I never played EVE, because it looked more like a job than my actual job, but I read the truly epic tale of The Great Scam which is probably the best meta-game story I've ever heard.
Women are the only people who still support the Democrats enough to win them seats. They're losing Hispanics, they're losing college educated men, they only have women and black people now and I can't imagine BLM getting exposed did them much good with the latter.
They might be in a situation where even cheating produces a loss, hence the Hail Mary of openly declaring a gender war.
Black men are being swung the other way. It's a minority but Trump won a lot of 'em.
I know all you HUWITE NASH guys dislike the Republican party catering towards minorities, but they're still a significant chunk of the vote, and a lot of them do live in those purple states, so out of pragmatism we gotta think about stuff like that.
We gotta think about Hispanic and Asian voters. Black voters are 100% a lost cause and relatively small in number anyways. Plus you can’t appeal to them hardly at all without literally going against your own platform.
Exactly, just like how DeSantis got the Cuban vote in Florida - Cubans are STAUNCHLY anti-Commie, which are the kind of people the left hates.
Don't think of it as some sort of virtue signaling for muh DIVERSITY but more like you need them for numbers, period. You can sit there and bitch and whine about your population being genocided while masturbating to The Bell Curve and other literature (yes, I've read them as well, and I sympathize with what white people are going through) and laughing at the 13/50 and 6 gorillion that are fucking you over, or you can at least try to be pragmatic as there is a slow but clear pushback against all this shit. It's easy to get black pilled from a lot of the crap we have to deal with.
There are an increasing number of conservative Asians and Hispanics and if you can get them as a stable vote, you don't have to bend over for the muh diversity crowd if you just focus on the fact that they can be Americans. I know, I know, muh civic nationalism, but again, it is important to be pragmatic. These conservative groups will also defend HUWITES and their rights to exist as well
I should know, I'm one of them. I don't want the left to win either - I fucking hate how they demonize whites and how they take perverted pleasure in their race mixing bullshit. I want them to leave everyone alone and fuck off, including whites.
The vote, you say. As if voting isn't fraudulent, as if said fraud isn't largely perpetrated by blacks, and as if massive voter fraud will be stopped if we just ask nicely.
Democracy is a farce. Catering to the immoral and the uncivilized for their "vote" is not a paradigm that will last much longer.
She won't be a part of the decision for whatever that is worth.
I have no idea what the ruling will actually be, and I would wait until the ruling is released.
Good. Fuck them. This issue isn't something I have strong opinions on but I'm going enjoy watching the people infringing on my right to bear arms (a right that's actually in the Constitution) lose their precious abortion entitlements. If Kavanaugh finally grows a spine and decides now is the time to stick it to the left even better. If only Roberts stood for something other than trying to make the left like him.
Either that or Democrat polls are so bad even cheating won't win it, so they're trying to activate the only people who saw Biden and thought - Yes, we need more of that.
And the pedophiles cheer as they're now one step closer to bringing back orphanages, which'll happen after all thought of checking their backgrounds is abolished from the public mindset.
There's another way of looking at it - no legal abortions and potential murder charges for back alley abortions/intentional miscarriages = is gonna make a lot of women think twice about a life of whoredom.
The cock carousel won't look so fun when there's no get out of responsibility free card to be played.
Yep. If this goes through it becomes "up to the states," but corporations will try to pressure red states into allowing abortions. That's the most intriguing part, pulling back the veil and making it obvious the corporations are just overtly trying to run things. It's already been happening with voter ID and the groomer issues.
The ghettoes are going to be little Africa, with people wondering why the population is exploding, just like the stunned-ass Europeans, after giving so generously for generations to assholes who don't believe in controlling their urges or using birth control.
The responsibility will be dumped on men. And rather than go to jail for bein unable to pay child support, Jamal is just gonna shoot Shaniqua in the face.
So there's a rash of dumpster babies, just like in the old days, though for many of the worst, slutty city dwellers, the woods are too far to drop of their unwanted spawn, so a few get found. ESPECIALLY if there's no exclusion for rape and retardation.
So people clamour for some place to give up babies anonymously, but it won't be the Catholic churches any more because of their reputation as pedophiles.
So they'll clamour for public orphanages, that are, of course, #1 on inclusionary hiring ...
Hell, it could even be set up this way, by sprinkling a few hospital write-offs to manufacture the consent ...
Ending Roe probably was being held back to use as an emergency lever to keep Republicans from winning a supermajority.
BUT it may backfire.
Reason is the country is actually almost exactly 50/50 split on abortion, but conservatives say it's 60% pro-choice, centrists says 70%, democrats say 80% pro-choice, and far left says 90% of the country are pro-choice (or thereabouts).
