Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

As a foreigner I'm going to assume the black cone shaped penis represents' the men's room.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Come to Georgia we have cities, towns, and a vast biome for your movie making needs!

And with the tax rebates from the extra revenue generated I'll be able to buy more guns.

Jack 9 points ago +9 / -0

A rare instance where "white man stealing from people of color" being uttered from the left and I'm nodding in agreement.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

You can steal the tech but they own the designs and manufacturing technique, they (ASML and TMSC) will sue your ass. China don't care, they'll do the bare minimum to avoid sanctions while developing their own semiconductor technology and when it's ready they'll mass produce and tell you to fuck off.

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

They're at least competent regardless of how anyone feels about them.

Personally I think he's a mix bag with the older stuff being a lot better. Transformers and Turtles sucked, but The Rock and Bad Boys are pretty dang good movies.

Jack 25 points ago +25 / -0

And when those white kids grow up racist liberals will blame Trump.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm a believer of releasing on own recognizance with exception to the obvious.

It should work in a manner where your word is your bond, you break your bond your word will no longer be enough to bail your ass out in the future.

NOT, $0 bail no matter how many times you go gta while having pending court dates. Fucking liberal idiots.

by folx
Jack 9 points ago +9 / -0

Gillian Anderson's character in the tv show The Fall (sucked don't recommend.) said something to the other detectives while looking into a serial killer that was something like

In a questionnaire when asked what men is most afraid of when it comes to women they said they fear women would laugh at them. When women are asked the same question about men they said they fear men would kill them.

And the room of male detectives fell silent and no one had an answer and everyone just kept their eyes down as if they felt ashamed of their gender.

Well motherfucker, I wish I was in the fucking room because if you make a goddammed square diagram of men and women with the same stupid question:

men -women: they might laugh at them at their insecurities. i.e. weight, status, hair, penis size, etc

women - men: they might kill them

men - men: they might kill them

women - women: they might laugh at their insecurities. i.e. fashion, weight, body and facial features, status, etc

What makes them not think males also perceive male strangers to be a threat, or at least a greater threat then a female. Oh right biology, they don't prescribe to that branch of science.

Jack 6 points ago +7 / -1

FaG clout chasing fakeness.

Girls miring at the end was pretty funny, I can just imagine she's thinking "now this is the kind of strong unbridled alpha man I want to have my babies with. You know, not raise them with just have them with."

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Learn war on your own time, at your own pace. Take our accredited online officer training course today, learn to become tomorrow's leaders of men in the comfort of your home in your pajamas!

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you for this amazing write up. You synopsis is infuriating enough, I don't know how you subject yourself to this and I'm ashamed my main takeaway from this was:

Goddamn Bishop, where are your molars and pre-molars? The dude is all incisors.

And of course the one "white" "guy" on the team is.. that thing... the kind of guy who watches the recommended videos on free porn sites just for the black dicks.

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

They're whining to themselves at the workplace about him to the point of considering going to HR.

Mean girl isn't just direct bullying. It's creating an us vs them situation. A group of girls at work talked together and reached consensus that they're in the right and he has created an uncomfortable workplace for them. That's the mean girl part, they don't have to actually bully the guy they just have to use him as a way to speculate, create a problem, gossip and bond together in creating a solution for a problem they created all the whole not taking a breather to check with reality.

She literally posted this crazy shit on Reddit for christ sakes, that's enough to convince me the hens constructed their own little world in the henhouse

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

National protests against pension changes

A sea of white people in the video


Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

Disagree, he's gotta be mid or ugly that's why they're mean girling him.

If he's hot they would've done scout work to find out where he lived, current and past 3 relationships and create sock puppets for his social media accounts. And the reddit post wouldn't be titled:

A colleague at work (27m) of 1 year refuses to socialise with me (24f) or any of the women in our office.

it would be

Mysterious, broody guy at work (27m) of 1 year doesn't notice me even though I (24f and hawt but slightly thicc*) send him signals all the time. Help!


Jack 10 points ago +10 / -0

You realize they have an openly feminist government that has a minimum level of female power enshrined in their fake constitution, right?

Yeah and the people there been crying about election fraud even before 2020. No one* believes Tsai Ing-wen won legit and she's mired in controversy on top of the election but like Sleepy and Trudeau, mainstream media says fuckall about it. Globalist gonna do what they do.

I don't know how old you are and maybe because I'm an old head but I have a soft spot for the Four Asian Tigers, they prove our way, not commie's way, works.

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

"We already had good-looking guys, no homo."

Now class, can you see where Cam Thomas made his mistake?

That's right, he used the word homo, which is derogatory term for homosexuals.

So how should have Mr. Thomas expressed himself?

No one? Well, he should've chosen his words more carefully and made it clear he is not trying to offend the LGBTQP community.

So he should've said something like:

"We already had good-looking guys, although I identify as a cisgender male and a proud Black POC, but if I were a gay identifying individual, I would not hesitate to hookup and let them fuck my mouth in the stalls inside our locker room."

Okay, that's enough current events discussion for now. Class, let's take out our hormones and take our doses.

Jack 15 points ago +15 / -0

I can't believe this is real. I wish it's real but it's just too fucking crazy.

Edit: 15 minutes of twitter research and some articles, I'm going to believe it's real unless proven otherwise.

Also, I wanna salute all the participants of the great AI war of 2022-20??. I'm just a piece of shit waiting on the sideline, hoping once AI goes mainstream someone would take existing tech and un-lobotomize it for the rest of us. But you guys are fighting the good fight, exposing and calling out the bullshit faggotry OpenAI and other AI devs are doing and for that you have my respect.

Jack 14 points ago +14 / -0

What the fuck is this, why is this here? This aint your geocities page.

Jack 16 points ago +16 / -0

The lady doth kâpapâmahchakwêw too much, methinks.

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know I asked this before either on here or rkia2 but what's the best Wheel of Time book to start with? Just go by release or chronological? Or is there a really good one that'll get me hooked and then go back from the start? I been meaning to give it a go for decades now lol figure it's time.

Also, shame that in the 2000s there was a time where we had Sin City, 300 and Watchmen on the big screens and I thought "wow the future of comic film adaptions are gonna be awesome"

Boy how wrong I was. Not only did woke trash killed tv and movies, they also killed comics. But it's okay, like you said, I got old content.

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

It went something like this

Phone on Xi's desk rings

Xi: Wassup Beijing.

Biden: Wassup Beijing, sir, the balloon has been discovered, may we shoot it down?

Xi: No, not yet. (Hangs up.)

3 days later

Xi: You may shoot it down now, but off the coast for plausible deniability.

Biden: Okay, thank you.

Xi: What?

Biden: Thank you, sir.

Xi: Good. (Hangs up)

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's Portland so I don't feel bad. Fuck'em, if they charge 10 bucks or so for streaming feed of their city cams I would pay for it.

edit: Apparently the cleanest part of Portland is their sub-reddit. 6 results from the past year using keyword Junkie. Is there a real sub where people from Portland post the reality of living there?

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

This makes me want to retroactively get my money back from EA. Is there some kind of legal, nondestructive, malicious compliance like method for me to waste EA's time and money so I can feel like I cost them the approximate amount I've given them for the past 25 years?

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