smokeypanda PRO 4 points ago +5 / -1

Wikipedia says only 2000. I'd think that's a small enough growth and total for the more respectable Kurds to self police and not ire the nationalistic host country.

smokeypanda PRO 11 points ago +11 / -0

What moddb should have been; a place that catalogs and links to pc mods, like PCGamingWiki does for games. Because of Nexus and Co. faggitry, we're back to the early-mid 2000s where mods are scattered across dozens of websites and discord servers, with many mods, maps, etc from that era are bit rotted and memory holed. Basedmods is cool right now for banned mods, but if there were 1000+ mods per game, the functionality (aesthetic is fine) to sort through them is lacking.

Side-note: How much media is lost from 80s and 90s computing? Textfiles.com is only a fraction of content from that era.

smokeypanda PRO 3 points ago +3 / -0

The percentage of his sell-off was small. Shareholders are at fault for encouraging psychotic behaviors of publicly traded companies. Along with voters for not understanding that regulatory capture benefits all the well-connected vultures in banking and finance.

by Lethn
smokeypanda PRO 3 points ago +3 / -0

Two things.

Unity was a joke a decade ago not only because of l33t 10x real Dev snobbery at the easy engine for noon devs, but because of weird early tech faults. IIRC there was a physical god object in the game world (or at least a single game) that represented the back-end code; don't delete this object. The consensus now is that it's a serious engine being corporately mismanaged and a mess. The only thing that piques my interest is their somewhat recent work on incremental garbage collection.

Up until today, I thought big companies didn't have source access to the c++ core, the way Source, IdTech3, and other licensed engines do/did (enterprise and industry plans do). It's still ridiculous that the $2000 seat/year plan doesn't, but what do I know about mid-large business expenses. Ideally, all stable companies would give more of a shit about vendor lock in, but we're governed by the Gervais principle. UE4-5 being source available at all levels makes it stupid for a 50+ employee studio to utilize Unity.

smokeypanda PRO 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks, slip of the tongue. Don't mess with older engines unless you're modding older games. Godot aims for beginner-intermediate friendliness, while UE5 is to get familiar with modern tech rather than make your own small game.

smokeypanda PRO 7 points ago +7 / -0

Best case scenario, Javier Milei sees success in Argentina and the Mises Caucus eventually gets a ripple of support from that. Trump is going to suck any mainstream attention away from anything alt-lite in the US until then.

smokeypanda PRO 3 points ago +3 / -0

Quick and easy should be quick and dirty. A complete project that 1000+ people will enjoy takes devs with some prior experience at least 10 months to make. I started programming with Al Sweigart's Invent With Python, but I'm loathe to recommend a dedicated SJW. That series of dead simple games like hangman is my idea of a dead simple game you share with 2 friends before deciding if you want to dedicate to the hobby.

smokeypanda PRO 3 points ago +3 / -0

Text-based, 2D, or 3D? If you're artistically inclined, use something quick and easy like rpg-maker, ren'py, or game-maker studio to get your feet wet. If you're more interested in programming, make a CLI or TUI game to get your bearings on the fundamentals of a game engine and your desired programming langauge. 3D: mess around with Godot or Unreal Engine 3, or Blender for the models and animation.

A recommendation you're not going to find in a generic web search is Open Croquet, although it's early 00's educational tech.

smokeypanda PRO 8 points ago +8 / -0

On the GoT commentary tracks, Sophie and Maisie were insufferable and off-topic. I don't take for granted that being a teenage girl automatically makes one obnoxious, instead that the duo is still shallow having passed Emilia's age when the show started. Joe Jonas should have judged the book by it's cover.

smokeypanda PRO 3 points ago +3 / -0

Rome parallels are interesting and relevant, but the women stuff could use sources for a more precise and proportional perspective. The Roman Empire is the preeminent example of leftist indulgence gradually dragging down civilization.

