He has to have some measure of self reflection to know this is a horrible time to be graphically fellating Israel. Imagine how much his Israeli handlers must be beating on the old ghey quisling.
So at least we have that to amuse us in these troubled times.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November.
A judge also gave them the go ahead to pay off student loans. So the blurple haired idiot that slacked their way to a gender studies degree will probably get a check cut for ~30K unless the Supreme court steps in again.
Clown World, indeed.
I have no idea who "Styxhexenhammer666" is and given the cringe the nick inspires I'm OK with that.
That said - I think that woman's voice gave me ear cancer.
I wish them luck but the wokies are relentless with their infiltrate, subvert and destroy tactic.
They're playing to win and subjugate. Normies are just trying to live their best life and get along.
Which group do you think is going to win?
Good grief. I'm ready for the global extinction level asteroid strike. The planet desperately needs a reset.
I'm guessing Israel is afraid Trump may actually pull off a miracle and over perform so much that the DNC's election "fortification" won't work this time.
They're racing to grab as much territory as they can before the money and arms spigot gets turned off.
It'll be hilarious if some crazed and incarcerated studio Ghibli fanatic shivs Weinstein in prison. And whispers in his ear "Miyazaki sends his regards".
Now they have a post on their foundation twatter feed telling you to fill out a "bend the knee" form to plead to be unblocked.
Naw. Pass.
I hear bamboo switches are pretty great for moving recalcitrant livestock out of the way.
They're also planet friendly and you can compost them!
The switches, not the activists. Well, you can compost them but scavenger birds need to eat as well.
Given that it's Netflix I'm surprised they didn't cast a black trans dude LARPing as a women for the character.
Creeping incrementalism. The depraved wokies are playing the long game. Even if it's two steps forward and one back they're still winning.
Yes. Yes. Because the target audience for Disney Marvel drek really wants to see a 50+ year old's saggy butt.
Here. I'll save you a Disney+ subscription.
"SMS to Swedes". I'm guessing these texts were for the new Swedes the EU drop shipped into the country over the last decade.
Hawkeye's wife in Avengers: Age of Ultron was pretty much the quintessential tradwife.
That's all I can come up with, though.
As pasty hwyte dude I wouldn't wander around South Africa without a couple well armed bodyguards.
Reasonably attractive tiny white woman would probably need a battalion surrounding her.
Really makes you wish we had a viable opposition party here in the United States instead of the feckless GOP we're stuck with.
My girlfriend, who is also trans...
So... two castrated gay dudes scissoring their open wounds? Or are they still intact and just still doing butt stuff?
Biden gave the Iranian regime over 16 Billion in '23. The fact that they sent them a few emails from Team Trump isn't surprising. The question is what else are they providing to the Democrats? Aside from the 10% kickback "for the big guy" that is.
That's what you get for not having a proper constitution with a bill of rights. 1st and 2nd amendment, bitches!
Elderly cat lady seeks attention - news at 11.
Link is to her marrying herself to punctuate how sad her life is and underscore why she's attention seeking.
Beardie goony is being edgie for clicks. And obviously it works.
Remember the video "Micro Drones Killer Arms robots" from six years ago that everyone thought was farfetched and scaremongering?
That's what's next.
Yep. Can't compete to they're going the lawfare route. A pox on both their lame companies.
It's well known that Trump fucked up horribly by listening to the wrong people (Mostly Jared Kushner) when hiring these uniparty quislings. Since he's still surround by these same swamp creatures I really don't have much hope his second term will be much better.
Still a better choice than VP Kackles.