SturmMilfEnthusiast -1 points ago +5 / -6

I get why people were concerned about it, but honestly, it's not a bad idea for a normie browser. Extensions have always been a malware minefield. Most browsers will already get in your way if you try to load a really sketchy page. This is just an extra layer of security.

I don't actually see them using this as trying to slip in browser-level censorship of wrongthink. It's too roundabout a way to do it, with too many ways it would fail, and not worth it for a browser as small as Firefox. Browser-level censorship would have to be a concerted effort from all the major browsers, and even then, it would still be the least likely way to do it. They've already successfully censored sites that ran counter to the mainstream, and they certainly didn't need to be this obtuse about it to accomplish it.

The browser having more control than the user is par for the course for a normie browser. It's necessary, really. We haven't come that far from the days of adware toolbars. If you want more control, or are a political dissident, you shouldn't be using Firefox to begin with.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 6 points ago +6 / -0

Modern tanks are close enough in battlefield performance that it's their use, not their individual strengths, that determine the outcome of the battle.

I remember in the first few months of the war seeing a video in which a bunch of infantry got blasted at point blank range by a tank. As in, literally standing next to the barrel, dead to muzzle blast range.

I wouldn't use this war as a metric for judging equipment. It all might as well multi-million dollar sharpened sticks for how it's used.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm relieved the strategy they employed with this didn't become too commonplace. This one they ran without any proof (the crime itself hadn't even been reported), waited a while for it to be called a hoax, and then decided to actually provide evidence. That all this happened while they knew the rapist was walking free is probably the only reason we haven't really seen it since. The media and the doctor were practically accessories to the rape. Turns out it's pretty difficult to have enough evidence of a crime to use it as a political cudgel while not implicating yourself.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 4 points ago +4 / -0

When confronted, leftists often try to defend themselves by concealment. Usually it's done by rejecting a specific label ("wokeness doesn't exist", "Marxism can't be postmodern", etc), or that leftism exists at all, but there's really nothing stopping them from pretending the argument itself doesn't exist. Sure, it requires lying even harder, but for leftists, that's a benefit. The more unbelievable the lie they can get away with, the happier it makes them.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 7 points ago +7 / -0

Useful and likeable can be very different things. Vengeful autists don't make good neighbors, and normies don't make good allies.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 17 points ago +17 / -0

She seems to have fallen off the face of the Earth sometime in February of last year. Notably, what I think is one of her last blog posts on her site (dumb bitch didn't think to date them) is about suicide. Hopefully she's finally returning all those calories to the land.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 4 points ago +4 / -0

That may be true, but they're still the masters of the moddable sandbox open-world, and not by a small margin. It really is impressive just how flexible the engine is. You can create your own world entirely and not even have to think about actor groups or loading zones, the engine just does it. Then you can drop a couple DLLs in the folder and change how the engine handles skeletons and animations.

The only engine I know of that even comes close to that level of flexibility is GZDoom, and it's a 25-year old overhaul of a 30-year old game so simple that it cut corners implementing all three dimensions.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a Logitech F710. I haven't used that one, but I've got an F310, and it's a really good deal for a budget PC controller. At one time, back when I got mine, it was the only good deal if you didn't want to fight with Joy2Key or Microsoft's shitty 360 controller drivers.

But if you're on a tight budget when designing a submarine, maybe just don't fucking design a submarine.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 3 points ago +5 / -2

I've always thought they looked pretty fucking wacky too. Look at that Star Wars Souls clone. Both the ginger dude and the bug-eyed black woman looked like their faces were entirely scarred, and I kept getting the impression they had beards even when they didn't. Ironically, I almost didn't recognize Tony Amendola because he didn't look exceptionally scarred to everyone around him. There's something just not right with the technology, or at least with the operators.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 19 points ago +19 / -0

You know, you can show kids virtually any cartoons made for them up until the 90s. Hell, I remember watching Tom and Jerry reels from the 40s. I don't know how many times I saw that original concert episode, and I'm older now than my grandpa was when that was made.

