posted ago by BewareTheSuperman ago by BewareTheSuperman +44 / -2

There was a post titled 'Stop saying it must get worse before it gets better' posted a bit less than two weeks ago.

The intent of this... I guess you'd call it a bit of a rebuttal, isn't to discredit or belittle the OP of that post -- I sympathize with their message; however as was pointed out in the threads of that earlier post to various degrees, it kinda does have to get worse before enough people will be spurred to do anything.

Clownfish TV -- a married couple of center-left creatives with prior ties directly with Disney who comment on the greater happenings in pop culture and entertainment (I'm sure many of us are familiar) -- posted a video today exposing further overreaches in Cancel Culture, titled 'Kevin Sorbo Facebook NUKED! Anime Con BANNED by Stripe Over Vic Mignogna?!'.

In short, nuking Cara Dune for accurately pointing out that the Left is effectively acting like Nazis by dehumanize their detractors isn't enough. Now, were seeing more actors, more entertainers getting shafted.

A payment processor has gone so far as to lock out an entire con's ability to use their services, just because they had the gall to invite a guest star that is effectively persona non grata in the eyes of Leftist entertainment.

Now, this is old news to many of us; even if the events are fresh, cancelling people socially, professionally, and financially is old hat for the Left by this point.

However, these overreaches have to continue to get more people to notice, more people to clamor for a counter to this madness.

I've stated before that you don't need the moderate collective to enact change since they just tend to follow the aggregate, as we're painfully seeing with the Left's shift into totalitarianism under the guise of equality. "You only need 3.5% of a population to force change..."

While I stand by that, with every act of callousness by the greater Left, it forces a response from more and more people, and could potentially lead to it taking years rather than decades to effectively counter their efforts, which leads to this:

The Left is parasitically tied to our industry, to our governance, to our finance, and increasingly to our defense (this one is super scary), to the point where the only two options are to drive them out of the current system, or build parallel systems so that their reach is effectively neutered.

The later is probably the only option we really have, because of how dug in they are to the current system. So, welcome the spurned, build up your communities, and support secession in all but name by gradually turning towns to counties to whole states into effective anti-Fed zones.