Gamings biggest problem is trying to pander to extreme minorities in the market instead of making a good product. Making subpar products with less features than the last iteration but more “socially acceptable” is now how games are reviewed.
Also they shouldn’t be scared to acknowledge that certain genres of games generally appeal to more men. I remember seeing a chart that showed what games men/women like more.
Both of your posts - who remembers BFV? the fps designed so the CEOs daughter wouldnt have to ask him why there's no wamenz in WWII games. did the sjws start playing battlefield? they had female japs fighting on the axis side, and some in europe even, the woke minority pandering only pushed the core audience out, the making fun of people who didnt like it, pushed more away. Today, the most recent game in the franchise is almost universally hated. The gay propoganda game known as BFV is now more 'popular' based on active users than BF6gina, and this one was sold on more store fronts than the last one.
In a few years, there isnt going to be a BF franchise to enjoy anymore, 4 years after going woke and the studio is bare remnants of what gave out BF1 and BF3, arguably some of the high points of the franchise.
This pandering infested blizzard since around 2010, when they were mocking their own gamers for wanting a different direction with one of their upcoming sequels.
The woke ALWAYS destroys things, and I'm beginning to think its a sign of secret pederasts and rapists, tbh bois. Blizzard was a hellhole of rape and assault. Riot was cracking down on gaymers saying 'mean' things, while the company culture was the same. DICE is hilarious cringe (if you dont like our WWII WAMEN MESSAGE THEN 'DONT BUY" #RIGH SIDE OF HERSTORY, ETCC) I'm seeing a lot of the same with this gay bitsh. Idr if the meme was here, but she admitted she's not even reviewing the fucking games. ive never seen such an obvious example of 'im not a gamer, i just want to bully nerds' while pretending to be the 'in crowd', in my life. This bitch deserves a good gay cocking, but because she is so apparently a dong holder, she should have to suck off a 300 lb sumo, and remind her that shes less attractive to wimmezn that one of those big japanese dudes who wrestles other naked dudes. I 100% bet you that she is a post op Tranny with cheap fake tittos. Anyways, she can go an eat sarks poos and they can be happy gamer hater lesbians until reality sets in and their 300 fucking gay old cats attack em for being such gay pussies. The end. Thanks for coming to my fuck trannies tedtalk.
Riot was cracking down on gaymers saying 'mean' things, while the company culture was the same. DICE is hilarious cringe (if you dont like our WWII WAMEN MESSAGE THEN 'DONT BUY" #RIGH SIDE OF HERSTORY, ETCC) I'm seeing a lot of the same with this gay bitsh. Idr if the meme was here, but she admitted she's not even reviewing the fucking games. ive never seen such an obvious example of 'im not a gamer, i just want to bully nerds' while pretending to be the 'in crowd', in my life.
It works on NPCs because it's a total fucking worldwide religion at this point, and I'd like to see some deeper intellectual analysis discussing it as such. I can understand some people being super liberal, wanting to be supportive of "unprivileged" groups, thinking movies and games need multi-ethnic representation to stop racism and that they can somehow "lift up" minority groups by using political and economic capital. I disagree, but I get the ideology.
What doesn't make any rational sense is companies throwing market segments under the bus, attacking their base, so they can inject those personal/group beliefs into their products. You'd think they'd be like "oh I do think we should show more strong women in our games - but it doesn't make sense here in a WW2 game obviously, we need to sell games and our core audience is men." Whether they are the CEO or a lowly grunt artist, they should know that the success of their company is what puts food on their table.
The only way to make it make sense is that the western world is under the mass psychosis of a new religion. Right now that's the key observation for me. Causes and solutions are secondary.
My biggest problem with this outburst is the gaslighting that Webb & Munn's looks weren't a part of it. I don't think Morgan did much outside the FHM bikini shoot but Munn was playing it up all the time.
There was a segment called "Olivia's Rack", she threw her underwear on a "panty pile", she wore a French maid outfit and jumped in a giant cream pie, she did a skit called "The Lesbionic Woman" where she did exactly what you think for exactly why you think...