Innate human rights were a gradual build up. Laozi formulated much of it early on in the Orient, but I'm not an expert on far Eastern culture so I make no further claim there. Christianity was very important to the idea natural rights; I abhor the capital-a Atheists that lack the wisdom to not take enlightenment for granted.

by Lethn
smokeypanda PRO 5 points ago +5 / -0

Anything over a decade old that isn't cash-cow shonen will already elude 50% of the casual audience. Casual consumers only annoy me because web searches for recommendations are worse than 15 years ago (SEO robot spam indirectly imitates what search engines think normies want).

Eden of the East, Monster, and season 1 Log Horizon come to mind.

by Lethn
smokeypanda PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was about to make my own post today on the utterly pathetic fanboy crowd-following of the totalwar subreddit up until last year's launch and now. Two of the top twenty posts are just a Two Minutes Hate on Arch and Volound, two of the the harshest but constructive critics of the franchise. Many old-school genre enjoyers (not the artificial historical vs fantasy division), modders, etc were either pro Arch or otherwise unenthusiastic about the company before it was cool to hate on them.

by Lethn
smokeypanda PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

I might agree with you on the "compiler corruption", which could mean anything from bad compilier flags to something on the level of the Pentium FDIV bug, but what's with the cohort identity politics?

smokeypanda PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blocking was what dissuaded me from Twitter back in 09’, for Twitter's technophobe pandering implementation. If I can logout and view the blocker's tweets, it's a big fat phony feature. Feelings over facts.

Reddit followed similarly a few years ago where a rando can hijack entire posts by blocking dissent.

smokeypanda PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

These AI pop culture subreddits are worse than asklegaladvice with fundamental subject ignorance being routinely upvoted. In this case, its compounded with clichéd political blurbs drowning out any substance, but otherwise there will be a smattering of magical and wishful thinking center stage. Sturgeon's law states that 90% of social output is crap, but I don't take for granted that aggregating the sliver of quality isn't scalable and sustainable.

Just the first interesting submission I found with a minute of searching. Why are the parent comments mere low effort interpersonal communication substitutes?!? That shit is so unnatural for threaded discussion. Same mofos that think an OFthot or big Twitch streamer has a personal relationship with them. High schools shouldn't graduate people that can't grasp why personal wordage in scientific publication discouraged.


smokeypanda PRO 4 points ago +4 / -0

Star trek, mass effect, etc are elaborate human cosplays, akin to a German Shepherd and a poodle boning. Not that I care if some hypothetical individual has a hanar fetish, but the real world has taught me that perversions imply antisocial for a reason.

smokeypanda PRO 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm specifically wondering if black American women are only half a deviation below the average, not at 100.

smokeypanda PRO 3 points ago +3 / -0

I live in a white/hispanic location, the very few black women here are indistinguishable from white women. There is a heap of hispanic trailer trash (I.E. aggressive, not merely being poor).

smokeypanda PRO 6 points ago +6 / -0

IIRC, in middle-class households, black girls don't have the statistical propensity for criminality at black males do. As women have a narrower IQ variance, I dunno if black American women average closer to 86 or 100. Of course anything beneath what is currently 105 iq is dismally inadequate for a sustainable civilization.

smokeypanda PRO 3 points ago +3 / -0

Vocal atheism is always coupled with basic bitch progressivism. Outside of the neckbeard stereotype, they tend to be ordinary losers who cling to these beliefs to cope with their lousy life decisions.

smokeypanda PRO 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought it was the phased YouTube update that started a few months back. This was a good reminder to keep video streaming under 4 hrs/week.

smokeypanda PRO 7 points ago +7 / -0

Alternatively, have more stringent testing for driver's licenses with the govt. (ideally, an independent town) having the balls to tell people that no, they don't have a right to regress towards the lowest common denominator.

smokeypanda PRO 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Close the border, undo most 20th century business legislation, starve the Welfare Chimera, and deport commies" is a more controversial solution than a Playskool compatible silver bullet. The trades have a market limit, and have their share of Byzantine regulations. People aren't mad enough that there aren't enough viable options to guarantee middle-class income off a single earner for the native-born populace.

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