ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

Who is "they"? Cause I'm pretty sure many of the people in the US chanting "from the river to the sea" also claim they support the alphabet crew, illegal immigrants and Burn, Loot, Murder. Maybe don't tie your whole belief system to victim points, cause eventually someone will outscore you.

by Lethn
ailurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

Similar things are happening everywhere. In NYC, rodent problems got so bad that back in April they hired a rat czar to try to solve the problem. And with her brilliant leadership efforts, and the heroic efforts of all the newly arrived illegals over the next four months things deteriorated even more to the point that the locals just said "screw it, the rats run the place now, let's use them as tourist attractions to profit some off it"

ailurus 54 points ago +54 / -0

Maselli: I do not represent the job that pays my family’s food, house…

Are you sure that's the way you wanted to phrase it, lady? Not something like "yes, I work for them but I strive to be as unbiased as possible on the council"? Cause when someone says "you have a conflict of interest" and you respond with "they pay for all my stuff" that sounds like an admission of guilt to me.

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

I refuse to buy digital games, because you never truly own them.

In that regard, physical and digital are really no different anymore (at least for AAAs). Doesn't matter if you can still install the game if it relies on connecting to a remote server somewhere that the company can turn off whenever they want. IMO Ubisoft has been historically the worst for that, but pretty much every major studio is doing that these days.

Working offline modes for games with single-player modes, and self-hosted servers or P2P connections for multiplayer games are something that should exist in nearly all games but are increasingly disappearing.

ailurus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Despite being someone who despises the whole pumpkin spice spam every fall, and the culture associated with it:

Shut up, WaPo. Just shut up already.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lindsey "I never met a war I didn't vote for" Graham accusing someone of wanting to kill people all around the world is laughable.

ailurus 22 points ago +22 / -0

Snyder apologized at the Sept. 7 meeting about what happened and said the bananas were not meant to slight any person or group.

Rule 0: NEVER APOLOGIZE TO THE MOB. It never works, and all it does is inspire them to keep coming after you.

ailurus 41 points ago +41 / -0

You forgot the mid-2000s and first half of the 2010s (though it is still ongoing):

Celebrity discovers nerd thing. "This thing is cool! How do you do fellow nerds!"

Just shut up Wesley!

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly! What is this murder charge? Tupac is hanging out with Elvis.

ailurus 26 points ago +26 / -0

They get arrested if they try to do anything about it. Literally. A week or so ago in Staten Island people were protesting migrants getting bussed into their neighborhood by Mayor Adams. The cops showed up, and arrested 10 of the protesters.

ailurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

How far down the wealth pyramid will you go if the world does not improve?

That's an easy one. "Do you have more stuff then me? Then you're evil and must be gotten of. Do I have more stuff than you? Then I'm virtuous and wonderful and you must give me stuff to reward my magnificence"

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

What type of bigot made that sign? Why do you use that old, outdated, demeaning disability image? It's been nearly 10 years now since the great, progressive state of New York introduced the dynamic, action-style wheelchair image to show that people with disabilities were just as physically fit and energetic as people with working legs. HOW DARE YOU hurt those proud people with disabilities by implying that they just sit around all day? /s

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

hallway full of books or job applications before you get to the storefront to deter looters

Is that you, Uncle Ruckus?

ailurus 13 points ago +13 / -0

Are you joking? Ireland (where it supposedly happened) has a large history of race wars, including as recently as 20-30 years ago. Of course, that's white people (Irish) against white people (British), so it's swept under the rug. After all, if you can't tell them apart at a quick glance, they must all be the same according to the progressive stack.

ailurus 9 points ago +9 / -0

He didn't make a big deal out of it. He said "Sorry, I don't want to do it." The people making a big deal out of it are the people who sperged out and sued him over it. And his balls are much bigger than yours will ever be, because he actually stood up for something he believed in, and has kept standing up for it for years despite constant harassment.

His life would have been much better and easier if he had knuckled under and just taken the money. But, he has beliefs and principles he strongly believes in and is willing to stick with despite hardship.

but ya know what... regardless of my believes... i would do it. i'd take the money

Which means at least some of your "beliefs" are barely skin-deep then.

ailurus 10 points ago +10 / -0

which was... what? couldn't finish it?

I did finish it. The gay couple went into the shop specifically to ask for something they knew the owner wouldn't want to provide. And then cried discrimination when he said "Sorry, I don't want to do that custom order." And people have kept doing that for years.

But apparently that's perfectly OK if you disagree with the owner's reason for not wanting to do it. As I said, nice morals you got there.

ailurus 13 points ago +13 / -0

i didn't like people who were doing nothing, getting punished

The "people who were doing nothing" specifically went to that cake shop because they wanted to get the shop owners in trouble.

When i saw that it was religion hurting people. like emotionally

So dragging someone to court because they said "please go to another cake shop" isn't hurting them? People repeatedly coming to your store for years solely for the purpose of having grounds to sue you isn't hurting people? Nice morals you got there.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can't compare to Starfield, having not played it, but Skyrim has a whole pile of NPCs who are immortal for some or all of the game. And for FO4, while it is a bit better than Skyrim, someone went and made a mod to remove essential status

ailurus 11 points ago +11 / -0

I mean, it is a Bethesda game. You haven't been able to really do that since Morrowind.

ailurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Both conservatives and liberals bemoan men’s underrepresentation in higher education, their greater likelihood to die a “death of despair,” and the growing share of them who are not working or looking for work.

Yeah, I'm stopping right there. Anyone on the left, and a decent number of the center and right, don't care at all about any of that.

ailurus 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have it on good authority that, when young, they smacked their fathers on the head and shouted "NOT THE MAMA!" That was definitely neither cooing or roaring.

ailurus 24 points ago +24 / -0

I just want to prepare my state of mind for when these things come to pass.

My take is that the thing to prepare for is Trump will absolutely never, ever, EVER be president again. Washington will never let it happen again. Currently, they're trying to keep him off the ballot. If they fail in that, the amount of fraud in the election will be absolutely insane (but still 40%+ of the country will blindly ignore it). If that still fails, they'll scream election interference and issue hundreds of lawsuits, none of which will get rejected on standing.

And if all that doesn't work, they'll just kill him. Yes, I am betting that Trump will get assassinated if that turns out to be the only way of stopping him. And if/when that happens, whoever does it will be hailed as a hero by much of the country, if not much of the world.

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