ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Bird flu is carried by free-flying waterfowl, such as ducks, geese and shorebirds

Does that mean we can start slaughtering those flying menaces called Canadian Geese in the name of stopping bird flu? Or is the stupid migratory bird act (or whatever it's called that protects them) more important than stopping this bird flu pandemic?

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Obama administration has been the most Constitutionally destructive administration of modern times.

On the one hand, I want to argue that Biden is worse since he's blatantly violated 9 out of 10 items in the bill of rights (and maybe on the 10th depending on if you count the no eviction laws as potentially violating the 3rd amendment). But, on the other hand, we're basically in year 11 of the Obama admin so it still fits.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hmmm. Propagandizing? Or publicity stunt to try to get people to actually watch them? Or both?

ailurus 22 points ago +22 / -0

The more open hostility there is towards male teachers, the tighter women's grip on the next generation is.


We need a federal limit on the number of female teachers in every school. 49% or lower.

Not going to solve the issue. Some of it comes from female teachers, yes, but that's not where the main problem is. It's mostly administrative. Let's look at all his points.

Point #1 - the shopping trip and table set up. The fact that the union (which, given a school, almost certainly exists) did not complain him being forced to do extra work means that the union is not doing it's job. Even if he did not complain about it to the union, someone else who saw it happening should have told him to bring it up to the union. Because that is almost certainly a clear contract violation.

Point #2 - raising voices. Here, it's a policy that is either blatantly sexist or not being equally enforced, not an issue with the faculty. If it was 80% male and 20% female teachers, that same issue would likely still be happening. Same with the dress code issue, Point #3. That's also something that's coming down from the top. Probably because the school is terrified of sexual assault lawsuits from female students because (from the Obama admin, briefly reversed under Trump for like his last year, and then rapidly re-instituted by Biden) the Department of Education says that a female complaining basically automatically needs to be treated as fact.

And Point #4, that again goes back to the DoE rules most likely. I follow what same policy myself (though by personal choice not admin mandate) with certain female students to avoid any appearance of impropriety and avoid lawsuits.

You want to start fixing the school system, both culturally and academically:

  1. Remove the Department of Education (both federal and state level). It is entirely unnecessary.

  2. Immediately bust up national and state wide teacher's unions, and throw all the leadership of those unions (both current and former) in jail for racketeering. A district-wide union I can understand, same with school-wide unions, but nothing larger. At least there will be some accountability to the local teachers then.

  3. Institute nationwide school choice where the money follows the student rather than going straight to the schools. That will force competition between schools and the schools which focus on teaching the feminist, racist and alphabet soup garbage will go under because those students can't perform.

  4. Probably the most important one, but forcibly mandate that all schools spend no more than a certain percentage (I'm thinking somewhere between 10-15% of their budget, I'd have to study numbers in more detail) on administrative work. This will mean removal of a lot of the diversity hire admin positions, and it will also mean that the remaining administrators are too busy with other, necessary stuff to institute and enforce the pointless sexist rules.

And, in practice, this will probably balance out the teacher sex ratio a lot too since the ones that are just there to be glorified babysitters or propagandists will likely head out once they have actual expectations on them and the institutional support vanishes.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

There's tons of things I want to see. But, the closest to mandatory (for me to purchase it) things I want to see is things that I do not think Bethesda is willing to implement.

  1. Better guild/faction system. Honestly, back to Morrowind days. In Morrowind, you had to have relevant skills to advance within the guilds, and had to work to get to the upper levels. And storylines intersected (and even conflicted) with each other. In Oblivion, they separated the storylines completely and ultimately removed - though paid lip service to at least (having to get local mage guild recommendations, bonuses if you are actually a sneaky assassin, etc) - skill requirements within guilds. In Skyrim, you can easily become the Archmage using only a big axe, and you're basically forced into encountering and having people telling you to join each of the guilds (especially the thieves guild, go away Brynjolf just because I showed up in Riften doesn't mean I want to become a thief!)

  2. Bring back stats and skills. Morrowind to Oblivion to Skyrim the number of skills (both magical and non-magical) kept shrinking. Skyrim ripped out stats entirely, and Fallout 3 to Fallout 4 ripped out all the skills entirely.

  3. Bring back better character customization. The number of equipment slots and types of weapons you can have keeps decreasing. The number/type/power of enchants keeps decreasing. Spellmaking got nerfed in Oblivion and ripped out in Skyrim.

  4. Solid mod support and stop pushing the creation club. While I haven't done more than basic modding, from what I've heard from modders things kept getting harder (especially when it comes to things like animations) going from Oblivion to Skyrim and FO3 to FO4. And the creation club is a disgrace - I have no problem with modders making money, and there's plenty of ways for that to happen that don't involve creation club. The larger issues with creation club is that Bethesda consistently breaks non-CC mods when pushing updates to CC, and the majority of CC mods are, frankly, fairly basic - a new skin or retexture to something, a new item or two that has a 2 or 3 stage fetch quest associated with it, something like that. By contrast, people are still making mods adding new quest chains, locations, etc. but for some reason those are all kept on Nexus or Steam Workshop or other sites. And as long as the CC is still mostly about different pet skins or single items, I'll just keep ignoring it (except when it gets shoved in my face every time it breaks the script extenders by minor updates, or seeing ads for it on the main game screen)

ailurus 21 points ago +21 / -0

Yes, which is exactly why anyone who insists on using plural pronouns for a singular person should be referred to by only the pronoun "it". A perfect example of the communication problems caused by people insisting the word "they" can be singular.

ailurus 8 points ago +11 / -3

I'm gonna need a source on this. Doing a search on it just leads back to a random Twitter post which also doesn't provide a source.

