you shouldn’t be able to access the internet.
It is absolutely amazing to me that they consider Kiwifarms this big of a threat.
Tranny dog walkers have infinite time to harass people online.
I wish I had a dog that didn't like men so I could feign ignorance and try hiring one, give them the warning "he is friendly towards females and children, but he hates men, but I'm sure you'll be fine."
Ideally a large, ferocious dog that actually is violently opposed to male attention.
I'm kind of amazed, too. What did Kiwifarms do to make themselves a bigger target than 4chan?
Aired the dirty laundry of some *powerful (in the backend of the internet world) degenerates. That's literally it.
Like who? I want to see these threads
Elliot "Liz" Fong-Jones is the big one. Former Google tech engineer, tranny, and literal rapist. KF was digging into their history of freaky BDSM shit and "consent accidents" (rapes) and the tranny went scorched earth using every contact in Google's rolodex.
Thx. Ironically Kiwi Farms is working better than ever for me. Maybe lack of t1 is cutting down on DDOS. Used to be really unreliable
Documented and commented upon dirty laundry that said persons posted in public.
The Ts make up a big chunk of their lolcow threads.
Kiwifarms, as far as I can tell, was the only major site in "that" genre after 4chan fell. My limited time online nowadays doesn't make me the best judge of this, but I don't know of any sites like them that have anywhere near the same popularity.
I doubt it's because they're a threat. this is just a test run for unchecked use of hard power: just like COVID regulations, or the trucker convoy, or Alex Jones de-platforming/lawsuit, or January 6th.
they find a target that is unpopular enough that nobody will miss them if they're gone, then they see just how far they can go. next time it's gonna be you.
The Golden age of the internet is dead. Kiwifarms will die with it. Of course, most people can still see it on the clearnet, and when it's eventually purged from that it will be on tor - but its slide into obscurity just shows how far we've traveled from that golden age.
I agree, The Burning Crusade was the best WoW expansion.
What is clearnet?
Just the normal web without using Tor or anything special but a web browser.
The thing youre using now
Sure, it sucks to be reminded the power the US tranny lobby has, but I don't know what's new or 'historic' about this. EU net neutrality? I live in an EU country and I can't see piratebay without going through other EU VPNs. That's a 10 years old state of affairs.
Seems like the USA is just catching up, as per its transformation to a banana republic 2 years ago. The internet is dead since longer ago than that.
Totally legal website that has been taken down using extralegal means. Name me another? It's not feds taking the domain, it's not financial woes leading to voluntary shutdown, it's not cloudfare refusing protection, it's physical threats to the women and children of ISP suits
There people are unhinged because no one will stop them, and they are right.
There is only one way out of this clown world and it involves violence - lots of it.
Otherwise, we all know where this world is heading, at least if people start shooting they might still have a chance.
The violence is inevitable - it's just a question of when.
And who it's directed at.
It has been going on for over a decade, the anti-Kiwi Farms side has already lost around 40% of their forces.
Unfortunately they've upped their grooming efforts 200%
I named one. Piratebay in several of the countries it is blocked has no legal action against it at all, national ISPs just chose to block it for good boy points. The evidence of this is the fact that the site is still around, unblocked, depending on which country you access from, and many of those include EU countries, while some don't allow it. And again, this happened over a decade ago. I guess the distinction you can make is that kiwifarms is 'totally legal' - worldwide - but find the right American tranny sympathetic judge who's prepared to concoct a ruling over doxxing and harassment, then it won't be so legal for much longer.
The flavour of the leverage over ISPs is the only difference.
|×|¹ --------------> |x|²
¹Previous goal location
²Current goal location
More to the point, in addition to being legally embattled in sweden where it has often been hosted, it is not operated in a US legal way for a US legal purpose like kiwifarms
My point is stop looking for the law to enshrine your norms. If you have no country, you have no worthwhile law. See:
Kiwifarms has certainly been legally embattled, criminally in some countries, civilly in the US. There's nothing illegal about piratebay under US law that doesn't also apply to a website like Google, YT or Twitter, but you've been conditioned to abandon any defence of it anyway, simply because a narrative made it untouchable and a handful of other shit countries caved in. Your law is not the shield you think.
Goalposts again.
Listen. The claim was that kiwi is being censored in an extralegal and historically atypical way. You haven't brought up anything that demands a reconsideration of that, just expanded or mutated qualifiers in the initial claim.
You don't have to grovel to me in admission that the distinction makes sense. I don't give a shit. And if you want to send more console-wars tier ad hominem bullshit into the black hole of my inbox, I also don't give a shit. My part in the discussion is over.
Labels for your cope don't create historical exceptions. Websites getting blackholed arbitrarily in countries that had no legal obligation to censor them, is historically typical for the past decade and the essence of extra-legality.
