throwawayaccount2037 53 points ago +53 / -0

If voting was restricted only to married men with kids, Democrats have nothing to offer them.

The current democratic party in America is literally built on a platform of degeneracy and solipsism.

throwawayaccount2037 5 points ago +5 / -0

Because they are the only thing that sell to the old guard who refuse to buy newer games made for "modern audiences".

They still push the "modern audience" wankery into the remasters to keep easing gamers into accepting DEI nonsense.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is still Tom Cruise's best role:

[Edit: for the people who can't see it on Twitter: https://youtu.be/eLWNqkQfjTE?t=202 ]

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +2 / -1

Still, I don't wish anybody to die from Cancer, it's a horrible way to go. So RIP.

Her enabling of the censorship and shadowbanning of people attempting to inform others about things like Hunter Biden's laptop, Joe Biden's corruption, the voting fraud -- including removing videos showing how it was done and some of the methods used, and testimonies of people showcasing the discrepancies during hearings with local municipalities -- and any and all legitimate research about the clotshot (including banning users from even posting PMIDs, so you could not even direct users to the appropriate research identification papers because YouTube would auto-remove it), cost people countless lives and a stolen election.

People like that absolutely do deserve the worst way imaginable to go, because they purposely utilised their power and platform to cause harm, prevent people from stopping harm, and misinforming people for nefarious purposes.

Basically, evil in, evil out.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

For example, the Bible doesn't explicitly condemn transgenderism, but, it didn't need to be said.

It actually did: Deuteronomy 22:5 -

"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment; for all who do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God."

So there were clear gender roles to be followed, and men trying to dress or act like women was considered an abomination, the same as women trying to dress or act like men.

But you're also right, that a lot of this didn't need to be spelled out specifically, especially regarding more transgressive acts such as hormone therapy and mutilation via surgery.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of the new features in The Sims 4: Lovestruck is that Sims may not necessarily be attracted to your character in return and will very clearly inform you if they prefer to remain friends.

Ah, so they've brought the real life Friendzone into the game.

I wonder if they will implement a feature where the female sims will get a grumbly icon over their head complaining about where all the good men have gone when they hit 40+?

throwawayaccount2037 7 points ago +7 / -0

It is just an indication of how far our standards have fallen.

I know this is a broken record to repeat this sentiment yet again, but that was always the point of this elongated battle of attrition waged by the Lefties.

The Overtone Window keeps on inching Left. The amount of people who fawn over that League of Legends animated show on Netflix -- and other such similar fare that heavily push feminist ideology and homosexual ideology -- showcases that people will outwardly reject the more broad strokes from woke companies like Disney (e.g., The Acolyte, The Marvels) but will gladly accept substitutes of a lesser grievance (e.g., HotD, The Boys, League of Legends anime, etc.).

In a few years the so-called "anti-woke" content creator/influencer crowd will be castigating anyone who isn't on-board with whatever homosexual, feminist, anti-Christian, misandrist drivel that a large network (or networks) has put out that passes their very low bar for acceptable quality of entertainment.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

All they need is a Michael Collins type who doesn't cuck, and the WEF will be in for a jolly good time.

throwawayaccount2037 21 points ago +21 / -0

I still remember when BG3 came out and there was a gay person pointing out how it was actually quite unsettling how aggressively gay some of the characters were and that they acted like sex pests. Instead of maybe toning the behaviour down just a teensy bit predictably the response by the fanbois was to accuse the person of being a fake gay and act like they didn't have a valid point.

When you look at the disease rates (courtesy of the CDC).... https://archive.is/b1kAx

And you look at the depression rates... https://archive.is/7QGxL

And you look at the infidelity rates... https://hornetapp.com/stories/anal-sex-infidelity-surveys/

And how often they burn through partners... https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/article_files/4315111.pdf

The empirical data shows that they are sex pests.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, it's about his stance and being noncommittal (even after reading the book, hence the second link) by avoiding the issue presented so he doesn't have to talk about something that affected a lot of people.

Unfortunately, people are reporting my previous comment despite it being innocuous, and the mods seem to think it comes "close" to violating these nebulous rules, so I will leave it here, since this is not a free speech forum wherein things that offend people to a certain extent are not allowed to be discussed.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here is the video I am referencing: https://youtu.be/lAqcge10Mfc

It's not easy to find on YouTube for obvious reasons, I believe it's shadowbanned which is why you were not able to find it.

There is a follow-up video here but he still does not disentangle it nor addresses the question the young man posed (and others) in the first video: https://youtu.be/pkYqN0iGGjw

throwawayaccount2037 4 points ago +4 / -0

That game had replayable content for decades. It just had so much stuff to do and dag is right that it's the most solid game Rockstar ever made. The fighting was visceral but grounded and realistic, and that's what made it so fun to play.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's because it features women in short skirts, with their skin glistening from the sweat, making the same noises they make as if they had a vocally uncapped orgasm.

TL;DR: The only female sports that are popular are ones with strong sex appeal.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look up the video where he's explicitly asked about a certain question related to a group wearing tiny hats, and his response basically tells you who he sided with and why.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

Too bad about the Irish getting cucked, but those blokes had the right of it from the get go; for several centuries they held out until they signed away their freedoms. Too bad they never got their balls back proper.

There's still hope that the splintered and fractured NIRA gets its act together and starts doing things that mods here wouldn't like us talking about.

throwawayaccount2037 6 points ago +6 / -0

Danny Eflman's theme for the show was spot-on, and the cinematography and framing was made to somewhat blend with Burton's Batman films.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes that was literally my main reason for not putting SteamOS on a gaming rig because Nvidia isn't supported, and I've heard similar things about other Linux distros. I guess I'll just keep waiting until there is better Nvidia support. But it looks like that day is getting closer.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice, nice.

I've had a few suggestions on here about Linux distros to install, so I'm contemplating what to go with.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

Awesome. Are you using an AMD or Nvidia card?

I haven't decided about whether I want to fresh install on my current rig or just by a new gaming rig altogether and make it a dedicated Linux build.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

I notice that a lot of Unity-made games have -- as you put it -- much snappier response timing and animation and inputs are far more precise. It makes sense why devs making platformers and side-scrollers prefer Unity over Unreal as one of the reasons for that. I think it's also because of so much of the bloat in the Unreal packaging due to having to support a lot of third-party plugins and libraries, most devs just settle for the default physics instead of fine-tuning it as you mentioned.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're 100% correct that this looks like a lazy hack job, though.

It seems like some kind of fork of the Unreal Engine, because you're right that some of the assets in this game really do look like they came right out of the asset store.

I actually said the same thing in another comment elsewhere discussing it with some people about how much of a lazy UE5 asset-store rip the game was, and I was corrected as well and they informed me about the team using their own in-house engine. But I'm still skeptical because it has the same floatiness as the UE5, same animation sets, same jankiness, and it even has the exact same pop-in issues that games have that use Nanite in open-world settings.

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