She dressed as Sailor Moon, slave Leia, etc. They hired a Playboy playmate who played "Bustice", a superheroine who used her tits to fight crime.
Yet this dyke tries to tell us they weren't there to look nice...
This is just women in general. They've spent decades trying to tell us "we aren't doing X to look good for you" when there exists no fathomable other option. Including when they somehow contort "we do it to feel good about ourselves, not look good for others" which requires so many hoops it could win an NBA game.
The best way to deal with that is to not appeal to everyone and stick with people who is going to buy your games. This is why pandering to a specific audience of whiny, falsely woke losers is never going to work out for them in the long run.
But corporations never learned this old man's lesson many times throughout the years till now when their profits are now tanking like it's the Video Game Crash of 1983! So now G4 is dead thanks to the fake feminist blonde-haired wahman thinking that Oliver Munn is cyst but in reality, this woke wahman is a fucking liar.
This is the sole reason why reboots of old shows, networks, and games never EVER work out at all. They took out the love and soul while making it a snorefest to watch or play over. It sucks dick nowadays!
I remember the originals have the love and soul still contained in it but if this keeps going down the reboot death spiral of hell, they're going to go bankrupt later down the line. I feel that the death knell of all corporations is near, and it might be not a bang, but a whiny little whimper before it all dies.
They can't soak in greed forever, however if they implement laws to keep their money, that's still not going to last as well! Nothing lasts forever, not even their dreams of exploiting the public with lies and nonsense to rake in more wealth.
Luckily, I hope there's an upcoming realization to these woketards that all of this is just wrong. But I'm not holding my breath for this one. They'll just keep on whining forever even in jail.
yep. these type of women do men a favor by broadcasting they are trash-tier. No class. No manners. Unpleasant and confrontational attitude (combined with female emotionalism). Generally, a woman to avoid even admitting they exist.
What's hilarious is that the nose ring originated as pure fetish shit. It was to emulate the idea of a nose ring on a cow; meaning to identify the person as human cattle, a slave. Now it's somehow a feminist symbol. I'd say it's weird but they're all whores so it's rather fitting.
As much as they refuse to see it nerd hobbies appeal to more guys than women. Now if she was a true lore nerd or actual fan that would show. Clearly she is jealous and going on the usual rants. How many companies that advertise products pick unattractive people? Those who don’t cave to modern garbage
She was a full anti-men and anti-white before G4. She was the one complaining that the player base for Europe LCS was to white and was defending Riots decision to exclude men from an event about programing(?), forgot the actual event.
Kat Schwartz. She was doing a magazine shoot where she was depicted topless and smoking a cigarette, although the actual shots for the mag/web were cropped so you didn't see much past the top of her breasts. Unfortunately for her and the mag, the person editing the images didn't sanitize the metadata, and it still included the full-size thumbnails of the images. Those got recovered and released to the wild.
Fwiw, I wasn't really that impressed, but then again small boobs don't really do it for me.
I remember the whole thing going down and being a bit of a Streisand Effect moment for her, and after taking the time to hunt down copies of the pics I was like "That was it?" Nothing to write home about.
I think I've said this before but I think I should say it again.
It doesn't matter how attractive an infiltrator is. It doesn't matter if they pretend to be one of you - they're just getting their foot in the door, or they're grifting off you with their looks.
And people even on our side will always have that weak point because no matter how "redpilled" or whatever they are, they want the utopia they were promised. With the "based" girls who are sexually liberated and fun, but also "trad" and not degenerate. Without realizing our ancestors only got part of that by not getting the other half and treating them like they did.
People often want directly contradictory things. I want to be fit, but also eat lots of desserts. Alas, I cannot have my cake and eat it too. Desiring a self-contradictory concept is a fine dream, make lots of fiction about it, but people need to know that it is, in fact, fiction.
