SturmMilfEnthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Chloe Bennet is half Asian, and apparently that manifested as only appearing Asian at certain angles, under certain lighting. This is the same woman, somehow.. It's in her eyes. Outside of Asians, you pretty much only see epicathic folds in Slavs, and a handful of African groups, but she's got more of a west European, German face, except somebody put the folds slider up two ticks.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 7 points ago +7 / -0

That's already come and gone. Just look at how many gay furry commies are into Fallout (exclusively FNV) and deluded themselves into believing the setting is about how the Red Scare was bad and fake.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 9 points ago +9 / -0

I just learned the other day that they wrote a tranny clone soldier. Because if there's anything the factory line eugenecist cloners of Kamino would have tolerated, it's trannies.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 3 points ago +3 / -0

Minors don't get porn through Pornhub anyways. They get it through Twitter, Reddit, and Discord. Or, more accurately, the sites they use as a replacement for socialization simultaneously act as porn sites, often without any input on the user's part. And that's not even the only problem. Those sites also have far more non-vanilla porn, on top of doubling as advertising centers. So socialization, advertising, vanilla porn, and fetish porn are all being wrapped up into one package.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 11 points ago +11 / -0

Stupidpol's moderation is unique. They have like 50 mods, most of whom can override each other, so how that sub is run can vary from thread to thread, day to day. Mods aren't typically booted unless their behavior is especially bad, with their behavior being overlooked since they'll get shuffled in and out of the role anyways.

That said, Stupidpol is a schizophrenic place. That the userbase is "classically Marxist," for lack of a better term, means they don't really have much in common with the typical lefty. Even still, none of them developed their beliefs in a 19th century world. They're all the product of turn-of-the-millenium politics. You can see that in how many still hold onto prog beliefs, or how, despite being an "anti-idpol" sub that defines right-wing political labels as a form of identity politics, they still identify as "left." For all their posturing at being above modern politics, you can still see the conditioning from 2000s-2010s lib programming like The Daily Show.

It's still the culture war, it's just them shadowboxing 2009's culture war. For as much as it would make them seethe, they're not all that different from many conservatives in that respect.

To your side note, OotL was the first subreddit I noticed made heavy misuse of spam filters to delay anti-establishment comments to allow the narrative time to establish itself. A comment supporting the political orthodoxy appeared instantly, one that didn't was delayed for at least 12 hours, but sometimes days, long enough to effectively not exist on Reddit.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 5 points ago +5 / -0

I just think that's because they enabled her. Cluster-B people are always Cluster-B first. She was probably only ever a leftist because they let her be an abusive cunt, and she's only a conservative to get back at leftists for "betraying" her. Nothing has more value to Owen than Owen.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 7 points ago +7 / -0

You don't have to be a plant to be a wrecker. Something like 60% of trannies are Cluster-B. Besides, I don't think the social engineering systems were mature enough in 2016 to make that happen, and it could easily have evolved naturally given the political conditions.

Disaffected liberals from the 2014-2018 period didn't all fully embrace reactionary or radical politics. A lot of them spent most of that time trying to "reclaim" surface-level liberal values from the liberal establishment itself, and one way they did that was by coming to the defense of minorities who had their special status revoked by liberals at large.

by folx
SturmMilfEnthusiast 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah I've never bought into the whole "SJWs are cruel because they were bullied once" story. People don't repeat it as much anymore, since I think it's become pretty obvious that they're way too good at social manipulation to have been the bullied weirdos. The clique just went from mean girls with ludicriously expensive handbags to mean girls with causes.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 18 points ago +18 / -0

I honestly don't know why anyone was invested enough to care. From day one, about the only bull dyke signifier she didn't have was the lingering cig stank, and that's only because the Playstation isn't capable of it. And it's not like the game itself was anywhere near good or interesting enough to overlook anyways.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've always wondered if there was something that Q was purpose-built to conceal. A lot of that was happening at the time. Pizzagate became solely about that one schizo who went after a Dominos, burying the story about weird emails from rich corporatists buying "well-trained" $25,000 pizzas or whatever the fuck it was. The whole 5G thing went that way too, being diverted to some "5G causes Covid" nonsense from the stories of the new generation of 5G phones being a battlefield of international espionage.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 4 points ago +5 / -1

Frankly, if you're not being hyperbolic with this "animals don't have minds" shit, you're probably more brain-rotted than the average "pet parent." They may be coping poorly with clown world, but that's a level of autistic that's hard to beat.

