You wil be able to get a refund in this situation regardless of playtime. There are many countries in which you can't even create a psn account.
But he is handsome so it's okay teehee
I love womens rights
I won't play the game, I'm just against censorship. Kill yourself anyways tho
I haven't watched porn in years, niggerfaggot
Nah he is right. Cope and rope.
Women are the jews of gender so who cares. That said, you're a faggot.
So much for that
Guess everyone that called her a grifting thot just got proven right once again.
Are you retarded? You can just look it up.
So glad I'm an unhinged autist kek
A setting in Japan would have been the one thing to make me play this series once more. But no, they just had to put a nigger in there.
This cunt needs her face caved in
But this cuck must absolutely HATE anime
Ahem. I hate women. That's all.
hmm I wonder whose fault that is
kys lol
His daughter. But yeah, it's made by an Asian studio so chances are the characters will be attractive.
He's the same still but now he has an editor
Womens rights lmao
Hole moment. Every activity a man does that is not increasing his monetary or social value is a red flag to them. That's why playing football is fine but video games are not.
Seriously, stop opticscucking with petitions.