If you want a woman who sleeps with you on the first date, don't expect a woman to be a virgin on her bridal night. In fact, don't even expect a virgin on the first date. You want a woman who is into the weird stuff? Then don't expect a woman who is pure and innocent. If she comes onto men a minute before meeting you, she's going to come onto men a minute after meeting you.
A sexually-open, loyal, experimental, attractive, approaching-you-but-not-approaching-others virgin does not exist. Period. Or even without periods, that applies to men too, so you'd think men would recognize it.
Really, it showcases the lack of logic in men when it comes to the mating game, that they can hold these ideas and not immediately discard them as self-contradictory.
Its because a lot of them have been sold the lie that it is possible, that these things aren't diametrically opposed and you can't judge a person based on specific traits.
This is all a lie of course, but its bigger than them just being stupid. The culture we live in is built to force that down your throat daily, and no one is immune to propaganda. And even worse, brainwashing never goes away completely even once you snap out of it.
The true contradictory belief all men hold is that you can hold women to principled standards AND not end up pretty terribly alone because of how few might ever reach them. None want to face the fact they might never find them and that makes them waver.
One of the worst things a content creator/online personality can do is tell people they read the comments and you let the mean ones effect you. She even goes as far as saying it ruins her day. Well guess what now you are going to get more because now they know you are reading what they have to say. How can you be an adult on the internet and not know this.
Alternatively, it can be one of the best things if you are willing to, you know, actually be in the public eye and have a thick skin.
"I read all the comments, and fuck you trolls!" leads into "I'm only reading superchats now, that way the trolls can't get me." once the trolls become accustomed to milking their lolcow. Continue to overreact to negative comments. Trolls come, they give you money to insult you, you throw a conniption, then as soon as the stream ends, laugh to the bank.
I used to enjoy watching Laura Foy on (that was the name of the show.) It's a shame they've evidently screwed this version up, but honestly I couldn't see the point of reviving G4 now, all relevant programming is taking place on streaming channels.
I'd say we need to propagate that message, but most would interpret that as "show more T&A" rather than "get in shape and become women worth pursuing".
Anyone else suprised Kevin Periera would actually sign his name to this shit? When G4 died he took AoTS to Twitch and it was still pretty ok, not this tripe.
Frosk continuing his tour of sabotage across gaming. Still kinda confused as to how he keeps getting work when he does nothing but bitch about alphabet mafia issues in the voice of a 12 yr old boy from 90s cartoons.
yeah look how fat she is. 4/5 is pretty good, and its not a perfect game. maybe 4.5 at the highest. new girl is mad because shes a tranny. tranneez be mad at real men
Gamings biggest problem is trying to pander to extreme minorities in the market instead of making a good product. Making subpar products with less features than the last iteration but more “socially acceptable” is now how games are reviewed.
Also they shouldn’t be scared to acknowledge that certain genres of games generally appeal to more men. I remember seeing a chart that showed what games men/women like more.
Both of your posts - who remembers BFV? the fps designed so the CEOs daughter wouldnt have to ask him why there's no wamenz in WWII games. did the sjws start playing battlefield? they had female japs fighting on the axis side, and some in europe even, the woke minority pandering only pushed the core audience out, the making fun of people who didnt like it, pushed more away. Today, the most recent game in the franchise is almost universally hated. The gay propoganda game known as BFV is now more 'popular' based on active users than BF6gina, and this one was sold on more store fronts than the last one.
In a few years, there isnt going to be a BF franchise to enjoy anymore, 4 years after going woke and the studio is bare remnants of what gave out BF1 and BF3, arguably some of the high points of the franchise.
This pandering infested blizzard since around 2010, when they were mocking their own gamers for wanting a different direction with one of their upcoming sequels.