IDK what this garbage is. Obviously the distinction (between legal and extra-legal, I assume you're making?) doesn't make any practical sense, where the upshot is censorship. IDK what would make you assume I'd say otherwise, just seems like you're getting too mad over something.
The Daily Stormer?
Would seem to overlap plenty. I can't find anything about threats of violence though. Brave and google seem to interpret the word violence to mean trolling black or jewish persons online, so it is hard to research whether it got to threats of violence on the service providers' ends.
Where are these threats?
Do you have tor?
Yeah from Brave.
KF also lost one of their normie allies/advocates this time in YT lawyer/streamer Nick Rekieta, who spoke out about free speech and hosted Null during the height of the Keffals arc a few months back.
Rekieta is in the midst of a midlife crisis sexpest transformation over the last month or two and has been taking heavy heat for it from the Farms.
He allowed his wife to post some thirsty pics of her ass in lingerie in his Locals chat publicly with his support and also personally posted a pic of his own Hank Hill ass holding an empty liquor bottle between his cheeks.
Some KF sleuthing also revealed that Nick's secret July vacation to Jamaica post-Johnny Depp trial was actually to a nudist swingers resort during Black week called Hedonism II.
KF is upset and disappointed that their former tradcon Internet Dad has turned full lolcow sexual degenerate heel overnight who no longer covers the law but now only circlejerks about his sexual degeneracy with his parasocial winemom paypig subscribers.
It's created a rift in Rekieta's community between his OG subscribers who discovered him from reading legal briefs from the Vic Mignoga trial and before when Nick presented himself as a small-town Christian lawyer and family man vs his newer Rittenhouse/Depp followers who are much more accustomed to gossip, drama, oversharing and sex toy reviews.
Rekieta hasn't been handling the IMO founded criticism very well from KF, his chat and superchats, essentially lashing out at anyone who points out that they aren't enjoying his sexual degenerate oversharing, calling them "prudes" and "incels" and claiming he's bored with the law and is focusing the show now on "fun" and "pleasure".
I don't think I've ever enjoyed a post this much while trusting each word said so little.
Speaking as someone who's been dropping in on a Rekeita stream or two a month since before Rittenhouse, the summary seems pretty accurate. He's been arcing in a weird direction - ass-posting, promising reviews of a sex toy onstream, discussing going to a themed bar in nothing but his shorts (with his wife similarly dressed) and berating people in chat for criticizing the ass-posting.
I dunno, Nick has always talked about threesomes and perverted sex stuff with Drex or YellowFlash. I don't follow him regularly but is this really surprising? It sure sounds like Nick to me.
Come on now. I don't have a problem with KF documenting juicy gossip about any eceleb, but don't let them clutch pearls and pretend to act shocked about it. This is what they live for.
That's probably true. That always makes it worse.
KF has been shitting on Rekieta for being a degenerate grifter for years now. This isn't new and makes everything else you imply, which requires this all being a "new change," wrong.
The only new change is Rekieta's grift drying up enough that he actually feels the heat from his actions and the criticisms are leaking through.
Null really can't catch a break. It's a good thing he has the vitality of a cockroach. I just hope he keeps doing his MATI streams at least.... They are the highlight of my week.
All this from Team Tranny?
Trannies aren't the only ones whose pedophilic tendencies KF has exposed. They've don the same with some other, pretty influential people.
Imagine not using a VPN literally all the time
Why? It's not like it actually keeps your traffic private. It just shuffles around who has access a bit.
Nothing is private, even Tor. Most VPNs are owned by an israeli company, also.
Being immune to IP harvesters and compromised sites with tranny admins, and IP logs is a good start. If someone hacked KF and got the access logs, they'd just see the VPN's IP, not yours. Can't be traced.
It doesn't make you literally immune to any and all malicious activity, but if that's what you require then your only option is never using the internet ever again.
Sure, but your VPN provider will now have that info instead of them. Like I said, it just shuffles around who owns it, it doesn't get rid of the information.
Good luck retrieving or transacting your crypto when the enemy controls the access points to the internet.
What is their onion address?
Here you go.
All for making fun of trannies
kiwifarms dot net works for me with my VPN on or off.
Works for me on verizon 5G too
They don't even have to write the emails anymore, they can just use ChatGPT to generate them.
It's a site where people with too much time on their hands document internet drama and make fun of people who make complete fools of themselves. That's about the briefest explanation I can offer.
I, for one, welcome the forthcoming Total Retard War
Well it didn't take long for the Internet to break apart into a nu-version and tech-savy version hidden behind a wall.
kiwifarms dot net works ( though a bit slowly ) here at the time I'm writing this.
Does the same tactic work in reverse?
What does this mean practice? I can still access the site normally.
Honestly need this nonsense to spread to popular clearnet websites. If you’re not prepared to do the legwork, you shouldn’t be able to access the internet.
I wouldn't know where to start. Make a "getting around censorship for retards" tutorial fire, please
For me*
the internet has already been redefined as "the top 20 biggest websites"