ailurus 19 points ago +20 / -1

I've got my personal preferences, obviously, but ultimately don't care too much if the religious building in RPGs is described as Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, or some made up in-game religion, like the Master's cult in Fallout 1, Talos or the Tribunal in the TES games, the Maker in the Dragon Age games, or whatever.

But, if you're going to put religious buildings in your game, screw this whole "all faiths" thing. The only way it works is if your setting has a pantheon setup, and the temple is dedicated to the entire pantheon but even then historically most of the time you would have one member of the pantheon elevated over the others in the temple. Doing it with (sometimes wildly) different faiths who are often flat-out contradictory is just insulting to all of them. So good on this mod.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

I legitimately do wonder whose it is. Hunter is the obvious answer, sure, but from the type of people in the white house these days I wouldn't be surprised if a huge part of the staff were coked out of their minds most of the day.

ailurus 51 points ago +51 / -0

.... my brain hurts. No one can be retarded enough to make that analogy.

ailurus 15 points ago +15 / -0

I'll believe it when I see it. Look at that video a few days ago of a American guy breaking out into tears when the cops arrested a black guy who was threatening his family with a knife. Or the French lady at the end of the video begging the police to not be racist.

I hate the word, but cucked is the only valid description I can think of for much of the west. Too many people are too brainwashed and/or scared of being called racist to do anything.

ailurus 40 points ago +40 / -0

Even if I was inclined to give Disney any money, which I'm not, Critical Drinker and Shadiversity both said it's garbage so pass for me. No need to watch KK destroy another legacy with another "lol, girl power!" "character"

ailurus 16 points ago +16 / -0

Frodo walked across the entire universe and never met a Black dude.

Except he did meet some black guys, when he and Sam saw the Haradrim arriving at the Black Gate.

I want to see Frodo in the Hood

Arguably that's in the books, with the Scouring of the Shire. Of course, given that the scene is de-Hooding the Hood, I doubt that's what this guy actually wants to do.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

Fundamentally, they don't really even believe in good characters, and don't think that it's realistic for a good character to succeed in a poisoned world.

I'd agree there. And, honestly, a good character doesn't even need to succeed - he just needs to keep trying. To me, a character standing up for what is right to the point of ridicule, imprisonment, death, or some other negative outcome is a lot more inspiring than Edgy Antihero #516 winning and/or receiving his comeuppance. Inspiring others to carry on the fight (like at the end of Serenity), making a bad guy actually reconsider things (like Vader did at the end of Return of the Jedi), or even just saving one or two people and letting hope carry on (Aragorn and Co at the Black Gate) can all be a win for the good guys. Sure, it's better when the good guy survives too (Luke did get off the Death Star, and Aragorn and Co [at least the named characters] survived the battle), but it's not always necessary.

ailurus 19 points ago +19 / -0

and when community members showed up with their own pride decorations, this manager tore them down.

Good! I don't care what type of decorations they were, virtually no company is going to let random people just walk in and put up whatever decorations they want in the store. And especially when you didn't even bother asking the manager first? That should be a ban from the store IMO.

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

Uh, how the fuck could it be accidental?

Don't you know that there's sentient tire irons going around smacking people on the head? Just like shootings are the fault of guns. We need common sense tire iron control!

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

This. Yet again, it is shown that "piracy" (though the word probably doesn't apply to adblock) is a service problem. If it was one or two brief ads per video, I wouldn't have a problem letting the ads play. But they've ratcheted things up to the point where it is nearly unbearable without an adblock.

ailurus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or are you also against Medicare and Social Security?

I am legitimately against both of them.

For social security, it's a pyramid scheme that is enforced at government gunpoint. Even if it wasn't being horribly mismanaged, the demographic changes over the past couple decades mean I wouldn't expect to get much money out of it when I retire, and given the mismanagement I have absolutely 0 expectations of getting any money out of it.

As for medicare, not only does it have the same problem as Social Security but it pays doctors less than cost in a number of cases. This leads to a bunch of doctors who just flat out don't take it, and even for doctors who take it that just raises the prices for everyone else because the costs need to be covered somehow.

Now, the people who have spent their lives paying into these things and are relying on them do need to get some kind of compensation but the programs need to be phased out.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0
  1. Unethical if not flat-out illegal

  2. Makes absolutely all data on "vaccine effectiveness" irrelevant

  3. Quite possibly good news in the end for lots of EU people, though, as risk of vax-related injuries is lower for a lot of them.

ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

Unsurprising. Lacking any real grounds for their own BLM self-flaggelation, Canadian progressives have been pushing the whole "indigenous people" angle much harder (see the residential school stuff the last few years). So, it's not at all surprising that they moved two-spirit first.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

If she's sending photos of the guy to her boyfriend, she could have easily called for help. "Hey, the uber driver I just sent you a photo of? He's kidnapping me! Call the cops, and have them trace my phone!"

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

First 15 min or so (when he was talking with the guy) were good. Once all the girls showed up and just started shouting and bouncing from topic to topic it just went downhill and I couldn't deal with it anymore. Not Doyle's fault, but I'm done listening to a bunch of willfully ignorant leeches whine about the same stuff over and over again.

ailurus 53 points ago +53 / -0

Sure. The main guy responsible for (re)converting CS Lewis to Christianity was a secret pagan who was just pretending to be Christian for social acceptance. Uh huh.

ailurus 15 points ago +15 / -0


For years, China has been making huge investments in African ad Middle Eastern countries. If you criticize daddy, then daddy's money goes away.

ailurus 28 points ago +28 / -0

Looking at their graph of worst-hit cities, 62% are non-midwest cities, thus defeating the entire premise. And of the 5 midwest cities, we've got:

St Louis, AKA "Hands up, Don't shoot!"

Minneapolis, AKA Somalia, Minnesota

Cleveland, AKA the butt of the joke for decades now

Kansas City, AKA always on the list for most dangerous cities in the US

Only one I can't think of an obvious reason for people leaving is Indianapolis.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Russia was about due for another revolution sparked by a war not going as planned.

That said, I really don't see why people are celebrating this. If Prigozhin fails, then Russia has mass purges and tons more innocent people dying. If Prigozhin succeeds, does anyone really think the leader of one of the most notorious PMCs in the world is really going to be a more stable leader than Putin? Especially as it comes to Ukraine, given that's why Wagner was founded a decade ago.

ailurus 22 points ago +22 / -0

Seriously, "lacks standing" has become an absurd thing. Seems like it's basically just become "we don't want to have to issue a real opinion, so we'll just say "it doesn't impact you enough""

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Plus, "moral values" is at 39, while racism is at 55, greedy hospitals/insurance companies are at 73 and climate change (which they keep shrieking about as if it is a moral issue) is at 64.

ailurus 32 points ago +32 / -0

Not going to voluntarily eat it. The larger issue is whether or not this is going to be clearly labeled in stores, restaurants, etc.

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

IIRC, potentially leaking intelligence data warrants an indictment, yes? But I guess actually leaking it not? Just like supposedly thinking about withholding funding to Ukraine is an impeachable offense while bragging about actually doing it is perfectly fine.

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

Mostly agree. However, in this case even the college grads are resisting this. It's people with masters+ who have gone insane looking at the data.

High School or less: 65% are sane, 35% insane

Some college: 61/39

College grad: 63/37

Postgrad: 38/62

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