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I was just talking with the wife about this game, in between rounds of animalistic sex and international conference calls. We're going to try to make time for Pokemon Slave Plantation Simulator in between all the product rollouts and orgies.
This fine gentleman's presentation is what got our attention.
It also handles a lot of other streaming video besides youtube, too. So far every video URL that I have fed it has worked. It can even take a youtube playlist page for an input and it will download every video in that list. Can set this up with other options that remember what has previously been downloaded to automatically archive entire channels.
Biggest issue I run into is with twitter videos; it tries to name the output file with the full text of the tweet, which often is too long for the filesystem. Have to use the -o option and specify the output file name. Oh no! Woe is me!
Second Jellyfin media server. Very functional and I haven't had to fuck with it for awhile. Mine also uses yt-dlp to download and secure videos from youtubers that I like, because that shit disappears too often.
I'm gonna shill for snapraid for data protection here. It isn't real raid, but for this use case of a media server it is arguably better. You can string an arbitrary number of disks together as one virtual drive, and content you add will be entirely contained on one disk. All disks together are protected by as many redundant disks as you like, with the requirement that the parity disks be the largest ones. In the event of a failure, you can recover entire drives worth of data with the parity info, and if you fail even harder than that you can do normal data recovery measures on the individual data disks as nothing is being striped across the array. New data is unsecured until you run a sync command, which you can set up as a nightly job or just run manually after each major data push.
Been running a snapraid array of shitty drives for about a decade now. Have had four drive failures and zero data loss. Current array is 10 data disks with 2 parity disks, running from 1 to 8 tb each.
California recently legalized kidnapping if you are bringing your kid from a different state to castrate them against the wishes of the other parent. They did so while acknowledging this as unconstitutional for violating the full faith and credit clause.
They're pretty much asking for a red state to mobilize the national guard to go into California and retrieve their citizen; and the fact that conservatives wouldn't even consider this option is why I am now a Fascist instead. If violence is off the table when dealing with unlawful people, then you will never win. Policy discussions only matter in the context of mutual force.
I know nothing about this game and come into this completely blind.
Ten minutes of digging around shows me this is a game about cannibalism, incest, and satanism, and the creator is a troon.
What about any of this makes this creator an ideological ally? Isn't this exactly the thing that should be fought with said fire?
They didn't choose the 'ban on being gay in public', or 'don't say gay'.
The communists in the media choose and apply these labels, and normies such as yourself eat them.
You don't automatically distrust every word they say, and you're basically trying to defend them to a bunch of people who know better. This is why you are being downvoted.
The kind of autists that make good indie games are extremely susceptible to this shit and have been basically forever. The most famous example I can think of is Dan Bunten, who made M.U.L.E. in the early 80s. Despite being a tranny from the early days of gaming, lefties ignore him because twenty years later he wrote about how awful it was and advising anybody else thinking of getting such an operation not to. He specifically lamented about how everybody involved in his surgery acted as a supportive cheerleader the whole way, even though this was back in the 90s when all this wasn't as widespread as it is now.
If you look for his writings, one thing that stood out to me was that he said taking hormones did make him feel better, because they killed his libido and thereby halted his obsessive sexual fantasies about being a woman. He took this as confirmation that he was on the right path and literally none of the doctors or therapists involved contradicted this.
The only correct and moral thing to do is allow yourself to be killed, as anything else would be promoting, advocating, glorifying, or endorsing violence. It is a moral imperative that you not meet force with force, violence with violence. Doing nothing will magically sort things out in your favor, probably. Thoughts and prayers, etc etc.
Yup. Trans women are women, women are undefined, and violence does not solve problems and should never be actively pursued when dealing with an enemy with which you share no moral or cultural common ground.
Just basic facts and human decency.
Don't cry when society throws you off a building, inshallah.