We gotta think about Hispanic and Asian voters. Black voters are 100% a lost cause and relatively small in number anyways. Plus you can’t appeal to them hardly at all without literally going against your own platform.
Exactly, just like how DeSantis got the Cuban vote in Florida - Cubans are STAUNCHLY anti-Commie, which are the kind of people the left hates.
Don't think of it as some sort of virtue signaling for muh DIVERSITY but more like you need them for numbers, period. You can sit there and bitch and whine about your population being genocided while masturbating to The Bell Curve and other literature (yes, I've read them as well, and I sympathize with what white people are going through) and laughing at the 13/50 and 6 gorillion that are fucking you over, or you can at least try to be pragmatic as there is a slow but clear pushback against all this shit. It's easy to get black pilled from a lot of the crap we have to deal with.
There are an increasing number of conservative Asians and Hispanics and if you can get them as a stable vote, you don't have to bend over for the muh diversity crowd if you just focus on the fact that they can be Americans. I know, I know, muh civic nationalism, but again, it is important to be pragmatic. These conservative groups will also defend HUWITES and their rights to exist as well
I should know, I'm one of them. I don't want the left to win either - I fucking hate how they demonize whites and how they take perverted pleasure in their race mixing bullshit. I want them to leave everyone alone and fuck off, including whites.
We gotta think about Hispanic and Asian voters. Black voters are 100% a lost cause and relatively small in number anyways. Plus you can’t appeal to them hardly at all without literally going against your own platform.
Exactly, just like how DeSantis got the Cuban vote in Florida - Cubans are STAUNCHLY anti-Commie, which are the kind of people the left hates.
Don't think of it as some sort of virtue signaling for muh DIVERSITY but more like you need them for numbers, period. You can sit there and bitch and whine about your population being genocided while masturbating to The Bell Curve and other literature (yes, I've read them as well, and I sympathize with what white people are going through) and laughing at the 13/50 and 6 gorillion that are fucking you over, or you can at least try to be pragmatic as there is a slow but clear pushback against all this shit. It's easy to get black pilled from a lot of the crap we have to deal with.
There are an increasing number of conservative Asians and Hispanics and if you can get them as a stable vote, you don't have to bend over for the muh diversity crowd if you just focus on the fact that they can be Americans. I know, I know, muh civic nationalism, but again, it is important to be pragmatic. These conservative groups will also defend HUWITES and their rights to exist as well
I should know, I'm one of them. I don't want the left to win either - I fucking hate how they demonize whites and how they take perverted pleasure in their race mixing bullshit. I want them to leave everyone alone and fuck off, including whites.