I read an article a while back saying playing as Franklin increases empathy among racists by playing as a black. So take that for what it's worth, which is likely nothing.
It couldn't be that Chicago suffers from single mother households and jogger worshipping culture, that'd be [insert here]-ist.
No one cares that you're a faggot, go back to reddit
As sexual devients. I agree.
I can't remember the source but you've probably seen the idea that the top 20% of men sleep with the top 80% of women. Automation of manual labour is what the globohomos want and will only increase. I believe them when they say they want to kill 90% of us.
I hope your ps4 sets on fire so you can understand. 144hz monitors are cheap these days, friend.
Calling 60 perfect, what a pleb. I hope everyone here pirated too, so to not give sjws money.
"Major corporations have one permanent over-arching interest: money."
In days past, sure, but I think those days are long gone, it's a willfully ignorant or falsified, leftist viewpoint that the only function of corporations is profit. Whilst I'm sure, to them, number one is still money, the close number two is a lot more insidious.
I don't believe Hanlon's bollocks anymore, they know what they're doing. Even if big companies are pulling this kind of thing just to line their pockets I don't see what difference it makes when they're so complicit in breeding the degeneracy that surrounds us.
Those two things are one and the same
Some say you can see the Chinese government's bed from space.
Cucker is controlled opposition
But why doesn't he make any public appearances? Covid-21, silly.
Aaand now I can no longer drink hobgoblin, thanks.
Extends to the whole of western society really. Though you could argue "the corporations" and "the state" have social engineered us into this mess, I still like the point you make.
Maybe I'm just a miserable fucker but can we not just leave this 'wholesome' faggotry to redditors?
If they live that long, coomer.
It's an act. They know what they are.
It's sad when anyone decides to be an hero but I can't imagine a way in which it was related to the 6th. Unless he shot that poor woman but they were/are gonna get away with it soo what am I missing?
Whilst you're more likely correct than not, I wish it was just fatties and uggos that spouted this tripe.
They really do want us dead, don't they. I think we should come up with a special handshake so that we eat our kia2 bros last once we're in the gulag. Sorry if that was a bit dark, it's the blackpills talking.
I don't think anyone on here really thinks Bidens 'win' was legitimate. Anyone who isn't a fake news fed midwit would have at least a suspicion of foul play. I agree though, long overdue, I hope it's the start of something bigger but realistically the west is to far gone by now.
Am I mentally defective for laughing at the third picture of that listing? Like wow the book is the size of a book who woulda thought.
This way they can more easily claim moderate views are 'far right', makes sense to me.
Since 2014 over 1000 people have been killed or injured by 'asylum seekers' in the EU, ask him, does the same 'if it saves one life' logic apply to immigration?
'Yikes' and 'I read this as x' is cookie cutter, smooth brain rhetoric, you're better than this Antonio.