SendTomBoys 6 points ago +6 / -0

DD2 is fucking horrendous optimization-wise. I just don't fucking believe them. Their excuse is "hurk durk npc CPU der derr" but I've seen a dozen games that run better with more NPCs and bigger worlds.

This is just another in a long line of incompetent, shitbrained devs who can't figure anything out.

I'd be less inclined to rail them over mtx if the fucking game was mint. nobody has said anything about Helldivers 2 because its basically flawless and the only problem was suffering from success and nothing having enough servers.

SendTomBoys 9 points ago +9 / -0

Like people say about Trump... "He's just doing good thing because people like it!!"

Like ok? I prefer that to "they're doing bad things because fuck you they hate you and want you dead"

SendTomBoys 19 points ago +19 / -0

Half this comment is you admitting you don't know what the fuck is going on but asserting You still know better regardless.

This kind of low level, retarded trolling is getting old. I'd figured you'd want to stop acting like a retard at some point.

SendTomBoys 13 points ago +13 / -0

Women and soys were very upset when loads of men said that Rhonda Rousey couldn't beat them in a fight.

Firstly, Rhonda has exactly one move and that's an arm bar. She was real clever with it, getting flying leaps into arm bars and doing practically anything to get herself into position for it.

But brother, if you're even semi physically fit male, you ou can stand up with her hanging onto you and body slam her into early retirement. You don't have to be a martial artist to simply be too strong to let her get the clinch on the bar, or to again straight up refuse to be held down and simply slam her into the mat until she lets go.

SendTomBoys 2 points ago +2 / -0

I spent about 10 minutes on the internet looking into her when I first heard about her a few months ago.

Maybe I just have a special talent for knowing what kind of people, people are.

I could've told you she was a permanent lost cause after those 10 minutes.

She delights in psychopathic actions and statements. She talks about wanting to ruin marriages and make people cheat and wants to cheat on men that are sucker enough to get with her. She will say depraved things just to get a reaction.

She says and does anything for clout. She is mentally ill and probably retarded, but not in a way that keeps her from functioning.

SendTomBoys 5 points ago +5 / -0

When spear chuckers are handling faggotry the right way it makes my heart grow 3x as large.

Or maybe that's all the McDonald's I ate yesterday.

Either way.

SendTomBoys 12 points ago +12 / -0

I mean her jugs are covered in a long sleeve shirt

Yeah the framing appears to be more focused on her than the actual food but I find that to be a symptom of Social Media Brainrot which influences women to always make themselves the center of videos and pictures rather than her specifically showing tits

If she wanted to show her fat milkers she'd prolly have a more revealing shirt on

SendTomBoys 37 points ago +40 / -3

Mfw the handshake account doesn't proclaim he's a liar, just an opponent

SendTomBoys 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ain't no way not a single asshoe in here recommended Colter Wall.

Definitely give him a try. Sturgill Simpson as well.

It's more bluegrass but check out Steel Drivers and Matt Heckler .

SendTomBoys 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nigs love thinking about raping white women and stealing them away from massa and will immediately start ranting about it if provoked so let's do something about that

SendTomBoys 12 points ago +12 / -0

"You can't claim it's a Tarantino film unless you've watched it."

What the fuck kind of dumbfuck point is that? Its a non-point, it isn't true, it doesn't make sense. I can literally read The credits or look online.

SendTomBoys 4 points ago +4 / -0

Damn he's gay? Well at least he's not some Femboy faggot and looks somewhat masculine in the snippets I've seen of him (I don't watch the show obviously)

SendTomBoys 14 points ago +14 / -0

Physically disciplining someone you care about isn't about abusing them it's about an immediate corporal punishment that also acts as a moment of instruction that they did something worth hitting them over. It's literally doing them a favor.

It's better to get spanked or otherwise physically checked as a punishment at times because people need to learn that other people they don't know might be crazy might be a bulldog who fights anyone, or an authority figure they need to respect.

I promise you, smacking your daughter for being a piece of shit every now and then and making a lesson on why it happened and that they need to be careful acting that way in public... It's much better than her getting beat senseless by some dude who DGAF.

I swear one of the reasons feminism is as bad as it is, is that men stopped disciplining their daughters. Their son's as well, but a different topic.

SendTomBoys 4 points ago +4 / -0

Buy fallout 3 & New Vegas, then download Download A Tale of Two Wastelands.

It basically rectifies all mistakes and bugs between the two, adds some good QoL stuff not originally present, and is probably the best way to play them Vanilla+.

SendTomBoys 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dragonball never really grabbed me all that much but I respect a leader of the industry who practically saved it back in the day.

RIP Mr. Toriyama. Tell Goku to stop faffing around in the afterlife and get back to his family for us

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

Idk man Mooslims don't deserve anything more than Nazis so I don't get your point

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +1 / -0

The UK has been spineless since the end of WW2.

I understand why they wanted to do so many social programs to build back after the decimation of the War, but it clearly didn't work out because entitlements and freebies never do.

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +4 / -1

Lmao fuck you Tony, this pissant was doing the Destankis supporter meme of being a holier than thou, condescending shitbag nevertrumper calling all of us delusional, cultists, morons, what have you.

I'm not a worm who lets disrespect like that slide without some form of sincere apology. Suddenly "well it's clear Ron never stood a chance 🤓" after all that ain't working.

SendTomBoys 5 points ago +5 / -0

Can't tell if faggot mad that faggots aren't welcome or

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +7 / -0

I agree with a lot of this and it's also why I moved away from dating.

You say "it doesn't feel very nice when you know she wants to fuck your wallet" I agree as well. But it also doesn't feel good to know she doesn't want who I am. As someone who fluctuated wildly thru school and afterwards and has settled pretty fit atp, I became greatly disillusioned with women as a whole.

I was a fat kid and was bullied for it, hit puberty and trimmed up, and it stopped. I had some depression issues relating to ADHD meds I took in middle school and that fattened me up again, and the bullying recommenced. I trimmed up again with Rugby in high school. Fattened up again when the sports stopped. I've finally mostly regulated myself and am in a good spot, not as good as when I was a starting Prop but whatever.

I tell you the most hate and bullying I got was from women. I had guys "bully" me for weight, but really most of it was the guys trying to get me to be ashamed and get right, tho I couldn't help it at times like with medication. The women went from being attracted to treating me like I didn't exist or was inhuman scum, and back again. It was insane. The men didn't do that. It was just ribbing and pushing me to get better. They still were my friends or acquaintances, talked to me.

Honestly I don't know how you guys do it, but more power to you. I can't anymore. Seeing it happen in real time how women dehumanize you and go psychotically cold toward you based on attraction levels was nutty. Made me very wary of them.

SendTomBoys 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, actual retards usually think this shit is hilarious.

Funny thing about them is they usually take life less seriously that uptight leftoid scum

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