With some digging, I think its people complaining about some stuff that Druckmann and Mazin said in this interview with the New Yorker, but while there is some dumb comments in there, there's still not the above quote (or even anything kind of like the dumb quote).

So, actual source of the quote please. There's no need for us to post screenshots of random made-up quotes from people like the media does.

ailurus 25 points ago +25 / -0

Second time that we know of. He's been in the federal government since 1973.

ailurus 12 points ago +12 / -0

What's so bad with a view count?

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

It being executed is in line with representation. When is the last time you heard of a tranny getting executed? What, never? Well, about time for equal representation then!

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

See the first part is actually pretty cool, and then they had to put in the "I hate western civilization" part after.

Basic idea I can see being potentially nice but there is a central question which is harder to answer if you're part of an expansive multi-generational family: Why did you decide to go wandering around the world fighting dangerous monsters and plundering ancient vaults?

Not that it can't be done with a good DM (most easily by integrating part of the backstory into the plot - for example, some old family relic was recently discovered, or Cousin Tito's farm has been getting raided by goblins and that's the party's impetus for setting out), but especially in per-packaged modules - which the end of the article all but says WOTC wants to push more - it becomes a mess.

As tropy as it is, a bunch of brooding loners with dead parents meet in a tavern is a trope for a reason. Because how else do you realistically convince a bunch of people to wander off into a swamp hunting lizardmen when they have something to go home to?

ailurus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very bad idea. That will just turn them (especially Fauci) into martyrs, and I wouldn't be surprised if they welcome it themselves as "I'm being killed by the evil fascists for opposing them!"

Much better plan is

  1. Strip them of all assets, and keep a permanent eye on their accounts to ensure that people can't just send them new money (but if they get an actual job or something, that's OK).
  2. Toss a dice to determine where to send them (Inner city Bronx, remote town in Appalachia, northern Alaska, I'm sure we could find a few more options).
  3. Laugh as they have to actually try to live a life there, and have to do actual work to survive instead of living on their bureaucratic and political power.
ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

“For decades, there have been reports that such devices were significantly less accurate in measuring blood oxygen levels based on skin color,” the lawsuit reads.

the watch “purported to measure blood oxygen levels and he believed it did this without regard to skin tone,”

So, which is it? If pulse oximeters have a history of difficulty in people with higher levels of melanin, why did he assume an Apple Watch would suddenly fix it when doctor's offices have not?

by Galean
ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

That's why archive links are vastly superior to random screenshots.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Really curious why you think Activision would be more likely to allow Pro Skater games to be made or remastered than MS would. It's been a decade since anything new has been done on the series by Activision (ignoring a disastrous, rushed attempt at a cash grab right before license renewal), and Tony claimed that plans were in place to remake 3 and 4 until Vicarious Visions (who did the 1+2 remaster) was bought out and turned into Blizzard Albany.

ailurus 19 points ago +19 / -0

The FTC really wants to justify stopping the MS/Actiblizz merger, doesn't it?

ailurus 12 points ago +12 / -0

We are well past the stereotype that Chinese language skills are a prerequisite for understanding China.

Sure, if you don't mind your expert being unable to actually use any primary sources an instead having to rely on translations (or, more likely, interpretations) of those sources from other people? Sounds like a great policy plan!

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

What if you told them that the overwhelming majority of victims of any form of violent crime were men? Oh, wait, they have been told that multiple times, and they just don't care.

ailurus 24 points ago +24 / -0

"This is a top priority for us, and we have already made a number of arrests. No one should have to go about their day in fear of thieves," said London Detective Chief Superintendent Owain Richards.

Odd statement, given that the UK police just gave up on investigating over a million thefts last year alone. Or, do thefts only count if it's rich people getting robbed?

ailurus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Anyone who's done any research into security/privacy matters or social psychology should understand that security through obscurity is a widespread reflex that only works under very limited and expensive circumstances.

Very much this. And it sounds like the mod creator did everything right when it comes to reporting problems, only for CA to ignore it entirely.

As for the pro-CA shills, just go on the total war subredddit. It has (or at least had) a huge proportion of users who just jump down the throat of anyone who voices anything negative towards CA

ailurus 20 points ago +20 / -0

They already impeached him twice over what they claimed he was thinking. This is just them saying "third time's the charm!"

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

Is the CGI worse than the terrible furry imitation the British wolf guy is doing?

ailurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with the lawyer that this BS has been going on way too long, and should be shut down in this court case. The election malpractice which has been going on for the last few years is criminal. Congress wants someone to indict on treason? Start with the person running the elections in the race she was in, and at best bungled but likely sabotaged the election so she would win.

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