The woke ALWAYS destroys things, and I'm beginning to think its a sign of secret pederasts and rapists, tbh bois. Blizzard was a hellhole of rape and assault. Riot was cracking down on gaymers saying 'mean' things, while the company culture was the same. DICE is hilarious cringe (if you dont like our WWII WAMEN MESSAGE THEN 'DONT BUY" #RIGH SIDE OF HERSTORY, ETCC) I'm seeing a lot of the same with this gay bitsh. Idr if the meme was here, but she admitted she's not even reviewing the fucking games. ive never seen such an obvious example of 'im not a gamer, i just want to bully nerds' while pretending to be the 'in crowd', in my life. This bitch deserves a good gay cocking, but because she is so apparently a dong holder, she should have to suck off a 300 lb sumo, and remind her that shes less attractive to wimmezn that one of those big japanese dudes who wrestles other naked dudes. I 100% bet you that she is a post op Tranny with cheap fake tittos. Anyways, she can go an eat sarks poos and they can be happy gamer hater lesbians until reality sets in and their 300 fucking gay old cats attack em for being such gay pussies. The end. Thanks for coming to my fuck trannies tedtalk.
It works on NPCs because it's a total fucking worldwide religion at this point, and I'd like to see some deeper intellectual analysis discussing it as such. I can understand some people being super liberal, wanting to be supportive of "unprivileged" groups, thinking movies and games need multi-ethnic representation to stop racism and that they can somehow "lift up" minority groups by using political and economic capital. I disagree, but I get the ideology.
What doesn't make any rational sense is companies throwing market segments under the bus, attacking their base, so they can inject those personal/group beliefs into their products. You'd think they'd be like "oh I do think we should show more strong women in our games - but it doesn't make sense here in a WW2 game obviously, we need to sell games and our core audience is men." Whether they are the CEO or a lowly grunt artist, they should know that the success of their company is what puts food on their table.
The only way to make it make sense is that the western world is under the mass psychosis of a new religion. Right now that's the key observation for me. Causes and solutions are secondary.
My biggest problem with this outburst is the gaslighting that Webb & Munn's looks weren't a part of it. I don't think Morgan did much outside the FHM bikini shoot but Munn was playing it up all the time.
There was a segment called "Olivia's Rack", she threw her underwear on a "panty pile", she wore a French maid outfit and jumped in a giant cream pie, she did a skit called "The Lesbionic Woman" where she did exactly what you think for exactly why you think...
She dressed as Sailor Moon, slave Leia, etc. They hired a Playboy playmate who played "Bustice", a superheroine who used her tits to fight crime.
Yet this dyke tries to tell us they weren't there to look nice...
This is just women in general. They've spent decades trying to tell us "we aren't doing X to look good for you" when there exists no fathomable other option. Including when they somehow contort "we do it to feel good about ourselves, not look good for others" which requires so many hoops it could win an NBA game.
Its not a woman. its a nonbinary tranny. mtf or ftm bet 100%
The best way to deal with that is to not appeal to everyone and stick with people who is going to buy your games. This is why pandering to a specific audience of whiny, falsely woke losers is never going to work out for them in the long run.
But corporations never learned this old man's lesson many times throughout the years till now when their profits are now tanking like it's the Video Game Crash of 1983! So now G4 is dead thanks to the fake feminist blonde-haired wahman thinking that Oliver Munn is cyst but in reality, this woke wahman is a fucking liar.
This is the sole reason why reboots of old shows, networks, and games never EVER work out at all. They took out the love and soul while making it a snorefest to watch or play over. It sucks dick nowadays!
I remember the originals have the love and soul still contained in it but if this keeps going down the reboot death spiral of hell, they're going to go bankrupt later down the line. I feel that the death knell of all corporations is near, and it might be not a bang, but a whiny little whimper before it all dies.
They can't soak in greed forever, however if they implement laws to keep their money, that's still not going to last as well! Nothing lasts forever, not even their dreams of exploiting the public with lies and nonsense to rake in more wealth.
Luckily, I hope there's an upcoming realization to these woketards that all of this is just wrong. But I'm not holding my breath for this one. They'll just keep on whining forever even in jail.
Every single person I've ever known who had a septum piercing was someone who did stupid shit. Usually hard drugs.
