I agree with the lawyer that this BS has been going on way too long, and should be shut down in this court case. The election malpractice which has been going on for the last few years is criminal. Congress wants someone to indict on treason? Start with the person running the elections in the race she was in, and at best bungled but likely sabotaged the election so she would win.
I agree with the lawyer that this BS has been going on way too long, and should be shut down in this court case. The election malpractice which has been going on for the last few years is criminal. Congress wants someone to indict on treason? Start with the person running the elections in the race she was in, and at best bungled but likely sabotaged the election so she would win.
Agreed, we need more criminal trials for bureaucratic and white collar crimes.
Frankly, I think we could fix a lot of this with a death penalty sentence for voter fraud.