It truly is astounding how mass infiltration of institutions has become so noticeable so quickly. Pope is a South American communist. Your schools are run by communists. Your governments by communists. Your entertainment, journalists, media, all communists. All at once everywhere. Truly stunning coordination
Well, it has been happening for 60+ years. Most people don't notice the shift of the Overton Window. Even the paradigm of a "conservative" implies only stopping the loss of liberty, never reclaiming it back.
The Catholic Church was pozzed by Vatican II, which was the culmination of a secret society plot to take over the church. Two Popes in the 19th century ordered the publishing of orders from within the society to warn people of the conspiracy called The Permanent Instruction Of The Alta Vendita, and it can be found in English here in chapter XIV. The next chapter, Letter of Piccolo Tigre, is also worth a read.
Maybe I should run a child trafficking pedo-network like Epstein to make up for my refusal to take the vax. That's obviously morally responsible enough to get the pope's blessing.
Pope Francis suggested Monday that getting vaccinated against the coronavirus was a “moral obligation” and denounced how people had been swayed by “baseless information” to refuse one of the most effective measures to save lives.
lol so effective. Areas that use the most effective measure have record number of coof cases. Areas that use baseless and dangerous measures such as Ivermectin have flat cases or spikes of cases much smaller than previous waves. Honk more, fake Pope.
Funny thing about Catholicism. Unless the Pope is speaking in a very specific manner known as Ex Cathedra, anything he says is nothing more than his opinion and can be discarded as such.
The Congregation for Doctrine of the Faithful however, has no such restrictions. The Dignitas Personae authored by the CDF is and remains the authoritative source on matters relating to medical treatments and methods derived from aborted fetal cell lines. Spoiler alert, it's outright forbidden.
So once again Bergoglio advocates committing a mortal sin
Did you see something from the Church specifically on the MRNa forbidding it? I ask because I saw something to the opposite explaining why it was okay, even if the original cells came from an aborted fetus, which from what I read, they're not sure did. The original cells came from a Scandanavian fetus who died in the early 70's. All cells used are regrown from those original ones. I couldn't believe the Church was supporting the shot, but after reading their position, I could understand.
What I've seen is a document recently suggesting that if the alternative is killing an innocent in your own family, that partaking in such a morally compromised treatment is a potential option, but one that must always be a careful consideration. Doing so out of a desire to conform to social pressure or to preserve your own life would still inarguably be a grave sin.
And in this missive they quoted and restated the Dignitas Personae.
Shit like this makes me glad I left the church about 15 years back. I figure they don't want me because my wife and I got divorced back then, so screw them.
Well I'm glad the US Council of Catholic Bishops Disagrees. I can get a religious exemption thanks to them as they believe it is not moral to be forced. They don't have a problem with the shot, just the mandate, as it takes away your freedom.
There's something poetic when you think of the lightning that hit the Vatican twice in a row on the day that slimy toad "became Pope". Also the lightning that killed George Floyd again.
Let's face it folks, there have been some bad characters who have sat on The Chair of St Peter. It appears Francis is another one. Thankfully, bad Popes didn't change the faith. That's the Glory of the Church and the Holy Spirit saving His Church from fallible, and even bad, humans.
Read Pascendi Dominici Gregis, a 1907 encyclical from St Pius X, and pull at the thread until you reach the Vatican 2. The Vatican 2 was subverted primarily by post WWII “German” bishops (really makes you think, especially since the Germans have been infested for centuries now as far as I can tell). The same “Germans” that push synodal discord today and express outright contempt for “their own” people.The Catholic Church, one of the most powerful institutions of all time, was infiltrated and subverted. This encyclical shows the attack the Church was under over a century ago, an attack you see mirrored on a global scale today. About 60 years after this encyclical, an ecumenical council implemented revolutionary and subversive changes in the church in the form of Vatican 2. The same tactics used every single time eventually brought the Catholic Church to its knees, almost like it was practice for the global scale. When NPC’s think of pedophiles, they think of Catholic priests. Who do you think of when you think of pedophiles? Classic infiltration and subversion with the added benefit of a powerful, projection based smear campaign when their disgusting pedophile agents come to light. Traditionalist Catholics might as well be Nazis to some NPCs these days. I wonder why... This year, the Pope of the “Novus Ordo” established with Vatican 2 has completely banned Catholics from meeting in Traditional Latin Mass because so many people began attending them in the last couple years. Anyways I think there is something to be learned here. Catholics fought off their subversive ways for a millennium before caving in the 60s. What did they do right and what did they do wrong? However you may feel about the modern Catholic Church, they are the observers and recorders of a rich amount of European history and their online archives can be a valuable historical source in their own right. It is important to foster camaraderie as noticers and not lose sight of the values that drew everyone to this community. I believe ConPro was founded on the primary ideal of pointing out their trickery and naming them. I have lurked this website for a longtime as a haven of sanity and I just want to say I deeply appreciate all of you who put yourselves out their time and again to name them and work to alert others to their ways. Stay vigilant and strive for excellence.