We joke about aposematism in KIA for years now but it's true and this broad ticks all the boxes.
It's so she doesnt accifentally knock her nose with her dildo again
Maybe an attempt at trying to stop snorting coke
yep. these type of women do men a favor by broadcasting they are trash-tier. No class. No manners. Unpleasant and confrontational attitude (combined with female emotionalism). Generally, a woman to avoid even admitting they exist.
What's hilarious is that the nose ring originated as pure fetish shit. It was to emulate the idea of a nose ring on a cow; meaning to identify the person as human cattle, a slave. Now it's somehow a feminist symbol. I'd say it's weird but they're all whores so it's rather fitting.
So salty
As much as they refuse to see it nerd hobbies appeal to more guys than women. Now if she was a true lore nerd or actual fan that would show. Clearly she is jealous and going on the usual rants. How many companies that advertise products pick unattractive people? Those who don’t cave to modern garbage
She was a full anti-men and anti-white before G4. She was the one complaining that the player base for Europe LCS was to white and was defending Riots decision to exclude men from an event about programing(?), forgot the actual event.
G4 knew exactly what they hired.
Oh. I guess that makes sense considering the times we live in. So sick of hobbies hiring people who hate it
what are the chances that she pulled a quinn out, bois?
The sad thing is she used to be rather competent, was part of the original LPL-English cast. And then she became crazy, like all lesbians.
It was a pax event if I recall correctly
Holy hell I don't remember Morgan Webb being that hot! It was like ZDTV then TechTV then G4 IIRC. Everyone was pissed when it went to G4.
Kat Schwartz. She was doing a magazine shoot where she was depicted topless and smoking a cigarette, although the actual shots for the mag/web were cropped so you didn't see much past the top of her breasts. Unfortunately for her and the mag, the person editing the images didn't sanitize the metadata, and it still included the full-size thumbnails of the images. Those got recovered and released to the wild.
Fwiw, I wasn't really that impressed, but then again small boobs don't really do it for me.
I remember the whole thing going down and being a bit of a Streisand Effect moment for her, and after taking the time to hunt down copies of the pics I was like "That was it?" Nothing to write home about.
#Sad faps
Chicks with that septum piercing look like unfuckable ugly lezbos.
Plot twist: The ARE unfuckable ugly lezbos.
and this one comes with a ball prize
I wonder if her cats do her hair.
I think I've said this before but I think I should say it again.
It doesn't matter how attractive an infiltrator is. It doesn't matter if they pretend to be one of you - they're just getting their foot in the door, or they're grifting off you with their looks.
You don't need to make it that complex.
Don't trust women. Simple, clean, nearly perfect track record.
I'd rather not get another R16 ban.
Besides, I think the weak point of a lot of people is accepting these foot in the door moments because "oh it's not bad, I kind of like her."
That's fine, I'll take the ban this time.
And people even on our side will always have that weak point because no matter how "redpilled" or whatever they are, they want the utopia they were promised. With the "based" girls who are sexually liberated and fun, but also "trad" and not degenerate. Without realizing our ancestors only got part of that by not getting the other half and treating them like they did.
People often want directly contradictory things. I want to be fit, but also eat lots of desserts. Alas, I cannot have my cake and eat it too. Desiring a self-contradictory concept is a fine dream, make lots of fiction about it, but people need to know that it is, in fact, fiction.
If you want a woman who sleeps with you on the first date, don't expect a woman to be a virgin on her bridal night. In fact, don't even expect a virgin on the first date. You want a woman who is into the weird stuff? Then don't expect a woman who is pure and innocent. If she comes onto men a minute before meeting you, she's going to come onto men a minute after meeting you.
A sexually-open, loyal, experimental, attractive, approaching-you-but-not-approaching-others virgin does not exist. Period. Or even without periods, that applies to men too, so you'd think men would recognize it.
Really, it showcases the lack of logic in men when it comes to the mating game, that they can hold these ideas and not immediately discard them as self-contradictory.
