Nah, I don't think a black ancap youtuber with no writing background kickstarting a comic book is going to be the salvation of the comics industry. The odds of him actually launching his own little MCU and it not being dogshit are zero. Not sure why people have been out in force shilling for him so god damn hard this past week. He's not even that big or successful of a youtuber.
Nobody should be giving him their money sight unseen. The product is not released yet. Wait until AFTER it comes out. Dude is just grifting people and trying to monetize them.
Good plan: belittle, mock, and deride any anti-Left cultural artifact that exists so you you can keep complaining, rather than actually succeed at anything.
It's amazing how the political right insists on loosing at every turn. I'm not surprised a 90's Democrat like Trump has to teach you fucks how to win.
But then they might have to admit the war is winnable, and its their own defeatism that is making them miserable and causing their losses. And then they might actually have to step up and fight, instead of just bitching and moaning about how its all over but the crying. And we cant have that, because its so much easier to just bitch and moan instead of put your nose to the grindstone and fight.
Maybe you'd be interested in this instead.
Nah, I don't think a black ancap youtuber with no writing background kickstarting a comic book is going to be the salvation of the comics industry. The odds of him actually launching his own little MCU and it not being dogshit are zero. Not sure why people have been out in force shilling for him so god damn hard this past week. He's not even that big or successful of a youtuber.
Nobody should be giving him their money sight unseen. The product is not released yet. Wait until AFTER it comes out. Dude is just grifting people and trying to monetize them.
pop culture consumers desperate to support muh based non-woke negro and show they're not racist
Good plan: belittle, mock, and deride any anti-Left cultural artifact that exists so you you can keep complaining, rather than actually succeed at anything.
It's amazing how the political right insists on loosing at every turn. I'm not surprised a 90's Democrat like Trump has to teach you fucks how to win.
But then they might have to admit the war is winnable, and its their own defeatism that is making them miserable and causing their losses. And then they might actually have to step up and fight, instead of just bitching and moaning about how its all over but the crying. And we cant have that, because its so much easier to just bitch and moan instead of put your nose to the grindstone and fight.