This is the power of media, but like with "Don't Slay Gay" the unintended effect is they've convinced themselves that the country agrees with them when it doesn't. They make it an issue and it doesn't turn out how they imagined it would.
This feels like an unforced error. Would have been better to try and ride the outrage train for five months instead of seven. I think someone got impatient.
One of Sotomayor's clerks has history with the author of the Politico article that published the leak.
Unforced error is right. This would've been prime riot cycle material coming out at the end of session in June, but it's too early for peak impact to prime voters for "vote blue to make it all stop". Either they try to keep up the fervor for two extra months (at which point voters may vote angry mustache man to make it all stop) or they let things peter out naturally, and the left loses any momentum gain.
Too early. The initial shock and awe effect of the ruling itself will be overshadowed by the summer of rioting it will provoke. They lose more than they gain.
I just wanted to play video games.
First you have to take part in an international conspiracy to overthrow the New World Order, then you can play vidya.
Play the right vidya and you can do both at the same time.
Rip Vile Rat
I've loved the idea of EVE for years. I just don't want to take on a whole ass job as my hobby.
I never played EVE, because it looked more like a job than my actual job, but I read the truly epic tale of The Great Scam which is probably the best meta-game story I've ever heard.
I have skins for supercaps I can't fly.
It's like a fidget spinner only somehow more autistic.
You ain't wrong.
Internet Spaceships are serious sources of fixation .
Longest. Boss fight. Ever.
MT drags Angra Mainyu to room edge.
don touch ma vidya
I just wanted to play video games, I didn't think I'd be fighting for the future of the Western Republic...
I've had a red pill so far shoved up my ass it's coming out my mouth.
Chin up, bro. This is just another boss fight.
I just wanted to move stair muffins.
Okay, but were you ever going to march around setting shit on fire depending on what the outcome was?
So, now?
How when they just nominated someone who cant even define what a woman is?
Trump's picks were also spineless hacks so unless Alito and Thomas have taken the rest of them hostage at gunpoint I dont see this ever happening.
Women are the only people who still support the Democrats enough to win them seats. They're losing Hispanics, they're losing college educated men, they only have women and black people now and I can't imagine BLM getting exposed did them much good with the latter.
They might be in a situation where even cheating produces a loss, hence the Hail Mary of openly declaring a gender war.
Blacks will still vote D unswervingly. Their only concerns are free stuff and being told the white man is at fault for all their myriad of flaws.
Both of which are supplied in abundance.
Black men are being swung the other way. It's a minority but Trump won a lot of 'em.
I know all you HUWITE NASH guys dislike the Republican party catering towards minorities, but they're still a significant chunk of the vote, and a lot of them do live in those purple states, so out of pragmatism we gotta think about stuff like that.
We gotta think about Hispanic and Asian voters. Black voters are 100% a lost cause and relatively small in number anyways. Plus you can’t appeal to them hardly at all without literally going against your own platform.
Exactly, just like how DeSantis got the Cuban vote in Florida - Cubans are STAUNCHLY anti-Commie, which are the kind of people the left hates.
Don't think of it as some sort of virtue signaling for muh DIVERSITY but more like you need them for numbers, period. You can sit there and bitch and whine about your population being genocided while masturbating to The Bell Curve and other literature (yes, I've read them as well, and I sympathize with what white people are going through) and laughing at the 13/50 and 6 gorillion that are fucking you over, or you can at least try to be pragmatic as there is a slow but clear pushback against all this shit. It's easy to get black pilled from a lot of the crap we have to deal with.
There are an increasing number of conservative Asians and Hispanics and if you can get them as a stable vote, you don't have to bend over for the muh diversity crowd if you just focus on the fact that they can be Americans. I know, I know, muh civic nationalism, but again, it is important to be pragmatic. These conservative groups will also defend HUWITES and their rights to exist as well
I should know, I'm one of them. I don't want the left to win either - I fucking hate how they demonize whites and how they take perverted pleasure in their race mixing bullshit. I want them to leave everyone alone and fuck off, including whites.
The vote, you say. As if voting isn't fraudulent, as if said fraud isn't largely perpetrated by blacks, and as if massive voter fraud will be stopped if we just ask nicely.
Democracy is a farce. Catering to the immoral and the uncivilized for their "vote" is not a paradigm that will last much longer.
They have Hispanics, Jews, blacks, Asians and every groups besides whites on their side.
It's cuckservative propaganda that Hispanics are conservative. When 35% of them vote Republican this is considered a major victory.........
It also shows blacks voting 20% Republican... This is just a poll, and it's way off just judging from the black numbers alone.