"Reality therapy" is an interesting choice of words. "Gay therapy", much maligned, is the process to un-gay someone. "Depression therapy" is the process by which to discard or at least remove some influence of depression upon someone. "Borderline therapy" is the process to cancel out or diminish the impacts of Borderline disorder in the patient.
So, "reality therapy" to accept The New Pope's doctrines...
Any “Catholic” that is okay with the modern Catholic church is just an uppity Protestant larping in the Catholic Church, simple as that. Vatican 2, by design, opened the floodgates to the schismatics and dissidents. Traditional Catholics are incredibly based and tend to align way more with ConPro than our current society.
It truly is astounding how mass infiltration of institutions has become so noticeable so quickly. Pope is a South American communist. Your schools are run by communists. Your governments by communists. Your entertainment, journalists, media, all communists. All at once everywhere. Truly stunning coordination
The geriatric globalists want to see the fruits of their efforts before they die.
May it backfire spectacularly for these devils.
They're pumping billions into transhumanism research in the hopes that they'll be able to upload their personalities into a computer and cheat death.
If that happens, I am taking the power tools from my workplace and we gon' smash some servers and shit.
Inb4 solar flare emp wipes their hdd
Well, it has been happening for 60+ years. Most people don't notice the shift of the Overton Window. Even the paradigm of a "conservative" implies only stopping the loss of liberty, never reclaiming it back.
The Catholic Church was pozzed by Vatican II, which was the culmination of a secret society plot to take over the church. Two Popes in the 19th century ordered the publishing of orders from within the society to warn people of the conspiracy called The Permanent Instruction Of The Alta Vendita, and it can be found in English here in chapter XIV. The next chapter, Letter of Piccolo Tigre, is also worth a read.
Where's Pinochet when you need him
Spinning in his grave over the recent Chile election.
But muh evil nazzzzzisss!
we lost the war
He's an antipope. There have been around 40 of them.
To put a quote here: Fuck the new Pope!
You're too old for him.
Maybe I should run a child trafficking pedo-network like Epstein to make up for my refusal to take the vax. That's obviously morally responsible enough to get the pope's blessing.
Only if you're trafficking young boys. Young girls don't get him or his feminist masters excited.
lol so effective. Areas that use the most effective measure have record number of coof cases. Areas that use baseless and dangerous measures such as Ivermectin have flat cases or spikes of cases much smaller than previous waves. Honk more, fake Pope.
Here's a Reuters factcheck that shows that to be wrong.
No, I'm not going to look at your data, links, or videos, I don't need to. Reuters has already said that you're wrong.
Funny thing about Catholicism. Unless the Pope is speaking in a very specific manner known as Ex Cathedra, anything he says is nothing more than his opinion and can be discarded as such.
The Congregation for Doctrine of the Faithful however, has no such restrictions. The Dignitas Personae authored by the CDF is and remains the authoritative source on matters relating to medical treatments and methods derived from aborted fetal cell lines. Spoiler alert, it's outright forbidden.
So once again Bergoglio advocates committing a mortal sin
Did you see something from the Church specifically on the MRNa forbidding it? I ask because I saw something to the opposite explaining why it was okay, even if the original cells came from an aborted fetus, which from what I read, they're not sure did. The original cells came from a Scandanavian fetus who died in the early 70's. All cells used are regrown from those original ones. I couldn't believe the Church was supporting the shot, but after reading their position, I could understand.
What I've seen is a document recently suggesting that if the alternative is killing an innocent in your own family, that partaking in such a morally compromised treatment is a potential option, but one that must always be a careful consideration. Doing so out of a desire to conform to social pressure or to preserve your own life would still inarguably be a grave sin.
And in this missive they quoted and restated the Dignitas Personae.
He's a Jesuit. Soldiers of Jesus my ass.
Samuel Morse tried to warn us almost two hundred years ago. 'Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States; the numbers of Brutus'
Has he had an HPV vaccination ? They are putting all the little kids at risk
Oh snap, that's brutal!
More Feminine Pope indeed. He's been very active in shilling for his feminist masters in the last few days.
Time for an antitpope 😎👌
The antipope has already seized control of the Vatican.
Sedevacantism time.
Shit like this makes me glad I left the church about 15 years back. I figure they don't want me because my wife and I got divorced back then, so screw them.
We need conversion therapy
Well I'm glad the US Council of Catholic Bishops Disagrees. I can get a religious exemption thanks to them as they believe it is not moral to be forced. They don't have a problem with the shot, just the mandate, as it takes away your freedom.
The St Malachi list numbering Popes until Pope Benedict the XVI (Francis' predecessor) looks more and more authentic every day.