This shit though? This will have to go away. If we ever get out of this mess, there's going to be years of radioactive cultural waste that we're gonna have to deal with. It won't just be enough for it to fall out of favor, that this is culturally toxic will have to be common knowledge, and I don't have any idea what that would look like in practice.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 14 points ago +15 / -1

Game developers do have a way of scanning real human faces and making them look inhuman, so maybe. Wouldn't make me buy the game either way.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 2 points ago +3 / -1

That "neighbor" is a term that includes your enemies seems to be a fairly recent belief.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 15 points ago +15 / -0

Not really, but they're evil enough to pretend they did.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 30 points ago +30 / -0

Doubtful. They went dark because they're Reddit mods, and they're on a power trip. They've tried to spin all sorts of dumb little excuses, from appeals to fairness to accessibility, but they're Reddit mods, the exercise of power is the sole reason.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 8 points ago +8 / -0

The average Brit is almost physically incapable of not following the rules. Probably easier to just replace her, unless she's good at blowing or whatever it is that gets mid-level British bureaucrats off.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 0 points ago +3 / -3

In Feb this year, ocean temps rose so much and so fast that a third of the total warming since 1995 occurred in 3 weeks.

That's such a retarded way to put it. Feel free to look at the interactive chart for yourself. You get spikes with the oceans sometimes too (2001, 2018), and you sometimes warming periods are much higher overall compared to previous years (1997-1998, 2009-2010).

SturmMilfEnthusiast 6 points ago +6 / -0

He wasn't really brainwashed. Torvalds has always been a pissy little bitch at heart, of course he's gonna sign up for a political movement that gives him even more leeway to be a pissy little bitch.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 4 points ago +4 / -0

And I always say the same thing: If the entire dissident population can barely fight the mainstream, how do you expect such a small subset of dissidents to do it? Certainly nobody here has any right to be indiscriminate in tagging somebody as an ally or enemy based on their political effectiveness.

No matter how propaganda depicts them, the LGB side of things is a tiny minority, definitely now smaller than the rest of the gay alphabet. Unlike the TQA+, it wasn't really something you wanted to fake, and it definitely didn't spawn from the internet. And unlike ethnic minorities, they're spread out thinly enough that you don't have massive gay enclaves worth bribing, nor openly violent enough to chop your head off for being an infidel (Ts not withstanding here - they would if they could get away with it). They simply don't have the actual manpower to wield in the way other preferred identity groups do.

In practical terms it means that all gay and tranny power is a hologram. It's supported almost entirely institutionally, rather than from the will of the group itself. It moves exclusively by institutional will, and only grants a power as a favor to select few who will act as its proxy. That means you can't turn that power on itself.

I'm not under any illusions that the gays are probably gonna have to go back in the closet. Moreover, an intellectually honest academia would need to reopen a bunch of questions about the relationships between abuse and the GL, social pressures and the B, porn and the TQA+, at the least. That's without getting into how hard the Ts gotta be cracked down on. That's not gonna be fun for them, but society isn't such a precisely-engineered thing that you can make enough exceptions for everyone and still have it function. Every exception is a weak point for anti-social anarchists and sociopaths to target.

Even still, gay politics and trans politics are uniquely something that can only be understood, and therefore fought, by treating it as an institutional front, rather than the collective will of individuals in that group. Florida figured that out, and that's why they're one of the few places making strides against it.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 4 points ago +4 / -0

Honestly, that's probably what helped me as well. I always had great reading comprehension, but I came off like a fucking chimp whenever I opened my mouth or tried to put words to paper. Still do, if I try to speak off the cuff. It wasn't until a few years into my 20s that I came to the realization that I actually had some confidence in my writing.

Frustration with stupid politics really forces you to get precise with your language, and it's more of a technical skill than artistic one. It's something you can practice even if you have absolutely no talent for it. Trying to explain why it's not actually "all about the money" to some midwit left-lib you know, before their adderal stops working, is about the most technically challenging language task there is, and you'll definitely have enough opportunities to try.

SturmMilfEnthusiast 34 points ago +34 / -0

You hear the quote "tradition is a set of solutions for which we have forgotten the problems" occasionally. I sometimes wonder how much of the 'closet' was self-imposed just for gays to protect themselves from other gays, let alone the inevitable consequences that the worst among them brought about.

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