...which had resulted in the burning down of the KSU ROTC building that nearly killed many cadets as an act of political terrorism against the US military due to the continuation of the Vietnam War.
HEY, my alma mater! A lot of people forget about that one when they talk about the college protest. And I do find it somewhat ironic that what used to be the ROTC building is now where the Theatre department is. And Computer Science, but that is less ironic.
EDIT: Wait, I just re-read the post and realized that the KSU in your context was Kent State, not Kansas State. Our ROTC building was burned down as well around the same time, so I got them mixed up. Leaving it in though for posterity.
On Topic:
Not going to lie: I always thought Neil Young was extremely overrated. Same with Bruce Springsteen and John Mellencamp. Actually, about the only really politically minded musicians I like are CCR and Jimmy Hendrix. So when I heard that his attempt at leveraging Spotify resulted in him getting yeeted with little to no hesitation, I was laughing my ass off.
Perhaps the best example of just how past his prime he really is is that when he made his ultimatum, the trending hashtag was...#who is neal young? Glorious.
Its even funnier than that. Apparently, shortly after he made his ultimatum, the trending hashtag on Twitter was....#who is neal young?
Shows just how relevant he really is. And yet, I had a coworker who believed that Spotify made a terrible choice here. Of course, he has both TDS, a Covid Nut, has Rogan Derangement Syndrome, and for all intents and purposes is a boomer in a Gen-X-ers body. So make of all of that what you will.
Because much like with Harry Potter, they didnt get as much attention as they thought. So they retroactively declare this or that and hope it gets them attention and/or woke points.
Having played a lot of Age of Sail, I will tell you this: I hope you actually know your sail-line tactics. Because the game will absolutely punish you if you think its just some basic RTS. Because just like IRL, if the weathervane is against you, you are going to have a bad time unless you embrace your inner Dutchman and use the wind to artificially increase the range of your cannons. My only complaint is that while they have plenty of different ships, weapons and upgrades to support many different tactics, and represent most of the major navies of the time in multiplayer and Free Battle, there are only 2 campaigns (3 with the DLC): A British campaign that roughly follows the path of Horatio Nelsons rise up the ranks (starting fighting the Spanish in S. America, end at Trafalgar), A US Revolution campaign, and the DLC is the US Barbary Wars.
Dreadnaughts is also pretty fun. But then again, Dreadnaughts is my favorite time period, so there is that. I also like that it shows off the Pre-Dreadnaught navy in detail, since its a time period not often talked about (since the only major Pre-Dreadnaught fight was a one-sided dunking of the Japanese spanking the Russians).
Which is what happened with the Darth Mod for Total War Empire, until he built Ultimate General: Gettysburg, and then built Ultimate General: Civil War.
What, Ultimate General/Admiral were made by the guy who made Darth Mod?!
....Suddenly, a lot of choices for how land combat works makes a lot of sense.
To go with your overall point, I totally agree that Indie devs are where its at if you want good games right now. Pretty much everything I have been interested in or enjoyed in the last few years has been indie. Meanwhile, the amount of AAA game devs I give a shit about can probably be counted on one hand. Specifically, Paradox continues to live up to its name. On the one hand, they are a bunch of woke Swedes. On the other hand, Victoria 3 is going to have one of the most complex and in depth discrimination systems they have ever put into their games, and they have improved pretty much every aspect of the game over their previous ones while keeping true to the overall tone and theme.
I am not so sure myself. We have already seen attempts at intimidation of parents going after school boards, and all its done is cause those parents to double down. From what I have seen, they have also been shockingly good at op-sec and keeping The Glowing Ones from their ranks.
If I had to make a guess, I would imagine its because the type of parents who are going to lose their shit over BLM propaganda and Alphabet-People sexuality being taught to their child are usually stable families with both a husband and wife. So the husband can be there to keep the wife from turning away from the fight and keep up the pressure.
And I know that we have discussed the whole "2020 the Left attacked the Left to ensure they vote Left" thing before, and that is certainly true of the Leftist. But I still believe a not insignificant chunk of [for want of a better term] "normies" vote for Biden truly believing he would return things to normal. And now that its not, they are moving back toward the Right demanding they destroy the barbarians at the gate. It happened in the 1980 after the chaos of the 1960-70's. It happened Europe in the 1930's (NOT the Nazis or Fascist. There were other rightwing answers to the Commies, mostly in Poland and the Baltics). So I think we are about to see that flip again, especially since the most recent data shows that the Left actually kept its followers even as a percentage of population, but more Moderates moved to the Right.
Now with all of that said:
It seems like the situation could spin wildly out of control
I do still fear this will happen, because its clear that the Left is getting desperate. So They may resort to methods they previously thought beyond them for fear of creating backlash because anything they do will make backlash, just what kind. So I fear it will indeed get worse before it gets better, and we may even see the FBI or some other deep state arm do some depraved shit to try and stop what is going on.
If you want some of your own, stop aborting them.
Also, if you do have any, dont just put them into dangerous situations where they will be destroyed before carrying on your ways all just for your own political ideology.
Also, the Dems have made the biggest fucking mistake you could possibly make by making "Parents" a political interest group and giving said group to Republicans/Populist. I know a ton of normies who voted Democrat for no other reason than they believed Democrats education policies were better. Guess who no longer votes Democrat, and why they stopped? And you can directly tie Youngkins win in Virginia to the Dems absolutely losing the plot and admitting what their true plans were because they either believed their own propaganda or thought they were unbeatable.
And now that genie wont go back in the bottle, and it will likely be their undoing. And considering that an attempt to have the FBI go after parents just made parents angrier and eat a few school boards just to make their point, I very much doubt there is much the Left can do to make them back down. And that will only aid those of us Populist and Liberty minded.