There's something poetic when you think of the lightning that hit the Vatican twice in a row on the day that slimy toad "became Pope". Also the lightning that killed George Floyd again.
God is laughing at you, not with you, globalists.
Typical pope.
Let's face it folks, there have been some bad characters who have sat on The Chair of St Peter. It appears Francis is another one. Thankfully, bad Popes didn't change the faith. That's the Glory of the Church and the Holy Spirit saving His Church from fallible, and even bad, humans.
Idk man, Pope needs to be reality murdered already.
Will it be booster #2? Booster #3? Have all the shots been staged? Tune in next time on Murdered by Reality: The Darwin Awards.
Pretty much yeah
Read Pascendi Dominici Gregis, a 1907 encyclical from St Pius X, and pull at the thread until you reach the Vatican 2. The Vatican 2 was subverted primarily by post WWII “German” bishops (really makes you think, especially since the Germans have been infested for centuries now as far as I can tell). The same “Germans” that push synodal discord today and express outright contempt for “their own” people.The Catholic Church, one of the most powerful institutions of all time, was infiltrated and subverted. This encyclical shows the attack the Church was under over a century ago, an attack you see mirrored on a global scale today. About 60 years after this encyclical, an ecumenical council implemented revolutionary and subversive changes in the church in the form of Vatican 2. The same tactics used every single time eventually brought the Catholic Church to its knees, almost like it was practice for the global scale. When NPC’s think of pedophiles, they think of Catholic priests. Who do you think of when you think of pedophiles? Classic infiltration and subversion with the added benefit of a powerful, projection based smear campaign when their disgusting pedophile agents come to light. Traditionalist Catholics might as well be Nazis to some NPCs these days. I wonder why... This year, the Pope of the “Novus Ordo” established with Vatican 2 has completely banned Catholics from meeting in Traditional Latin Mass because so many people began attending them in the last couple years. Anyways I think there is something to be learned here. Catholics fought off their subversive ways for a millennium before caving in the 60s. What did they do right and what did they do wrong? However you may feel about the modern Catholic Church, they are the observers and recorders of a rich amount of European history and their online archives can be a valuable historical source in their own right. It is important to foster camaraderie as noticers and not lose sight of the values that drew everyone to this community. I believe ConPro was founded on the primary ideal of pointing out their trickery and naming them. I have lurked this website for a longtime as a haven of sanity and I just want to say I deeply appreciate all of you who put yourselves out their time and again to name them and work to alert others to their ways. Stay vigilant and strive for excellence.
TL;DR : "muh joos"
Your reddit sized attention span and colloquialisms are showing.
The current Pope is a puppet of feminists.
That's why he's pushing a pro-woman agenda.
The difference is, there's video of the Pope supporting the wage gap myth and pushing the fictional issue of sexism against women.
Therefore, what he says is relevant to me, as he's one of the puppets of the More Feminine Way.
They can, but they always hit the same problem.
If Jews follow the Talmud, which is where these people get their goyim crap from, the greatest sin is harming a fellow Jew.
If harming a fellow Jew is the greatest sin, why are Israel on their 4th jab?
No such problem for my theory.
Feminists have allowed fellow women to be harmed for men to be harmed more greatly for years.
You literally haven't answered my point.
I'm sorry, am I supposed to care what satan's minion says about Pfizer's mystery pfluid?
This kike fuck needs his brains aerated. (Time to step up the rhetoric)
Yeah, "reality therapy", good idea. Since the Pope is such a loving socialist, lets talk about the realities of socialism.
STFU commie-pope
How come every other vaccine in history was to protect yourself.
It's almost like religious leaders can be bought too
His asshole is literally rotting away as we speak. Pretty soon, shit will just start falling out of his ass and he will die of sepsis.
His papality will get reality therapy soon, at his natural death and subsequent Judgment.
"Reality therapy" is an interesting choice of words. "Gay therapy", much maligned, is the process to un-gay someone. "Depression therapy" is the process by which to discard or at least remove some influence of depression upon someone. "Borderline therapy" is the process to cancel out or diminish the impacts of Borderline disorder in the patient.
So, "reality therapy" to accept The New Pope's doctrines...
The Catholic Church should be taxed
I'll take on reality therapy any day, anybody that doesn't need therapy to cope with this paradigm's reality is a fucking clown. Just like the pope!
I’m sorry I can’t hear you over the Protestant reformation
It's just sad at this point. They're done.
So, no "reality therapy". We only do vibe checks.
Isn't he the homosexual pedophile who was in the Nazi Youth, or is that another one of the homosexual pedophiles?
Catholic sheeple would be chipped with 666 willingly if the Pope says so.
Any “Catholic” that is okay with the modern Catholic church is just an uppity Protestant larping in the Catholic Church, simple as that. Vatican 2, by design, opened the floodgates to the schismatics and dissidents. Traditional Catholics are incredibly based and tend to align way more with ConPro than our current society.