The only seriously concerning trend is where pet obsession overlaps with the whole pibble thing. You can see the parallels between it and prog racial fetishism, in part because they frequently compare blacks and pits unironically. Even then, the concerning part is less that parallel (it's too many layers deep to work on directly) and more how it's directly responsible for most dog attacks, particularly against children.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 10 points ago +10 / -0

That goes double for this bit about the fucking elephant. You take a wild animal and give it the 1900s circus treatment, and it kills you? That's on you. Getting mad at the elephant is insane and retarded. What, if I go out and fuck with a cougar, and it mauls me to death, are they gonna build a cougar-sized harness to fit it to the electric chair?

SturmMilfEnthusiast 12 points ago +12 / -0

Nobody even uses "hermaphrodite" as a slur against intersex people. Until a decade ago, most people would have just treated them like trannies, not even knowing the difference. It was once used as the proper term for intersex conditions, but that was when we had no idea how they even happened, or that outwardly obvious forms were the exception. They were basically just looking at malformed genitals and tried to tie it into some classical concepts, because that's what sounded legitimate at the time.

Maybe centuries ago, when the very idea of a "slur" was completely different, there was something I vaguely recall reading about hermaphroditism being seen as a sign of corruption, but I'm not even sure that would have applied to intersex people. Not even all the visible conditions clearly display male and female traits. A gigantic clit is not exactly a penis any more than a gigantic, swollen foot is a gorilla's foot.

There's no power in claiming the term "hermaphrodite" either, so it's really just leftist schizo behavior. It's just bullshit all-around.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 14 points ago +14 / -0

Oh definitely, they've already set up for that play:

"The statement noted that 'we communicated some next steps with our internal teams and wholesaler partners,' adding that 'we made it clear that the safety and welfare of our employees and our partners is our top priority.'"

SturmMilfEnthusiast 15 points ago +15 / -0

marketing VP for the brand since June 2022

Good fucking god, she hasn't even been in her position for a full year. There are serious diseases with longer incubation periods.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Civilization is measured by the length of the bread line, obviously.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 4 points ago +4 / -0

I put CW as #2 on the list of psychohazards to developing teenagers, right under unrestricted access to fetish porn.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 6 points ago +6 / -0

We're really not all that far off from liberals saying that the biological reality of pregnancy is just right-wing misogyny.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was a thing here for a while, though it's calmed down a bit. You can definitely tell how much worse it was for a while, because a lot of cars in my area still have battle damage.

I've got something weirder still going on. Once or twice a month, and only at night, people will just stop their cars in the middle of suburban roads. They don't park, they just come to a stop and leave it running. They're not waiting for anyone to get in or out. They're not checking their phones. They're just sitting there. I've watched them sit there and do nothing for upwards of 10 minutes.

I'm not intending on asking any of them what the fuck they're doing. Seems like a good way to get shot, or skinned.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 6 points ago +6 / -0

I've long believed that the number of sociopaths is massively underestimated because our idea of a sociopath is a charming manipulator, as if the average person has the intelligence to be that person, if they only lacked morals. Except we have a bunch of amoral retards: common criminals. They tend to be excused by their "circumstances," and while I don't doubt that circumstances can give you a rational reason to be hostile and selfish, that excuse gets stretched way too far, way too often, for people who are clearly just animals that can speak.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 2 points ago +2 / -0

One bit that's never addressed outright is how Mitchell's SG-1 isn't really a traditional military unit anymore. Mitchell technically gives the orders, but everyone else has more experience than him. Even the civilian scholar has more outright combat experience than him, let alone experience with alien shit. The writers seemed somewhat aware of it, and wrote the team members as being more independent, but leaving it unaddressed made it feel out of place.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 9 points ago +9 / -0

There was a period of time where gun rights were the one subject on /r/news that regularly made the front page and libs didn't have control over. The mods must have taken years to ban and filter to get to this point, on this one subject alone.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 10 points ago +10 / -0

Soros is peak lib blindness. It's not unusual for them to avert their eyes whenever one of their own does some evil shit, or when reality kicks their ideology's legs out from under it, but Soros has his fingers in so many things that they practically have to pretend that he doesn't exist. They treat him like a person-shaped something that just sort of floats around political discussions, and if you try to describe him beyond that, they have some kind of fit.

That being the case, I can respect anyone who doubles down and treats him like Moloch incarnate. Libs are gonna freak the fuck out anyways.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 4 points ago +4 / -0


I recall seeing clips from S2 and thinking the Borg queen sounded just like a Hybrid.

I really thought the plot of the season was going to be the Changlings bodysnatching people via transporter fuckery. Maybe Trek had gotten past its obsession with action movies and delved into horror. It was right there with the meaty Changlings and everything. But nope, it's the Borg again. We've literally flushed the Changling plot out an airlock. They just cannot let it go.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's really just the framing. GG is always described in a way that attributes its animus to its pro-GG participants, but what actually gave it life was the leftist meltdown, and the truths it revealed. GG wasn't "at fault" for the rightward shift, it's what we call the rightward shift, and that shift was the only sensible move under the circumstances.

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