And congratulations to the Leftist for discovering the phrases "Papa Wolf" and "Mama Bear" and why people fear both.
I was more looking at possible defenses of this guy, but fair point. Either way, I think the dude is a spaz but Tim is way overreacting. And the overreaction is probably why this keeps happening.
So I was perusing the Farms, and they apparently discovered more about this "strange man." Apparently, he is a Trumpian Republican who recently moved in from California running in Tims district in W. Virginia. Now for the purpose of total information, it looks like the dude is indeed a spaz, and were this any other place in that part of the country probably wouldnt have been well received. BUT, and its on Tims own video, they made little to no effort to actually remove him, and no one tried to stop him after he ignored the "please dont come in", so I imagine that wont help in a court case.
And on that note, Tim apparently has yet to talk to the police about filing charges, and this guy is now threatening to sue Tim over this whole situation.
Summarized quite nicely by the one who compiled the data: Tim claims he has security, guns, and dogs that will injure trespassers but all I see are three millennials telling a trespasser not to walk in the house then allowing the trespasser to walk in the house so he can give his campaign pitch. Then they politely shake his hand, give him a bottle of water, and allow him to leave with no trouble.
I think the bigger issue with most of the big boys is that they have started throwing their weight around to try and crush competition so others cant compete, and its inevitably going to make things that much worse when their stuff inevitably breaks and now vast swaths of the internet dont work because of borked spaghetti code.
Its certainly a possibility. I did think its weird to include the fact that the CEO is a woman because I figured that would narrow it down significantly. The other possibility is that its a company that is large but not one of the big kahunas like Facebook, Google, or YouTube but is nonetheless a major company that less well known.
In which The Lotus Eaters discuss a Twitter thread in which a man discusses what its like on the inside of an unnamed major tech company. Validity is gained by the fact that Twitter censored the thread and it is now only available by archive.
The TLDR is that most of these companies have become more or less adult daycares with emotionally damaged employees who do almost no work. And the only reason any of this shit keeps working is due to old code from the before times that a lot of the new hires have no idea how it works and managements only hope is that no one breaks something important. Because if something breaks, it probably wont be able to be fixed. Carl points out how this very much reminds him of the state of the Imperium from Warhammer 40K.
They are the ones who looked monumentally fucked up due to an absolutely hilarious amount of inbreeding to keep power in the family. Which is so pronounced and common among them it became known as "Hapsburg Jaw."
IIRC from Clownfish.TV covering it, it was a 70/30 split in Sony's favor for revenue. But more importantly, it was pretty much all Sony who came up with the story.
On the other hand, its a bit more (for want of a better word) "acceptable" when its a governor. After all, the states are supposed to have far more power, so it makes sense that a governor will have more power. Besides, everything I saw of those orders is about effecting things he has direct control over as governor (like getting rid of mask and vaccine mandates for state employees). So its not like he is usurping the legislature on any major issues.
Perhaps I am getting a little ahead of myself, but its not over partisan loyalty. Its the same standard I hold to everyone and everything: I dont care if they pronouns in the bio, I dont care if they virtue signal on twitter, I care about their actions. And while it is admittedly early, it does at least show that if anything for many of these people its a defense mechanism, not a true belief.
Is Younkin only in this for the power? Most likely, considering his past affiliation. But as long as his actions taken are populist, he can have all the power he wants because he is doing the correct actions.
Ok. It clearly has no influence on his policies or enforcement of said policies, so what's your point?
He certainly killed all the theories that he was just going to be controlled opposition. Turns out, we are now in a position where someone who only desires power can get it by enacting and enforcing populist desires. Ironic.
I have come around to the Styxhexenhammer/Razorfist position that the Black Pilled are either enemy subversives pretending to be on our side or traitors hoping for leniency from their supposed conquerors. And that both deserve the helicopter, and for the same reason.
I was mostly making a reference to Covid specifically for the timeline, but fair point.
Like the other comment said, cheating can only get you so far. Especially when people are now wise to the Lefts plans and have started doing what they can to stop them. So now they have the extra issue of people being on guard against their cheating at the same time that a critical mass is developing between moderates and populist. So I stand by my belief that what we are seeing now is the Globalist Menace in its death rattle throwing everything they can just to have even the most minor of a hope of stopping whats coming, and it still wont work.
Only if you focus on the AAA market. Indies and AA tier games have been excellent, and some of my favorite games ever have come out in recent times. So make of that what you will.
There seems to be this idea from the stormcucks that just because we hate the Commie SJWs means we should like them, and I have no idea where the hell they got the idea. Because as a Liberal Populist, I would have both of them put against the wall for being a threat to freedom.
The problem is they have boxed themselves in a corner by psychologically abusing their own base for two years. So now they are stuck in a position where if they back down on mandates, their base will hate them and primary them out for a radical. But if they stick with the mandates, they will piss off the far more numerous moderates and populist and lose the general.
It’s why I remain positive about the longer term direction we are going.
It honestly reminds me a lot of the Boston Massacre. Some random British Regulars were just manning a sentry post, a bunch of angry Bostonians start attacking them, hitting them with clubs, throwing rocks at them, etc. And the whole time, their officer was in front of his men and trying to calm down the mob. But eventually one of the Regulars gets knocked over, his gun goes off as he falls, and the rest of the soldiers go "OH GOD, OH FUCK, THEY'RE SHOOTING AT US NOW!!" and open fire on the crowd.
Which is the entire reason that John Adams was able to get them out of being convicted for the "murder", because every man is entitled to defend themselves when they believe their life is threatened.