Its because a lot of them have been sold the lie that it is possible, that these things aren't diametrically opposed and you can't judge a person based on specific traits.
This is all a lie of course, but its bigger than them just being stupid. The culture we live in is built to force that down your throat daily, and no one is immune to propaganda. And even worse, brainwashing never goes away completely even once you snap out of it.
The true contradictory belief all men hold is that you can hold women to principled standards AND not end up pretty terribly alone because of how few might ever reach them. None want to face the fact they might never find them and that makes them waver.
One of the worst things a content creator/online personality can do is tell people they read the comments and you let the mean ones effect you. She even goes as far as saying it ruins her day. Well guess what now you are going to get more because now they know you are reading what they have to say. How can you be an adult on the internet and not know this.
Alternatively, it can be one of the best things if you are willing to, you know, actually be in the public eye and have a thick skin.
"I read all the comments, and fuck you trolls!" leads into "I'm only reading superchats now, that way the trolls can't get me." once the trolls become accustomed to milking their lolcow. Continue to overreact to negative comments. Trolls come, they give you money to insult you, you throw a conniption, then as soon as the stream ends, laugh to the bank.
almost like this bish troll is trying to get 'insults', not unlike another bpd we know...
Why is Machine Gun Kelly so mad?
Clearly he got punched in the mouth and it fucked up his teeth.
She plays for the other team...
She only fucks trannies? thank good
She's a dyke.
I used to enjoy watching Laura Foy on (that was the name of the show.) It's a shame they've evidently screwed this version up, but honestly I couldn't see the point of reviving G4 now, all relevant programming is taking place on streaming channels.
Work on being more bangable then.
I'd say we need to propagate that message, but most would interpret that as "show more T&A" rather than "get in shape and become women worth pursuing".
she doesnt have any tits based on the reality of her being a man
G4 is still a thing? I thought they were long gone.
Died years ago as a TV channel, came back last year as a YouTube channel. I think Adam is the only one back but I haven't watched that shit.
EDIT: Apparently Kevin came back too. And after being exposed to this cunt he now has cancer.
Anyone else suprised Kevin Periera would actually sign his name to this shit? When G4 died he took AoTS to Twitch and it was still pretty ok, not this tripe.
I never knew aots was still going... that sucks its probably gonna be moved off twich causa this bish now
I mean he looks like a trans Shaggy from Scooby Doo, so yes.
Even looking at "bangable" as a binary, it's not a competition with former hosts as long as you're still bangable.
The extent of how much I want to interact with her is to see if I can score some adderall.
Note how she said "not as bangable", instead of the correct "not bangable"
you would have to convince me that "s"he is not a forever virgin
how about you go back to whatever crack house you crawled out of and leave my hobby alone
Frosk continuing his tour of sabotage across gaming. Still kinda confused as to how he keeps getting work when he does nothing but bitch about alphabet mafia issues in the voice of a 12 yr old boy from 90s cartoons.
visible clapping
Doing that finger waving as seen in various Jihadist videos, to the point it's parodied in 'The Dictator' isn't doing this person any favours.
I didn't really even see Morgan as particularly hot, she was just above average, but actually cared about games and had decent chemistry with Sessler.
If I knew about these photos I might have had a crush on her back in the day.
But I didn't watch the show for tits, I watched it for reasonably fair game reviews. Still sorta salty that Warcraft 3 was rated 4/5 at the time.
New girl is just a bitch because she can't (and she knows she can't) live up to the looks and intelligence of Morgan.
yeah look how fat she is. 4/5 is pretty good, and its not a perfect game. maybe 4.5 at the highest. new girl is mad because shes a tranny. tranneez be mad at real men
get off TV you troll-faced feminist cunt
While this is ironically true, the real reason people hate her is because she is an extremist bitch.
It's also ironic most people who hate the regressive left are hotter.
I’d rather fuck an electrical outlet than a degenerate chick with a neck tattoo.