Yes, I don't see what's unbelievable about that.
Let's say the black population is 200, with 100 of each gender, just for ease of math here.
90% of the women vote D.
70% of the men vote D.
That leaves 20% of the total to vote R.
10 + 30 = 40.
Cool made up math. The problem is that blacks have never voted 20% Republican and never will.
Why would they vote for WW3 when they'd be stuck fighting in it?
Male demographics are going to surprise everyone. Except me. I knew this was coming. All Republicans have to do is not support fucking Ukraine.
She won't be a part of the decision for whatever that is worth. I have no idea what the ruling will actually be, and I would wait until the ruling is released.
if they were going to pull this it would have been better to wait until after to keep a lower Democrat turn out.
I prefer rowing to wading, because I don’t want to get my shoes all wet.
Well she is but for different reasons
Good. Fuck them. This issue isn't something I have strong opinions on but I'm going enjoy watching the people infringing on my right to bear arms (a right that's actually in the Constitution) lose their precious abortion entitlements. If Kavanaugh finally grows a spine and decides now is the time to stick it to the left even better. If only Roberts stood for something other than trying to make the left like him.
Kavanaugh's revenge?
Either that or Democrat polls are so bad even cheating won't win it, so they're trying to activate the only people who saw Biden and thought - Yes, we need more of that.
Christine Ford was a bad dude.
Suddenly Democrats are in favor of leaks.
Where are the lies of :
“its russian disinformation”
“it has all the hallmarks of putin”
“whistleblowers should be prosecuted”
Satan-worshipping whores btfo
And the pedophiles cheer as they're now one step closer to bringing back orphanages, which'll happen after all thought of checking their backgrounds is abolished from the public mindset.
10 gorrilion baby corpses is a much better solution? Do you live in this world? Can you see what is wrong with it? Are you even white?
There's another way of looking at it - no legal abortions and potential murder charges for back alley abortions/intentional miscarriages = is gonna make a lot of women think twice about a life of whoredom.
The cock carousel won't look so fun when there's no get out of responsibility free card to be played.
Yes, it pushes the US further toward bifurcation.
Yep. If this goes through it becomes "up to the states," but corporations will try to pressure red states into allowing abortions. That's the most intriguing part, pulling back the veil and making it obvious the corporations are just overtly trying to run things. It's already been happening with voter ID and the groomer issues.
The ghettoes are going to be little Africa, with people wondering why the population is exploding, just like the stunned-ass Europeans, after giving so generously for generations to assholes who don't believe in controlling their urges or using birth control.
The responsibility will be dumped on men. And rather than go to jail for bein unable to pay child support, Jamal is just gonna shoot Shaniqua in the face.
It's a win/win.
So thats a no, then?
I'm just very cynical.
A flow of logic.
So there's a rash of dumpster babies, just like in the old days, though for many of the worst, slutty city dwellers, the woods are too far to drop of their unwanted spawn, so a few get found. ESPECIALLY if there's no exclusion for rape and retardation.
So people clamour for some place to give up babies anonymously, but it won't be the Catholic churches any more because of their reputation as pedophiles.
So they'll clamour for public orphanages, that are, of course, #1 on inclusionary hiring ...
Hell, it could even be set up this way, by sprinkling a few hospital write-offs to manufacture the consent ...
Ending Roe probably was being held back to use as an emergency lever to keep Republicans from winning a supermajority.
BUT it may backfire.
Reason is the country is actually almost exactly 50/50 split on abortion, but conservatives say it's 60% pro-choice, centrists says 70%, democrats say 80% pro-choice, and far left says 90% of the country are pro-choice (or thereabouts).
This is the power of media, but like with "Don't Slay Gay" the unintended effect is they've convinced themselves that the country agrees with them when it doesn't. They make it an issue and it doesn't turn out how they imagined it would.
This feels like an unforced error. Would have been better to try and ride the outrage train for five months instead of seven. I think someone got impatient.
One of Sotomayor's clerks has history with the author of the Politico article that published the leak.
Unforced error is right. This would've been prime riot cycle material coming out at the end of session in June, but it's too early for peak impact to prime voters for "vote blue to make it all stop". Either they try to keep up the fervor for two extra months (at which point voters may vote angry mustache man to make it all stop) or they let things peter out naturally, and the left loses any momentum gain.
Yeah, someone was willing to nuke their career because they thought that they were going to seriously lose.
This was a hail mary throw from the leaker. And for fucks sake, the leaker was a PAJEET. What is with these left wing Indians anyway?
Too early. The initial shock and awe effect of the ruling itself will be overshadowed by the summer of rioting it will provoke. They lose more than they gain.